Saturday 25 June 2011

What Do You Have in Your Pushcart?

I have to admit. I've never heard of Efren Peñaflorid until the day he gave speech in the 2011 MDRT Experience. Or maybe our newspaper did publish the news when he was named CNN Hero of the Year for 2009 but I was too ignorance then? 

Anyway, having the opportunity to listen to this young gentleman is a great experience. He is sincere, humble and noble. When "normal" teenagers busy dealing with their hormon issues, Efren turned his dream into reality. He pushes his little cart of classroom and reach out to those that do not have education opportunity. At age of 16, he started the "Dynamic Teen Company" with the aim to help others. They are making small yet significant effort.

Let us, i mean everyone of us, start our one small step of good deed today!

"Before, a pushcart was a symbol of poverty, but now it is a symbol of hope and education" ~ Efren Penaflorida

X-men: First Class

我原本不想再看super hero movies了,真的,倦了厌了。已经几年的精神轰炸了,好莱坞还是没有半点停下来让人歇一歇的念头。X-men系列也已经渐显疲态,Hugh Jackman再有魅力,还是无法挽救X-Men Origins - Wolverine……会到戏院去看X-men First Class,完全是为了想体验在戏院里坐在bean beg上看戏的感觉。为此,我和恩特地跑到First Avenue去。无奈我们到现场时票已售完,总不可能白走一趟吧?当然是买普通的票进场咯(还买一送一呢!)

意料之外的是,这竟然是至今最好看的一部X-men。Professor X 和 Magneto 的童年故事叙述得简单紧凑,感情铺排细腻,导演Matthew Vaughn把Professor X 和 Magneto的“未来性格”、未来交手时的理所当然与矛盾的悲剧铺排得这么的理所当然,一班mutant的感情和成长写得天真好玩真挚,最重要的是,James McAvoy和Micheal Fassbender的荧幕魅力无法挡。

Sunday 19 June 2011



我错过了在电影院看Kungfu Panda的机会,只能和老弟在家里坐在电脑前笑得眼泪直流。所以,Kungfu Panda 2是我无论如何一定要到戏院里去和一群不认识的小孩子们一起笑翻天的。意外的是,Kungfu Panda 2的笑料不如第一集(至少我没有笑到泪流满脸),故事却比第一集更鲜明精彩,电影角色刻画也比第一集深刻丰富(这一次我终于对Furious 5有感情了)。而且,好莱坞很少能够把中国元素拿捻得着么好的。我有点叹为观止。单单是影片开场戏部分类似于剪纸和皮影风格的细腻画面就可以让许多中国电影人惭愧了。End credit的中国元素也是趣味怏然的,让我想起小时候那些薄薄一小本的哪咤、西游记等中国漫画……曲终人散时有点儿恍惚……

在所有角色中,我最爱的非Lord Shen莫属,除了因为Gary Oldman,也因为他简直‘有型’到‘爆’!他第一次亮相时以尾巴为武器横扫,然后来个漂亮的孔雀开屏,一气呵成的动作设计真的令很多武侠电影汗颜的。(不知为什么,电影史上,坏人总是比好人更能带来视觉上的震撼。你看Lord Vader vs Master Yoda; Lord Shen vs Master Shifu / Po,在视觉上总是气势vs滑稽的。当然,精神上仍然是正派的哲理更能打动人心。你看Po和Shifu的四两拨千斤!那天人合一,万物一体的哲理;那以柔克刚,以静制动的精神!还真的不得不佩服Dreamworks那班天才,以熊猫黑白带出太极阴阳这样深邃的哲学,真是亏他们想得到。)

电影情节在这儿不说了,只能告诉你的是,只要你求的是视觉上的盛宴以及绝对的娱乐,Kungfu Panda 2一定不会令你失望。

Thursday 16 June 2011

Super 8

Super 8 一口气点了我的几个死穴:
1. Steven Speilberg - 任何电影海报,只要加上这位天才电影人的名字,必定可以轻易把我骗进戏院。如果有一天外星人跑来我家求我给意见,说要把Hollywood铲平,只想留下两个电影人,让一切从新开始,我一定会说,留下Steven Spielberg和Walt Disney吧(我本来想说只留下一个人的,但想来想去,我毕竟还是不舍得Disney那一支的娱乐文化。)
2. 科幻 - 我是科幻题材的死忠支持者。写得好的科幻小说、拍得好的科幻电影,有时候好比哲学入门,那是让你禁不住思考着那些未知……
3. J. J. Abrams - 老实说,我从来不是他的影迷,在Star Trek之前我甚至连他的名字都不曾听过。然而,自从他把那个渐显疲态的老题材搞得有声有色、神采飞扬、精彩万分后,我一直想知道他还有多少板斧,还能够给我们多少惊喜……
4. Dakota Fanning(别误会, 我绝对知道女主角是Elle Fanning)- 自从Taken开始,我就爱上她了。她是天生的演员,有一种令人无法抽开视线的魅力,叫人随着她的角色的喜怒哀乐而微笑、叹息、流泪……为此,我很想知道,演绎细胞是不是遗传的,Elle Fanning是不是也如她姐姐在镜头前不容忽视的charisma。

以上四点再加上现在Citibank和TGV合作的buy 1 free 1 promotion,我实在找不到不去戏院看这部电影的理由。

如果你和我一样缅怀七十年代末、八十年代初的浪漫(以及Steven Spielberg式的天真单纯),如果你也认为科幻电影的故事远比CGI来得重要,如果你已经对super heroes电影有了审美疲劳,你一定会爱上这部电影。

去电影院看吧,去坐在那黑漆漆的空间仰望大荧幕,去缅怀过去也好(给七字辈或更老的),去窥视七十年代末也好(给八字辈或更年轻的),去体会导演简单却有力的叙事能力也好,去看年轻演员们的出众演技和魅力也好(应该真的有演绎基因这一回事吧,Elle Fanning绝对不比姐姐逊色!老天,你看她那会说话的眼睛!!而Joel Courtney,哎哟,这小孩怎么能这么轻易地以爱与痛牵引着我的情绪? ),甚至是单纯的为了娱乐也好,去电影院看吧,有一些电影是属于大荧幕的。

(剧终后别急着离场,Charles这‘大导演’的"The Case"方要上映!而且,过后你别忘了随着My Sharona轻快节奏边唱边摇 )

Thursday 9 June 2011

Full of Shit!!


我的堂外甥今年十岁,是小胖一名,体重决对远远超出了普通成年女性。在学校因不是“普通的乖小孩”而小有名气。某日,堂姐接到学校的紧急电话,说小胖忽然病倒了,须要家长速到学校。堂姐丢下手头上所有的工作,和另一名热心的同事十万火急赶到现场。到了学校,还有专人特地指挥交通,让堂姐可以在违规的情况下反方向在单行道行驶,好让她可以更快速的直驶到学校大门口,特允她把车子停在最靠近课室楼梯口的地方。堂姐突然受到如此Super VIP待遇,更是觉得事有蹊跷。

1. 小孩便秘绝对是一件可大可小的事,不可忽视。
2. 小孩便秘时,即使每天躲进厕所,别相信他真的是在大便。
3. 无论在什么情况下,full of shit总是教人痛苦的。

Thursday 2 June 2011






Thursday 26 May 2011

How to Turn Impossible Into Success

Until now, I still can't believe this! Alvin Lee actually leave a comment in my blog!! I got so excited this morning in my office when I saw his comment through gmail (we can't access to blogs through company internet). I'm dying to come home and tell the whole world that the person that inspire me actually leave a comment in my blog!! :-)

OK, so you heard me talking about the speech. Now you can go to the following link to view the highlights of his speech "The 2011 MDRT Experience: How to Turn Impossible Into Success"

Tuesday 3 May 2011

Building Your Sandcastles

I attended the MDRT Experience in Singapore a few months back, and I was inspired by all the great speakers, where they have been doing their very best to strive for success in all areas of their lives. I have been planning to blog about some of the great speakers and their inspiring speeches. Finally, here I am :) 

I'd like to start with my favorite, the last speaker of the first long day who lighten up the hall. His spirit is so high that he made all of us laughed, sighed, gasped and held back a tear: Alvin Lee - The Sand Castle Builder from Castle Can Fly. Too bad that I can't share his original speech here......

He is the type of father that every kids dream of. When his kids (including his own children and niece) wanted to learn drawing, he let them start with A4 paper, then Mahjong paper, and they ended up drawing murals in his house! (kids never learn how to draw within the paper, he said). When his kids wanted to learn to fly a kite, he made them a kite so big that he can tie his younger son on it and try to fly him! (I think you can get the idea on all the fun that his kids enjoyed as a kid)

Building sandcastles started out as one of those fun weekend activities for his children and niece. Since he believe in "if you want to dream, dream BIG", they went to library to do some research and they decided to make a sand castle like the one in the right! 

He then discovered that there was actually no sandcastle-making kit in the market (that was in mid of1990s). He went to Singapore Toys R Us and the manager told him that "if you can't find it here, you can't find it elsewhere". He tried to call his friends and relatives in Australia, US and Europe, he also fax to a few key toy makers then but all came back with negative answers. He then turned his kitchen into a workshop(salute his wife!), started to saw pipes, making blocks etc that can be used to mould the sand for the different parts of sandcastle. From initial basic drawings of lines and shapes, he went on to modelling and prototyping of his newly created toy designs with plastic items. With those prototypes and amazing experiments, his kids enjoyed the homemade sandcastle building set. 
A good friend of him pointed him towards commercialising the self-made tools into a business venture. So he tried to sell this idea to a few toys company, including Singapore Toys R Us. The GM then told him that toy business profit margin is paper-thin and he assure Alvin that his new design is not going to make it. He almost wanted to give up but "How do you tell your children that it cannot be done? That you want to give up?" So he resigned from the corporate world (he's a GM in a MNC then), flew to US with his business plan and passion, and successfully launched and marketed his Beachworks Brand in major toy stores in the United States since 1997. He came back to Singapore with a patent that pay so well that he can stop working for at least 3 years. He went to Singapore Toys R Us again, the GM said "See, I've told you, you'll make it!" :)

I can imagine all the rejections and difficulties that he has to face, and the courage to resign from a well-paid position to become an entrepreneur. Only great people with vision and perseverance can make it happened. Most of us have dreams, and yet, we let them stay as dreams. Actions may not ensure your success, but only actions can make the dreams come true.....Let's act NOW!

If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put foundations under them. ~ Henry David Thoreau

An example of his sand castle building training:

Engineer, Innovator, Entrepreneur, Author, Motivational Speaker, Corporate Trainer, and A Family Man. Those are what Alvin Lee all about.

Sunday 24 April 2011


从槟岛驾往半岛,倒后镜是槟岛山脉的轮廓,眼前是亲切的大山脚Cheruk Tokun,两旁是一片蔚蓝碧绿斑驳着波光粼粼,路上飞驰的车子在和煦阳光下反射着银光,大桥上充满着生命力。

Monday 11 April 2011


我有个无可救药的虚荣心:收集世界文化遗产。所以,此行的最大目标,当然非Borobudur和Prambanan莫属。不过,和Prambanan比较起来,Borobudur更令人挂肚牵肠。或许是因为我们对佛教比较熟悉亲切,或许是为了Hotel Manohara的清幽环境,或许,就单单为了婆罗浮屠独有的,神秘得来又平实的魅力。



那一天,近Gunung Merapi和Gunung Merbabu的云层都特别厚。大家虽然还怀着一线希望,但始终知道看见日出的机会渺茫,于是我们开始在幽幽微蓝中于婆罗浮屠内漫游。

适逢象征 Arupadhatu的顶端被关闭维修,我们最高也只恰恰能在象征Rupadhatu的中层当中游走。当大小佛塔尖顶在即将翻鱼肚白的幽蓝晨曦中划出剪影,我近乎疯狂。千年地砖微微泛着蓝光,在佛塔群中铺出一条迈向为来未知的康庄大路。





日惹之游荡:Hotel Manohara