Thursday 2 January 2014

Day 29 - Still In Progress

I know I know, i supposed to complete my 30 Day Beach Body Program by now. That's what I determined to do too but sometimes things just don't unfold as per our plan, and this is definitely one of those.

28th Dec 2013. We went to Grand Palace (under the hot sun, of course), and went shopping at Siam Paragon. By the time we reached Waterford Service Apartment, it was around 8:30pm and I had terrible headache. I wanted to go for massage but Ah Wei and En insisted that there's no fun to go shopping without me. So I followed them to Siam Paragon again, as a kind hearted gesture. We ended up in night market after Siam Paragon was closed. By the time we reached our service apartment, had hot-water-foot-soak, showered, and finally climbed up to our bed, it was way passed midnight.

29th Dec 2013, aka Day 29 of the program, I woke up at 7:45am. Felt slightly better than previous night but I knew I haven't recover fully. I decided to do the 50 Curtsy Lunges as per the program, and I did. Unfortunately, I didn't have enough energy for the 100 I didn't want to over stress my body so on 29th Dec 2013, I completed only half of Day 29. 'Catch up at home next year', I told myself.

I gave myself 2 days off after came back from Bangkok, and today supposed be the day I catchup on the workout. I woke up at 5:50am, and started some simple punching, followed by 10 froggies as warmups. While doing the lunges, out of sudden, I had unstoppable sneezing. After 30 lunges and maybe more than 100 sneezes, I decided that I shouldn't insist to continue using my mind power, but listen to my body instead. I went back to my bed, hid under my blanket, and rested until 6:45am.

First working day of 2014, I sneezed and sneezed and sneezed. My boss shooed me to get mc. So here I am, after a good 2 hours nap, now sitting in my garden writing this blog post during working hours.

What a way to start 2014.

Wednesday 1 January 2014