Friday 13 December 2013

Day 13 - Fooled by Own Perception

I thought Day 13 should be easy. At least, from the videos, Day 13 seems easy.

Since I'm not working today, I allow myself to snooze the alarm for 2 times before I get up to my Hour of Power. "I can finish the 30 Day Beach Body Challenge in few minutes so I can steal a few minutes to sleep", that's my own excuse when I snoozed my alarm.

I started my 30 Day Beach Body Challenge with 50 forward lunges. I stopped at first 10 because I found this easy. I continued the another 40 with dumbbells.

Everything seems according to plan until I started the plank walks.....

When I first saw the name of the workout, I imagined it involving moving around while planking. But when i watched the video, it shows movements on that same spot, seems super easy. Besides, I have done many planks by now. "How hard can this be?" I asked myself.

Well, it is not something that I can handle. Instead of doing continuously 50 in a few minutes like I imagined, I have to take a break after every 10 plank walks and it took me almost 15 minutes to finally complete all 50!!

This is exactly why The Wise One told us to practice non-judgement. One can easily fooled by own perception. 

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