Tuesday 17 December 2013

Day 17 - Getting Better, Even in Push Ups

When I say I'm getting better, I am not really good at this yet, but at least I'm better than I were before. Very low benchmark, I know, but don't day say "the only person you should try to be better than, is the person you were yesterday"?

When I saw "35 push ups", I almost wanted to give up. Sound impossible. I don't know how my arms can survive the session. Worse still, "35 push ups" are combined with "100 mountain climbers". Arms workout overloaded! I couldn't decide which one to start first.

At the end, I decided that instead of focusing on what I cannot do, I should focus on the possible. So I started my workout with "100 mountain climbers". To my surprise, I have totally no problem with this. 100 without break, with alternate speed of fast and slow in between.

After the 100 mountain climbers, here come the real challenge: 35 push ups. I can't really do the push ups with the correct posture. I can't keep my elbows tight into the torso. They keep on flaring out during ascending and descending. However, I don't care. I only want to make sure I can survive the 35 push ups, with or without correct posture.

Without focusing on the posture, I have my mind fixed on drawing all energy to my arms. I went up and down, up and down, and without realising I already did 15 push ups! By 18th, I really couldn't do it anymore so I switched to the easier variation with my knees on the floor and completed the rest. I know, I still haven't completed the whole workout as it was designed, but, still, I'm proud of my progress :)

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