Showing posts with label 悠悠我心. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 悠悠我心. Show all posts

Friday 10 April 2015

The White House

When I was small, maybe around 4 or 5 years old, my dad used to work in Kota Bharu for a brief period. I don't have much memories about that place, only pieces here and there of the good old days.

I remembered the stairs beside dad's office that leading up to second or third floor to our hostel; I remembered my metal frame bed where I always secretly throw grape seeds into a hole on that frame, hoping for a vine bed;

I remembered the flood and some weird Malay-grammar-hokkien;

I remembered the Malay girl that always come to play with me. I spoke zero Malay or English then, and she spoke zero English or Chinese. However, we did have great time playing masak-masak and many other games that I couldn't recall now;

I remembered the banana leaf curry house. Back then, eating with bare hand, taking food from the banana leaf was a special experience for me;

And among these, the one that I had the most vivid memory is "White House". Some how, I always remembered the red-brick columns, the chairs, and the perfect half-boiled-eggs. As a 4 years old (or 5), I think my mum fed me only the half-boiled eggs and bread from this shop while they had those awesome nasi dagang.

So every time I visit Kota Bharu, I have to make sure that "White House" is in my itinerary. For nostalgic reason, and for the great childhood food.

I respect the person who did the DOE and perfected the half-boiled-eggs. Today, they are still using this traditional method of metal cup and boiled water, and yet, the half-boiled-eggs are better than those that I cook with the Tupperware half-boiled eggs cooker.

All of us ordered a set of famous half-boiled eggs + roti bakar with kaya and butter + coffee. Of course, we also sampled all the types of rice being sold there. My personal favorite is the nasi dagang. THE BEST!

Nasi Topeng

Nasi Lemak

Nasi Dagang Ikan

Nasi Dagang Ayam

We were so impressed, that we stopped here for the kaya and coffee before we traveled back to Penang. However, by the time we reached, the shop was already half-closed. We plead to the shop owner and finally they agreed to sell us a dozen bottles of kaya, and a few loaves of bread. No chance for coffee though as the kitchen was already closed.

Address: 1329-L, Jalan Sultanah Zainab, 15050, Kota Bharu, Kelantan, 15050
Phone:09-748 4119

Saturday 14 February 2015







Thursday 29 January 2015



《从前慢》 ~木心~
说一句 是一句
你锁了 人家就懂了 









Wednesday 31 December 2014










Thursday 23 October 2014




Tuesday 12 August 2014

Thank you, Robin William

Thank you, Robin William. You made me laugh, and you made me cry.

When I'm at the transition stage from preteen to teenage, I asked a lot of questions about life. I'm still asking today, but it was Death Poets Society that made that transition smooth and less painful.

O Captain my Captain.

Thursday 24 April 2014


孟子曰:「天將降大任於斯人也,必先苦其心志,勞其筋骨,餓其體膚,空乏其身,行拂亂其所為,所以動心忍性,增益其所不能。」 所以,我们一生中注定了要面对各种大大小小的挫折及考验。







繁星流动 和你同路
从不相识 开始心接近

人生如梦 朋友如雾
难得知心 几经风暴
为着我不退半步 正是你

遥遥晚空 点点星光 息息相关
替我解开心中的孤单 是谁明白我
情同两手 一起开心 一起悲伤
彼此分担 总不分我或你
你为了我 我为了你
共赴患难 绝望里紧握你手

Wednesday 23 April 2014











Tuesday 25 February 2014







几个星期过去了, 她还是一副绿叶油油的模样,大家开始觉得‘神’了,于是走近细看。只见枝干底部开始长根!大伙儿大呼不可思议!



Monday 17 February 2014


我有些朋友渴望吃得健康,却懒得下厨。我因为每天下班后回家就有热腾腾的饭等着我,所以没有什么资格高谈阔论煮一餐饭有多简单。 (我虽然一直自认有一点儿天分,但我下厨的几率应该比你碰上蓝月亮的几率还要低。原因是,我妈妈是个天才,每一餐她总要竭尽所能煮出合乎每个人口味的食物,所以我基本上英雄无用武之地。)





我的个人口味非常极端,要么就重口味如sambal、perut ikan、asam pedas等,要么我就喜欢清清淡淡的食物天然味道。 今天走清淡路线。


1。鸿喜菇在滚烫的开水里烫一烫。放一旁。 (水别扔了)

我没另加任何调味料,只靠猪肉那一定点酱油和小辣椒‘吊味道’。 包菜必须处于半生熟之间才会有爽口的香脆口感。吃不惯太清淡的朋友可以自加盐。



7。再把最后一片猪肉片盖上。淋一点儿酱油,加一点点鱼露(真的只是一点点哦!只要 hint of 鱼露而已哦)





Sunday 22 December 2013








Saturday 7 December 2013

Birth Month Concluded

OK, I'm crazy. I admit. But I think I am"experienced" enough to have the privilege to celebrate birth-month instead of birth-day.

First of all, Wei Wei and En En came back on the first weekend of November. So we had a very nice dinner at Miraku.

The next day, we had a very simple afternoon tea in the garden. Second aunt and my cousins were here too. It was a rainy day. We enjoyed the cool breeze, had great chat and great fun and great nap in the garden.

Wei and I went to Haagan Dazs to collect my free scoop of ice-cream. We met a sort-of-OCD worker there. We ordered "ice-cream-on-brownie". He said "ON brownie? Not at the side?" We said yes, on brownie. The photo on the right shows how it was served. Brownie on one side, the scoop of ice-cream at the other side, and all the cream / peanuts are separated too. I guessed he must have hate people mixing everything together :) 
Anyway, after the short break, I bought home 3 pints of Haagen-Dazs so that we can share with everyone. Mum always loves the fruity flavor and dad always loves Belgium Chocolate. 

The day before my birthday, I received a extremely thoughtful gift from a lovely friend. I was so touched! Really can't thank her enough. This gift also started to make me think of getting a craft class in year 2014. I haven't learn a new skill for too long already!

The night before my birthday, I had a very simple dinner at Patio with a group of energetic youth. I'm charged :)

When I reached my office on my birthday, there's a lovely note on my table. I love this small little surprise. The even more surprise fact: that ribbon is an origami! Hand made! By that little girl herself!
I love it :)

Though everyone was super busy, we managed to have a very simple and sweet birthday celebration at one of our favorite lunch spot. I enjoyed that to the max.
Too bad that we have to leave BH eating alone as all of us have to rushed back to factory before the gate is closed. 

The night of my birthday, I be the best daughter in town, having the simplest meal with my dad and mum at home :) After the dinner, I sat in front of my computer writing thank you notes to everyone that sent their wishes.

The next morning, another lovely gift on my desk. That Gerbera really made my day! It has this vibrant orange that says "cheer up and be happy"

The week after that, we had our usual "selves-birthday-celebration" but this round the guys have more important things to do so two of us had a ladies night out at Abbey Road instead. Lots of catch up to do.

The next night, meet up with another 2 girl friends for catch up too. Most of our friends are already married with kids, so it is always easier to make the appointment happened if it is only 3 of us...... Sign of getting older....

En came back again for bridge run. I forced him to buy me dinner again. Haha! Though the credit card bill will be settled by me later but it is really fun to let your brother start practicing to buy you dinner.

After we sent En to airport, finally I can have mother-daughter date. Mum is an expert shopper. We shopped for hours until even her cannot stand anymore so she called home, asked papa to settle his own dinner, while we had some simple food at Canton-i. So, finally the real 母难日celebration.

Of course, Christmas is just one month away. How can I not set up the Christmas Tree in the office? (Why is this my birth month celebration too you may ask? Well, THIS is something that never fail to make me happy too)

Then, on the last week of my birth-month (ei, my birthday falls on 7th of November so of course 1st of December is still the last week!), I suddenly decided to give myself some challenges. I picked 30 Day Beach Body Challenge because it is more challenging than anything else (at least for me la~). I have been a lazy bum for years and it is sure hard to break the inertia (My physic teacher said 动者恒动、静着恒静). I'm glad that I have progress well so far :)

To conclude my birth-month, I decided to buy myself a birthday present.

I have a lot of excuses to ease my guilt in buying this: it is my birthday present, this thing is much cheaper than it used to be, this is a delayed gratification, i don't want to get sick in a backpack trip so i need to properly keep warm but all my current winter jackets are too bulky......

So, this is how I concluded my birth-month celebration. I'd like to thank everyone of you, everyone in my life, for giving me such a wonderful, blissful, meaningful life.

Sunday 24 November 2013

A Little Bit of Curiosity Never Killed Me

I'm currently reading "In the Plex", and I couldn't help but amazed by Google.

(Well, I am always a fan. It's not a secret. I always love to tell the younger generations how painful it was to search for information online during the "pre-Google-era". The "physically finding information in library" way of research is almost unspeakable.)

When I read about the stories behind AdSense, I decided to add an AdSense to my blog too. Not for making money, since I never plan to draw any audience to this half-diary, but more for better understanding. I'm not those genius geeks so I don't really plan to understand the algorithm behind. However, I'd love to test it out, to randomly check what are the advertisements showed. I haven't really completed the appropriate setting so Google crawler now unable to access my page to determine its contest and display relevant ads. I shall monitor for at least a month before I allow the crawler to access. 

So excited to see the results :)

Monday 14 October 2013

Work Happily

I've said this a million times, and I still want to repeat this: I'm a Disney baby. I grew up believing you can just whistle while you work; you can get all the animals sing along "we can do it, we can do it"; you can think of the happiest things and it's the same as having wings......

"In every job that must be done there is an element of fun" is what my pseudo-nanny, Mary Poppins taught me.

So, in my work area, I focus in cultivate a team that laugh in the face of challenges and difficulties. We do great in physiology. Sometimes, just like the rest, we do feel down, but we always try hard to uplift each others' spirit. We passionately discuss about works, about life, about dreams and about everything else.

So if you choose to stress yourselves at work, if you envious of our happiness, I am sorry for you. If my happiness affect your moral and make you depressed, I am sorry for you. I am sorry that you can't understand how this team works. I am sorry that we have different perspective of "professionalism".

All of us spend more than 1/3 of our daily life at work. Please learn to be happy. Please learn to enjoy. Please learn to find all the fun elements at work. Even if you are not depressed but only emotionless, that is still sad.

I am sorry. I just can't go to the dark side......

Saturday 24 August 2013

A Secret Introvert

那天在朋友的FB post看见这“23 Signs You Are Secretly An Introvert", 我发出了会心的一笑。我至少中了四分之三(却也偷偷庆幸自己没有全中。小学时候老师爱谈中庸,我觉得那是人性中近乎不可能的事,却也相信这是我穷这一生人必须学习修炼的事。四分之三,过之。)




Thursday 1 August 2013

Legally a Cat now

The kitten is finally officially and legally a cat! The "overly awesome" cat!!

OK, OK, I know, I know! I have blogged about him turning into a cat officially 3 years ago. But this is different. This time, he is officially and legally a cat!! He can vote in next GE, he can now go into Genting Casino, and he can now get married without parental consent (Just saying, not like he really plan to do so :p)

I couldn't accept the fact that he IS an adult now. I'm sure Wei has the same feeling too. We always wish that our little brother will never grow up, we wish he can stay cute forever, we wish he can be our 'remote control' forever, we wish he can be our 'technician' forever, I wish he can be my automobile carer forever.....And suddenly, with the blink of an eye, our little brother is all grown up!

Happy Birthday, Ah En!!

Tuesday 30 July 2013

What Do You Care What Other People Think?

As I mentioned a few months back, I always have a soft spot for Physicists. For years, after collecting a few copies of Einstein's and Hawking's, I have been looking for Feynman's books in Malaysia but always failed.

A few years ago, I finally bought "Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman! (Adventures of a Curious Character)", but then, somehow, I totally forgot about that book! (Ya, crazy huh? I still couldn't believe this!) Anyway, years later, I accidentally found it in my bookshelf recently, and I couldn't put down the book. I finished it in 2 nights.

So, during our "Half" Peninsular Malaysia road trip, when I visited Kinokuniya at KLCC, I couldn't resist but to buy a few Feynman's books (and of course, other titles too, spent over RM300 there in less than 1 hour). The first title that I finished reading was “What Do You Care What Other People Think”.

The first part of the book is about the love stories between Feynman and his father, his mother, his first love, and his family. The title "What Do You Care What Other People Think" came from his first wife's comment to him, when she tricked him in doing some embarrassing acts. He did them anyway, I think partly because he loved her, partly because she was dying, and partly because he knew that's true.

The second part of the book mainly revolves around the true stories of the Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster. (FYI, The Rogers Commission Report was created by a Presidential Commission charged with investigating the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster during its 10th mission, STS-51-L. The report, released and submitted to President Ronald Reagan on 9 June 1986, both determined the cause of the disaster that took place 73 seconds after lift-off, and urged NASA to improve and install new safety features on the shuttles and in its organizational handling of future missions.)

Reading these stories had further strengthen my values that instilled long time ago. I believe manufacturers are responsible to produce products with quality that exceed customers' implied expectations with conscience.
I used to dream of working in NASA when I was in primary school (I gave up this dream after I found out their minimum height requirements :p). Reading these behind the scene stories from Richard Feynman made me realize that even NASA has no difference.
  1.  The communication between management and the floor is always the key weakness / strength of an organization.
  2. Criteria are always being changed when the reality cannot catch up with the original expectations
  3. People tend to be unrealistic in making contracts, and in estimating the costs / difficulties of each project. 
  4. Departments that spend a lot of money and resources in the important but not urgent activities (making sure that no problems happen) always being victimized. It is always seen as "wasting money on preventing things that never give us problems".
  5.  When being assigned to carry out an investigation, most people focus on preparing a perfect report than actually spending resources in finding the root cause
My intention of listing the above is not to tell you how bad the manufacturing world is, but to remind you the reality.
I would like to remind you that while we still have our conscience intact, it is our responsibility to provide correct and sufficient information to the decision makers, and to remind the decision makers on what is right when necessary.
You don't have to care what other people think :)

“For a successful technology, reality must take precedence over public relations, for Nature cannot be fooled.” ~ Richard Feynman

Tuesday 7 May 2013






Sunday 5 May 2013


