Showing posts with label 难忘的电影情节. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 难忘的电影情节. Show all posts

Thursday, 21 October 2021



这“老高与小茉”的YouTube Channel是薇介绍给我的,她说:“老高常说一些我很小的时候你给我说的事儿,那些我小时候没听懂的故事……”。薇开始时发了Spotify的link来,但我因为忙,没有机会好好认真的听。后来她又发了个YouTube video的link来,我正好有点空余时间,看了,就爱上了。

当年,爸爸因工作从槟城搬到怡保,我们从住在热闹的大家庭搬到个近乎举目无亲的环境。那首几年,感觉特别孤单(妹妹要等我差不多读完一年级了才出世),书籍也因而成了我最好的朋友。我们虽是小康之家,但妈妈在于买书订杂志给孩子这事儿上非常慷慨。(我们小时候资讯有限,别说没有互联网,即使是电视台、电台也就那么几个台 -- 也因此我可是非常热衷于用sw收听外国电台的。不看书的话,也实在没有太多其他选择)。开始时是以故事书为主,可是小孩子的故事,来来去去那几种变化,我很快就厌了,开始收集非小说故事类的书籍,就是自那时候开始看了很多如The Bermuda Triangle、Atlantis等的传说,学了一堆什么第四度空间、Schrödinger's Cat等词汇,又迷上了天文地理历史等。有阵子妈妈订阅读者文摘,偶尔也会看上了读者文摘的广告而买了一些精美的画册书籍。什么《十万个为什么》、《中国神话故事精选》、《历史悬案》等。在认识“卫斯理”之前,我已经是非常天马行空,脑洞大开的人了。







Saturday, 11 March 2017

Hidden Figures

三八妇女节那天,我和朋友去看了"Hidden Figures",这肯定是最贴切的妇女节庆祝方式(虽然我们纯粹是巧合)。

去年,我在bookdepository的网站上买了本Hidden Figures,收到了才发觉自己无意中买了Young Readers' Edition,不过我还是一口气把它看完。书写得没怎么样(可能因为是少年版),可是这真实故事非常感人。


在五六十年代的美国,种族歧视、性别歧视是今天的我们所不能想象的。而在这么恶劣的环境下,这几位African-American女性数学家、工程师在NASA里默默地为美国送人上太空做出巨大贡献。然而,在这本书之前,我们不曾听说NASA里头的'West Wing',历史书里总是忽略了许多真实的无名英雄……

看了这本书后,我一直期待着电影。一来我认为电影可以把这故事述说得非常感人,二来我希望电影可以让更多普罗大众知道这些不为人知的故事,当然,我也偷偷想念着Kevin Costner……

果然,电影拍得好看,在African-American Civil Rights Movement的历史背景上,它避开了煽情,娓娓地说着三位非裔女性的生活故事。有时候轻松活泼,有时候严肃沉重,有时候幽默有趣……娱乐性丰富的同时又引人深思。我们看着Katherine Johnson, Mary Jackson 和 Dorothy Vaughan如何在事业上、家庭里、生活中处理种族及性别歧视课题,也看着她们如何互相鼓励互相扶持。她们各自都是颗闪耀的星星,身上都有傲骨,在道道不通的环境里走出了一条大道。

由于这真实故事本身非常激励感人,导演舍弃了花俏,只是很忠厚老实地把Katherine Johnson, Mary Jackson和Dorothy Vaughan的故事简简单单地说了一遍。当然,这毕竟是电影,导演也并没有完全忠于史实,但当中的更改我是能够接受的。Kevin Costner、Kirsten Dunst和Jim Parsons的角色是虚构的,为的是增加电影的戏剧性。(否则也没有白人上司用铁锤把"Coloreds Only” bathroom sign拆下的一幕、否则也没有"Here at NASA we all pee the same color"这样的对白)

Taraji P. Henson, Janelle Monáe和Octavia Spencer的荧幕化学很好,电影的第一幕观众都轻易地爱上了她们。我们都喜欢她们之间的友谊,我们都相信她们的坚韧。还有久违的Kevin Costner,他演活了那种objective-driven,不拘言笑的强势领袖。我还意外的喜欢Glen Powell,不知道John Glenn的笑容有没有这么真诚灿烂。难怪这部电影拿下了2017年的Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Cast in a Motion Picture。

如果你和我一样,在这本书之前完全没听说过原来有这么一群女性数学家,在那个还没有电脑的年代,手握铅笔扮演着“human computers”的角色,把火箭和太空人送上太空,那么,你就该读这本书。如果你不爱看书,那么,请你务必要看这部电影。是的,虽然这只是部典型好莱坞程式的娱乐电影,但是Katherine Johnson, Mary Jackson和 Dorothy Vaughan的故事太感人,我们不应该到现在才知道她们的存在。





'Hidden Figures': How Black Women Did The Math That Put Men On The Moon

The ‘Hidden Figures’ of NASA’s Early Years and the Woman Who Told Their Story

Overlooked heroes from technology’s early days inspire tomorrow’s STEM leaders

Monday, 19 December 2016

I Rebel (Not a film review)

(If you have yet to watch the original trilogy, then please don't read this. Tons of spoilers here. But then, again, if you haven't watch the original trilogy, I'm sure you are not a Star Wars fan and this post has nothing to do with you.

If you are a Star Wars fans but unfortunately still not able to watch Rogue One due to circumstances, I share your pain and I'm so sorry for you. There are no spoilers here, unless you haven't watch the trailers. Well, then again, if you haven't watch the Rogue One trailers, I'm sure you are not really a fan and this post has nothing to do with you either)

If you grow up watching the original trilogy, THIS is the prequel that you actually wanted. (Well, maybe "prequel" is now such a bad word for Star Wars fans, Disney decided to use "spin-off" instead of "prequel" in all their marketing efforts). Rogue One ends a mere 10 minutes before the opening of the original Star Wars movie. It gives more depth and strength to Star Wars (those younger generations call it "Episode IV: A New Hope"), it makes me appreciate Star Wars more, it gives more weight on that opening crawl that caught our attention almost 40 years ago......If you always wonder about the exhaust port, the lack of Rebel Alliances as you grow older, Rogue One gives you the answers.

With "A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away....." and not following by the iconic opening crawl, we fans were transported into something familiar but different.

First of all, there's no John Williams. It is not a Star Wars movie without John Williams. Period. (John, please live long and prosper). No, don't get me wrong, it is not that Michael Giacchino is not qualified, but John Williams IS part of Star Wars universe. (Luckily Giacchino still using the Imperial March and the cascading brass motifs).

Though Star Wars is always about "war" but Rogue One is the real war movie in the Star Wars universe. The final battle shows the real capability of Gareth Edwards. The stakes are higher, its battles are more violent and militaristic. The scope of the mass casualties incurred in ground and air assaults makes us cry for every unsung heroes in human history. The final battle makes Rogue One a Star Wars story worth telling.

Though I really enjoy watching Rogue One (it made me so excited that I have to do the original trilogy + The Force Awaken marathon a few hours after watching it), and I'm sure it will always be included in my Star Wars Marathon (be in original trilogy marathon or full marathon), it lacks of the joyous spark between characters that defines the original trilogy. Most of the new characters in this movie seems interesting but underutilized (except for K-2SO). Worse still, they don't spark the kind of chemistry between Luke, Leia, and Han, or between Rey, Finn and Poe. Well, they are not Hayden-Christensen-and-Natalie-Portman kind of bad chemistry, but you don't fall in love with the ensemble. The way they interact on screen make you suspect that they are not friends off screen.

Rogue One is darker and grimmer, but it is still a nostalgia piece to Star Wars fans. And by now, I'm sure you already know that Darth Vader is in Rogue One. If Darth Vader used to give you nightmares as a kid, wait until you see Rogue One! I am sure thousands of Star Wars fans secretly cried tears of joy! If you only knew the power of the Dark Side! Darth Vader alone worth the price of the ticket. So Star Wars fans, if you are still skeptical, don't be. Go watch Rogue One NOW!

Wednesday, 14 December 2016

我是不是Star Wars粉丝?

朋友见我天天换Facebook Profile Picture,为Rogue One倒数,忍无可忍,问我“你究竟有多爱这部电影啊”?


说来话长,三十多年来我长期被这部电影“熏陶”(我第一次看Star Wars,应该是叔叔租VHS回来,那时我还没入幼稚园,应该是四五岁左右吧),再加上我是家里老大,在外婆家也是老大,几十年来“骗”了一班小瓜和我一起成为Star Wars fans,一起疯狂。

以前在Friendster写了一堆与Star Wars有关的blog(当然,现在寻不回了),把我的blog搬到Blogger后其实也写了不少:

最令人信赖的Darth Vader
Adidas Darth Vader
The Empire Gives Back
I Know
No, I am Your Father
The Imperial March
Do, or do not, there is no try
Why I Can Relate to Sheldon Cooper - Star Wars Fans
The Happiest Place On Earth
May the 4th, 2013
May the 4th be with You, 2014
May the Fourth be with You, 2015

去年,我百忙中还是抽空看了首场The Force Awakens,还和妹妹各打扮成Luke和Leia。看了半夜场出来仍然兴奋莫名,回到家还吃夜宵(半夜四点的还算夜宵吗?)才睡觉。六点半起床照样去上班,只是那阵子太忙,反而没时间给The Force Awakens写观后感什么的。我弟弟说不可思议,我也这么认为。

那时候我们隔了这么久终于有机会进戏院看Star Wars,再加上是首场,戏院里全是爱看Star Wars同仁,拿着light saber的,穿起jedi robe的,打扮成Darth Vader的,穿着Star Wars t shirt的…… 当音乐响起,或Millennium Falcon出场了,或是老朋友们回来了……一大群互不认识的人在戏院里拍手、欢笑、流泪……那种情绪,很难形容。

而我究竟是不是Star Wars粉丝呢?我个人觉得不是(你看人家都干些什么)

我没有接触Star Wars expanded universe、没有玩Star Wars video games/online games、我还没拥有Lego Millennium Falcon / Death Star、即使到了三藩市我也没特地到Lucas Film Headquarters走一趟、没硬闯Skywalker Ranch、我没和人家争执“who shot first”……

我顶多是偶尔买几件Star Wars t shirt穿穿、偶尔买些小玩具啦monopoly啦、我分得清哪首音乐是给哪位要角、听到Force Theme有时候会偷偷红了眼眶、我想要到Tunisia和Skellig Islands看看、我幻想某一天可以参加真的Star Wars Marathon、没事在家会来个“Star Wars Marathon”……

我,没有很爱Star Wars啦……

Monday, 5 September 2016

Hobbiton Movie Set

我期待万分的Hobbiton Movie Set Tour终于来临。

当年Peter Jackson在纽西兰找到心目中的中土世界、在Matamata建个Shire时,他或许没有想到,这一片漂亮的土地就这样不经意的,成了纽西兰最热门的景点之一。

Hobbiton Movie Set Tour入门票很贵,NZD79呢!还好这里真的很漂亮,不管你是不是LOTR迷都会爱上这个地方,可惜两个小时的tour根本只能走马看花。

我们因为时间紧凑,午餐就在The Shire's Rest™ Cafe解决。食物选择很少,来来去去除了几样意大利面,就是蛋糕、三文治等。还好我们在纽西兰对食物没有抱着太高的期望,在这餐厅只求饱腹应该没问题。

吃饱了我们就乘Hobbiton Movie Set专车到The Shire。

那一片广袤土地,即使隔着车窗,依旧叫人陶醉。导游说这是1,250 acre的牧场,住着将近13,000只绵阳!而Hobbiton Movie set仅占12 acre。

所有走进这童话一般的村庄的LOTR迷,心中必定会响起"Concerning Hobbits"的音乐。有一种很不真实的雀跃,在草坪上、树丫间、花丛中飞舞……

LOTR迷固然会为之疯狂,但非影迷必定也会爱上这个地方。毕竟,撇开hobbits不说,这不就活脱脱是个世外桃源似的小农庄吗?这里共有37个hobbit holes,每家每户仿佛都有自己的故事……

而最让我们LOTR迷雀跃的,当然是Bag End -- Bilbo Baggins的家。站在"No admittance except on party business"的牌子前面,我们都笑得像个孩子……

导游说Bag End上那棵栎树是假的。为了Peter Jackson心目中的Bag End,工作人员们从Matamata砍了棵大树,为每个枝干标上号码,搬到这儿后再把它们给从新整合,并从台湾买了手彩的叶片,一片片给黏上。

从Bag End继续往下走,穿过丛林,越过小溪,就到了The Green Dragon Inn。游客可以在酒吧里免费尝尝Amber Ale,Apple Cider和Ginger Beer.



基于我几年前在California Disneyland Park Star Tours的经验,我还特地多准备了一些budget,深怕看见自己喜欢的merchandise时买不下手。谁知道,走进这商店,立即叫人大失所望。

商品选择实在太少了。LOTR t恤、帽子等来来去去只有几款不太好看的。而我最想拥有的Gandalf 帽子、Elven Leaf等都没有。即便是锁匙圈,竟然也只是很敷衍的写个Lord Of The Ring就拿出来卖,真叫人无奈。想要买postcard寄回家吗?哟,自己画的可能更好。

最后,很不可思议的,在Hobbiton Movie Set,我,空手而归。

Tuesday, 26 July 2016

Mount Victoria上扮鬼扮马

我们一从Interislander上岸,就到Mount Victoria报到,一来这可以看城市全景,二来我们向LOTR朝圣来了。

Mount Victoria上赏Wellington

Mount Victoria是看Wellington全景的最佳地点,可以360度欣赏这个美丽的城市。上山的路有点儿难驾,一来路很陡,二来两旁住宅都把车子停在街上,可是过了住宅区一切就值了。蓝天下这海湾城市显得柔情似水,我们看着渡轮在海面上穿梭,看鸟儿在天空上翱翔,都忘了时间呢。

Mount Victoria上其中一角全是住宅

我们一行人其实只有三个LOTR迷,但其他人都好配合,随我们花了近一个小时在Mount Victoria上寻找LOTR的蛛丝马迹。

我用Google Maps的Lord of the Rings Filming Location Map找到了Mount Victoria上的Hobbiton Trail。(为了到Mount Victoria,我特地穿了我的LOTR/Calvin and Hobbes Mash-up T Shirt,本来是为了自爽,后来才发现还真有个“Hobbiton Trail”,当然要拍照留念一下。)然后,一行人就开始自导自演自乐了一轮。


Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Disney Baby

My nephew loves Disney!! Not that we intentionally brainwash him with Disney characters / songs, but he just loves his Mickey. He chats with Mickey every night!

One day, when browse through youtube for children songs, I accidentally found out that he gets super excited to most of the Disney songs. "Just Whistle While You Work" particularly can calm him when he is grumpy, can entertain him when he is bored.

So when I got to babysit him, I just have to make sure that I have my phone or tablet with me so that I can use this magic anytime necessary. Hum a merry tune really works :)

Just whistle while you work
And cheerfully together we can tidy up the place
So hum a merry tune
It won't take long when there's a song to help you set the pace
And as you sweep the room
Imagine that the broom is someone that you love
And soon you'll find you're dancing to the tune
When hearts are high the time will fly so whistle while you work

Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Thank you, Robin William

Thank you, Robin William. You made me laugh, and you made me cry.

When I'm at the transition stage from preteen to teenage, I asked a lot of questions about life. I'm still asking today, but it was Death Poets Society that made that transition smooth and less painful.

O Captain my Captain.

Saturday, 23 March 2013

Hoover Dam without Transformers

We HAVE TO visit Hoover Dam, of course it is an engineering wonder, but more importantly, we watched The Transformers :) [Who knows maybe there is actually a secret base of Sector Seven here. haha!]

We reached here late and missed the last guided tour of the dam. Since we can't tour and learn about the inside, we decided to walk around and take some photos before heading to souvenir shops for some Transformers / Hoover Dam fridge magnets.

It's a very warm evening. The sun light made it hard to take good photos, but I still love the fact that all the photos are with blue blue sky :)

I have watched documentaries about Hoover Dam before, so I could understand why the Americans are so proud of this dam. This engineering wonder was built in year 1933, and I think it is safe to say that it helped the born of the Sin City Las Vegas.

Walking near the penstock towers was fun. I couldn't help but imagine a few Transformers will land on this place any minute from now and start fighting and I couldn't help start calculating the odds of getting out of here alive :)

After a short walk around the area, we finally ended up in the souvenir shop. Both of us was SOOOOO DISAPPOINTED with the souvenir shop at Hoover Dam. The souvenirs sold are with very bad quality, and super expensive! The fridge magnets / T-shirts / mugs are all badly printed with some lousy photos of the dam. And believe it or not, I still manage to find some year 2000 magnets, still on sale!?

And of course, most importantly, we don't see a single image of Transformers. I thought it should be a good way to sell Transformers at Hoover Dam? (Well, maybe this is just some crazy ideas from a non-American-tourist)

So, even though we'd like to buy a fridge magnet at every stop, both of us decided to skip Hoover Dam. Better continue our journey to Las Vegas before it's too late (Or it is never too late to reach Las Vegas?!)

On our way out, we saw a "vista point" and hence, as usual, I MUST go there and have a look. And what a surprise, Lake Mead looks so good from here. A very good conclusion for our Hoover Dam visit :)

Saturday, 9 March 2013

10 Iconic Hollywood Cars

OK, I must be very honest with you. I am totally not interested in blogging about these 10 iconic Hollywood cars. However, when I read about this, I'm surprise to see The Love Bug!! And it brings back lots of memory!! (of course, as usual, I am always excited to see the DeLorean from Back to the Future too!)

I was basically a Disney baby when I grew up, and watching The Love Bug on TV was definitely one of those memorable childhood moments I have (I'm referring to the '70s versions, and the early '80s TV version, not the one stared Lindsay Lohan). My dad drove a Volkswagen back then, so the fact that Herbie has mind of his own and capable of driving himself always make me wonder does my dad's Volkswagen do the same thing when we are not looking (just like what I felt about toys).

The stunts that Herbie can do back then was special and entertaining. The Love Bug was definitely a great family entertainment for us. I do remember some scenes where Herbie were splitted into half, or drive on 2 wheels, and these stunts were copied by the '80s Hong Kong blockbuster Aces Go Places too! (Hmm.... where's my long overdue blog post about Aces Go Places? Haha!)

Sunday, 3 March 2013

Behind The Scene

It is hard not to plan at least a hint of Hollywood in your itinerary when you visit Los Angeles.

Hence, even I'm not a big fan of theme parks, I can't help but allocating one full day of my precious West Coast moment to "Universal Studios". We went there early, when the park just open. Walking from the car park to the theme park through CityWalk is a pleasant experience. We did have great time doing window shopping and per-decide which shops to go after we are done with the theme park.

Before we visited the park, we imagined there will be long queue everywhere and hence we have planned our strategy very well. We have only 3 must-do in the theme park: Transformers: The Ride-3D, Studio Tour, and WaterWorld

We heard the Transformers ride in Singapore is super hot so we decided to run all the way to lower lot once we get into the park, focus on Transformers ride, and tackle the rest one by one.

To our surprise, there's no queue at all. We didn't even have to wait in the line. We walked in to the building and got on the first car we saw, and we had the ride! Well, it was actually an awesome ride. It is amazing how real the 3D technology can become. I salute to all those have contributed their effort in making this so enjoyable!

Even I am not a fan of Transformers, still, how can I not take photos of Optimus Prime? :)

Now we learn that Universal Studio is not half as crowded as Disneyland, we were so relax!! We changed our plan and decided to take a few more rides at the lower lot before we go for studio tour.

Well, in this case, I MUST go to Jurassic Park! Watching Jurassic Park in the cinema 20 years ago (yes! it was almost 20 years ago!!) is one of those memories that stay vividly in my brain. I remembered my uncle and all the cousins went to cinema in Sunshine Square for this show. It was mind-blowing then with all the computer-generated imagery. I remembered how we screamed and laughed, and I remembered how scared we were during the build-up to the appearance of the T-Rex, with the water vibrating in the glass on the car's dashboard. Oh, and that is the first time I learned the word Velociraptor, and I love the idea of having smart-ass creature as vallain in box-office movies :)

During the beginning of the ride, it is quite relaxing and I can still manage to take some nice photos of smiling dinosaur with my handphone. However, the tension built up, and I have to hold the seat so tight and shouting non-stop during the treacherous drop at the end. We ended up all wet! But loving it!

The little girl then insisted to take the mummy ride. I think it was quite boring based on my previous experience. So, while she went for the ride, I took some time to visit the NBC Universal Experience. I really think there are rooms for improvement for this little museum. The props and costumes are very limited, and I think the visitors can hardly feel connected / excited at all.

Embarrassingly, I was more excited with the stand up cutouts of the Apollo 13 crew than visiting the NBC Universal Experience.

Oh, and how can I not trying to hi-5 with Iron Man?

My favorite experience of the park is of course the Studio Tour. Though this is my second visit, I still enjoy go behind the scene, exploring Hollywood's most famous backlot of movie studio, I still love how everyone shouts when The Jaws appear, I still cannot believe how a small Spanish town can have a flash flood in minutes, and I am still very excited to see THE DeLorean from Back to the Future! This time, the Studio Tour experience is even cooler with the King-Kong 360 3D. Peter Jackson made this so believable that my heart actually pounded everytime the T-Rex came near us.
Entrance to the coolest ride - King Kong 360 3D
Another pleasant surprise is The WaterWorld. Even when I was the fan of Kevin Costner, I never love the movie. But the stunts and actions that they planned in this show is great and fun! The fact that an actual small aeroplane flew in is fascinating :)
Concluded the visit

Due to there were basically very few visitors on the day we visited Universal Studio, we actually finished all the rides and shows that we wanted-to and those we never-planned-to, much earlier than we expected. We then spent our time shopping for souvenirs at the CityWalk and the little girl had her first ever Taco Bell as dinner.

As if we didn't have enough dose of Hollywood, we continued our journey at Hollywood Walk of Fame and The Grauman's Chinese Theater, a must-do for tourist around the world. I was not thrilled since there were no actual stars at sight, but I still love taking photos with the Star Wars folks :)