Showing posts with label YY厨房. Show all posts
Showing posts with label YY厨房. Show all posts

Tuesday 8 June 2021


Flammekuchen (German), or tarte flambée (French), is a speciality of the region of Alsace. It is composed of bread dough rolled out very thinly in the shape of a rectangle or oval, which is covered with fromage blanc or crème fraîche, thin-sliced onions and lardons.

I love this dish. I love this ever since the first time I tried it in Germany. There's one flammekuchen specialty shop in Mainz that I really love and always make an effort to go if I were in Mainz.

Since I missed Germany, I asked my friend to give me an authentic flammekuchen recipe. Here's the one that he sent, I made, and my family love these!

Tarte Flambee Alsace (For 4 persons)  

Overall time        2 hrs 
Working time      20 min 
Rest period          1 hr 
Cooking time      40 min  

Ingredients for 4 persons:  
Wheat flour           400 gram 
Dry yeast               20 gram 
Lukewarm water   250 ml 
Olive oil                3 tablespoon 
Bacon                    125 gram 
Onions                   500 gram 
Sour cream            200 ml
Whipping cream   200 ml

1. For the dough, mix the dry yeast with a little bit of the lukewarm water and let it rest for 10 minutes. 
2. Sift the flour into a bowl, add the yeast mixture, the rest of the lukewarm water, the olive oil and a little bit of salt. 
3. Knead everything to a smooth dough and cover and let rise in a warm place for around 30 minutes. 
4. In the meantime, cut the bacon into fine strips. Peel the onion, cut in half and finely slice it. 
5. Whisk the sour and whipping cream with salt and pepper.  
6. Quarter the risen dough. It is best to roll out each piece of dough on a large piece of baking paper into a wafer-thin rectangular sheet. 
7. Spread 1/4 of the cream mixture on each and sprinkle with onions and strips of bacon. (of course, I have to make a few different variations based on what I have at home)
8. Bake the tarte flambee individually in a convection oven at 220 degrees for 10-15 minutes until golden brown. (I use 200 degree C for 15 minutes)

Sine I have a few bottles of self made funghi sott’olio and pomodori secchi sott’olio, I have made totally 4 different variations of flammekuechen this round. All of them have onions and bacons as base, but the other toppings are slightly different.

preserved mushroom in olive oil and broccoli 

sweet peppers and broccoli

sun-dried tomatoes and mushrooms preserved in olive oil,
sweet peppers and cheddar cheese

mushrooms preserved in olive oil, broccoli and greek cheese

Just like pizza, you can make any flavoured flammekuechen you like. I'm glad that I will have tons of experiments to try later.

Be creative, and have fun!

Monday 7 June 2021

Pomodori Secchi Sott’olio (Sun-drier Tomatoes Preserved in Olive Oil)

I am obsessed with making my own fermented and preserved food recently. 
A few months back, I started to make my own Chinese style fermented vegetables
After I had some really good Melanzane All'olio from WTF Studio, I'm crazy with verdure sott olio ever since. I have made Melanzane All'olio, and a few batches of funghi sott’olio (because I want to try the texture of different types of mushrooms). 

Here's how I have my first trial of sun-dried tomatoes preserved in olive oil:

1. Clean the tomatoes (of course)

2. Cut them in half, and clear out the seeds.

3. Sprinkle salt on the tomatoes and dry them under hot sun. (well, we have plenty. haha)

For my case, I dried them over the period of 7 days as the last few days were a bit cloudy and rainy.

4. After the tomatoes are dried, cook them in a pot for 5 minutes (I use 1:4 ratio of vinegar and water)

5. After 5 minutes, take out the tomatoes and pat dry them. Leave them under the fan for about 2 hours to dry them again.

6. Put the dried tomatoes in a jar. Add sliced garlic, peppers and dried oregano in between layers.

7. Finally, pour in the extra virgin olive oil to cover the tomatoes.

Make sure the tomatoes are fully submerged in the olive oil

8. Close the lid properly and put it in refrigerator. Now let time do the magic. (Refrigerate at least 2 days to let flavours develop.) 

2 days after I bottled the sun-dried tomatoes, I used them for my flammekueche and I love this!

Wednesday 26 May 2021

Funghi sott’olio 意大利式腌蘑菇

几个星期前做了Melanzane All'olio,上瘾了,决定再试试腌制别的蔬菜。

Cuoredicioccolato - MUSHROOMS in OLIVE OIL Italian recipe - 这YouTube channel的食谱看起来都不错,改天还有很多玩意儿可以试试。


1. 把蘑菇清洗干净,沥干备用。

2. 在锅里倒入1:1的清水和白醋,加上两汤匙的盐,把这煮沸,然后加入清洗后的蘑菇煮约十分钟。

3. 十分钟后熄火,把蘑菇捞上,沥干。

4. 我把沥干后的蘑菇放在干净的布上,再放到风扇底下吹一吹,给它们再干一些。

5. 在此同时,准备香料:把三瓣蒜头切片,用手撕几把dill和oregano,切一条小辣椒,拿一小把黑胡椒粒。

6. 放干后的蘑菇开始排入玻璃罐里,一层蘑菇,一层的香料。

7. 最后,倒入extra virgin olive oil即可。挺简单的。



Sunday 9 May 2021

Melanzane All'olio 意大利式腌茄子


自制的Melanzane All'olio

前阵子买了两个泡菜坛,没事儿就泡几坛。上个星期在WTF Studio吃了Melanzane All'olio,惊为天人,这就买了一大条茄子试一试。



1. 茄子洗净、去皮,再把茄子切条状。
2. 加入盐和醋,搅拌至均匀,然后放入个滤盆里。
3. 找个碟子,放在茄子上,然后用个比较重的东西把它给压住。我盖上布,放隔夜。

4. 隔天,许多水份已经被挤压出来了。

5. 找个锅,放1:1的白醋和开水。煮沸后把茄子挤干放入锅里煮2分钟。

6. 过后,晾凉,然后再次把水份给挤干。

7. 切两瓣的蒜头、擂一些辣椒干、准备一把oregano。

8. 把挤干水份的茄子一层层地放入玻璃瓶里,每一层都加上蒜头、辣椒干和oregano。最后倒上橄榄油(我用extra virgin olive oil)即可。

腌制一天后,就可以吃下午茶啦~ 我觉得稍微酸了一点,改天要么稍微减少醋,要么尝试一下white wine vinegar。

Sunday 21 February 2021





MCO期间,看了好多烹饪的Youtube channels(我先爱上小高姐的 Magic Ingredients,MCO1.0期间玩了一堆面食;后来爱上老饭骨,看几位国宴大师的食谱传承,看几位北京大爺做菜嘮嗑;也看大师的菜,看中国美食文化背后的故事),又看李子柒总是心血来潮就腌泡菜的,于是就兴起了自己腌制泡菜的念头。最重要是身边“损友”多,PH早就买了玻璃坛酿酒了,我就托他帮我买了两个泡菜坛子。我不要现在线条简单方便的玻璃瓶子,指明要以传统坛子设计的玻璃坛子。







1. 把坛子洗干净,晒干。

2. 把自己想吃的蔬菜洗干净,切块,晾干。
1. 王刚声明第一次做的泡菜一定要有白萝卜增加回味
2. 王刚说用冰糖增加回味
3. 小高姐说切好的菜稍微晒一下至稍微脱水的状况,腌出来的泡菜比较脆
4. 小高姐声明不要放蒜(好多video都教放蒜的),蒜泡久了蒜汁会跑出来,蒜汁泡久了会发臭
5. 小高姐说不要用平时用的盐,必须用泡菜盐。泡菜盐不含碘,有碘的话泡菜容易发黑。我不知道该到哪儿买泡菜盐,只用普通家里用的盐,没问题。
6. 大家都说不可以用自来水!我用家里平时煮过的饮用水。
7. 大家也声明必须注意在制作过程中一定不要有任何的油污,那样会让整坛泡菜变味。

3. 我把泡菜母水装满半个坛子,然后开始把晾干后的菜慢慢放进去。最后,我加上辣椒干、花椒、盐、糖(家里没冰糖)。把坛子的盖封上,然后放在阴暗没有日晒的角落。

4. 因为是第一次自己腌制泡菜,再加上我的坛子是透明的,我天天给泡菜拍照。哈哈。

5. 第三天试吃,酸死我了!再加两大勺子的糖进入泡菜坛里。

6. 我天天试吃,结论是第十天开始的泡菜的味道是我喜欢的味道。这个配白粥太还吃了!



1. 准备调味料(蒜头、花椒、辣椒干)和酸菜(我稍微切一切)

2. 用适量的猪油和菜油(我的适量对你来说可能太多,你自己看着办。我喜欢油油的酸菜汤)爆香蒜头、花椒和辣椒干。等香味出来后,把酸菜加进去炒。

3. 最后加入高汤滚一滚。

4. 加入面和你想吃的料(我这是在清冰箱里的火锅料),就是一碗美味无比的酸菜汤面啦~(下图汤汁比较少,因为原本是煮一人份的,爸爸突然说他想尝尝,来得及煮面和料,酸菜汤就只好两人平分了)


Sunday 15 July 2018


我总是对鸡蛋料理着迷,因为它们总是相对的容易而且千变万化。为了frittata(意大利煎蛋),我上网买了个小铁锅(Chutang Mini Steel Frying Pan)。收到时很满意,那小小铁锅握在手里很沉,还没开始用就觉得它很行了。妈妈很认真地为我“开锅”后,我很随意的,到小菜圃里摘了几颗茄子做起意大利煎蛋。今天意犹未尽,稍微认真一点的,又弄了一个意大利煎蛋。


1. 木耳菜(只取叶片)、莳萝(取叶片)、茄子(切丁)、枝豆(只取豆)适量
2. 蒜头几瓣(切成蓉)
3. 小辣椒适量(切成蓉)
4. 叉烧适量(切成丁)
5. 烧肠适量(切片)
6. 鸡蛋三颗
7. 调味料:牛油、黑胡椒粉、幼盐

1. 把炉子preheat至摄氏180度。
2. 同时,把蔬菜都洗干净、切好,放一边备用。
3. 鸡蛋里放入幼盐和黑胡椒,打散,放一边备用。
4. 在小铁锅里放入牛油热之。

5. 放入蒜米和小辣椒爆香。
6. 加入茄子丁中火小炒。

7. 加入木耳菜炒一炒。

8. 最后把打散调味后的鸡蛋倒入,然后放入已经热至摄氏180度地炉子烤十分钟。
9. 十分钟后把小铁锅取出,放上烧肠和枝豆再烤两分钟。
10. 烤完后把小铁锅取出,撒上莳萝就可以吃啦~
