Thursday, 24 October 2013




我俩在公寓内呆了不久就开始觉得对不起自己,小妹妹坚持得买手信,又嚷着到了KK不买海产有些说不过去,于是我顺她意,就真的带她到Handicraft Market物色珍珠项链去了。

铺名:Sana Kraft
那位和蔼可亲忠厚老实的售货员:Aishah (019-8804676)
老板:Noriman binri Sirad (019-8520821)
Cawangan Pusat Kraftangan Sinsuran
Jalan Tum Stephen
88000 Kota Kinabalu
Ocean Seafood
Lot 9, Block F, Segama Complex,
88000 Kota Kinabalu
Tel: 088257824

到了机场,才发觉原来不需要千里迢迢去寻找。Departure hall也有一家海产店,虽然选择较少,但方便得多了,价钱也和外头不相上下。反正亚航业只允许handcarry海产,即买即带就是了。


Monday, 14 October 2013

Work Happily

I've said this a million times, and I still want to repeat this: I'm a Disney baby. I grew up believing you can just whistle while you work; you can get all the animals sing along "we can do it, we can do it"; you can think of the happiest things and it's the same as having wings......

"In every job that must be done there is an element of fun" is what my pseudo-nanny, Mary Poppins taught me.

So, in my work area, I focus in cultivate a team that laugh in the face of challenges and difficulties. We do great in physiology. Sometimes, just like the rest, we do feel down, but we always try hard to uplift each others' spirit. We passionately discuss about works, about life, about dreams and about everything else.

So if you choose to stress yourselves at work, if you envious of our happiness, I am sorry for you. If my happiness affect your moral and make you depressed, I am sorry for you. I am sorry that you can't understand how this team works. I am sorry that we have different perspective of "professionalism".

All of us spend more than 1/3 of our daily life at work. Please learn to be happy. Please learn to enjoy. Please learn to find all the fun elements at work. Even if you are not depressed but only emotionless, that is still sad.

I am sorry. I just can't go to the dark side......