Monday 26 April 2021

Tom Yum Goong Banglamphu

I discovered this humble road-side stall back in 2018, and I was hooked ever since. I hope they are not impacted by Covid-19 and I wish they are still open as their customers are mainly local. I'm looking forward for the time that I can finally visit them again.

This family run stall is located at Soi Kraisi, very near to Khao San. Once you are at Soi Krasi, you won't miss this stall as there's always a long queue in front of the stall.

From my observation, it looked like Uncle handled the tom yum goong and most of the salads, while Aunty handled the stir fried and deep fried dishes.

The first time I went, I was aiming only for the tom yum goong. Little did I know, they are actually the king of wok! No joke, the "wok hei" here was amazing. Every single dishes that we ordered was outstanding. They really have excellence control of the "fire" (火候).

First, of course, we have to talk about their tom yum goong. Of course I haven't tried every single Tom Yum Goong in Thailand yet. But I am sure, this must be one of the best!

Their broth was extremely rich and buttery, with layered of flavours, and wonderfully aromatic. All that creamy fatty butteriness came from the freshwater shrimp. Their freshwater shrimp cooked just nice. A few seconds longer will be overcooked and a few seconds shorter will be undercooked. Really. They must have run the hell of Design Of Experiments to get this perfect texture and juiciness. 

While I love every dishes here, still, I have to highlight their omelet. How do you make something so simple so incredible tasty? Crispy outside, tender inside. Yes, some complaint that it is oily, but come on, please bring your "healthy standards" some where else, don't come judge and spoil these rare authentic food.

Did I tell you that their crispy pork is very good too? You can order just as it is, or you can ask them to use this to stir fry various types of vegetables.

They served very good Thai salad dishes. I think it is mainly due to the freshness of their raw material, and how they ingeniously mix all the difference spices so well.

Also, order anything stir fried. You won't regret. Their "wok hei" guaranteed the quality!

There's also a small stand just right in front of Tom Yum Goong Banglamphu. They sell very good fish cakes and prawn cakes. You are allow to order and eat at Tom Yum Goong Banglamphu while waiting for your food to be served.

Another stall that I have to mention, is the fruit juice stall right opposite of Tom Yum Goong Banglamphu. They have very big menu with all kinds of fruits, and also all sorts of combinations. Very reasonable price. These juice go extremely well with the food at Tom Yum Goong Banglamphu.

Bangkok itineraries:

Sunday 25 April 2021

2021马甲线challenge - 两个月过去了(慎入,照片刺眼)


  • 早上五点至七点上大号(卯时大肠蠕,排毒渣滓出;这是大肠经运行的时候,喝一杯暖水后轻松如厕) 
  • 傍晚七时后不进食,晚饭后散步至少三十分钟 
  • 睡前泡脚
  • 晚上十点半之前睡觉(亥时三焦经旺。子时胆经旺。丑时肝经旺。人如果在亥时睡眠,百脉可得到最好的休养生息。肝、胆能完成代谢,胆经会引导人体阳气下降,是身体进入休养及修复的开端。肝在丑时起到解毒,过滤血液毒素的作用。)
  • 饮食习惯则更加简单,纯粹少冰、少吃零食。
  • 好几天真的工作太累回到家太迟了,隔天早上没有如愿早醒。
  • 由于有几个farewell dinner,倒并不是天天都七点后不进食。
  • 有几天放工来不及七点前到家,就以fibre-rich晚餐代替。
  • 并没成功每天晚上十点半前睡觉。
  • 睡前泡脚这事我完全给忘了。昨晚看“向往的生活”,看他们排排坐泡脚,才想起自己泡脚的事。真的……


这星期周五晚上,真的觉得这个月过得太压力了,决定给自己一个晚上的cheat night。弟弟网上订了酸奶,我还开了零食。嘻嘻。人生,实在没必要对自己太苛刻。

这个月,继续fine tune……