Saturday 25 June 2011

What Do You Have in Your Pushcart?

I have to admit. I've never heard of Efren Peñaflorid until the day he gave speech in the 2011 MDRT Experience. Or maybe our newspaper did publish the news when he was named CNN Hero of the Year for 2009 but I was too ignorance then? 

Anyway, having the opportunity to listen to this young gentleman is a great experience. He is sincere, humble and noble. When "normal" teenagers busy dealing with their hormon issues, Efren turned his dream into reality. He pushes his little cart of classroom and reach out to those that do not have education opportunity. At age of 16, he started the "Dynamic Teen Company" with the aim to help others. They are making small yet significant effort.

Let us, i mean everyone of us, start our one small step of good deed today!

"Before, a pushcart was a symbol of poverty, but now it is a symbol of hope and education" ~ Efren Penaflorida

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