Sunday 13 February 2011

Daechi Jyeongyuk Sikdang

I rarely use foreign language as my blog title, and I think this is kind of cool :-)
Daechi is actually the name of that area,
Jyeongyuk means butcher shop
Sikdang is referring to dining area, and the pronunciation is very similar with 食堂

It's a cold winter night. We were supposed to have dinner with our agents but he called last minute to tell us that he couldn't make it. We were kind of disappointed. Imagine this, you were expecting for a car (with heater!!) to bring you to a fancy restaurant at a foreign city in a romantic winter night. However, you ended up have to walk in the freezing cold weather (-15 degree C with strong wind and no sunlight!!!) to find a restaurant at a city that is full with unknowns...... 

Luckily, there's a thing call i-phone, and I have downloaded a free apps call "i Tour Seoul 2" even before I came to this city. Our search criteria is very simple, it must be as near to the hotel as possible, with a minimum food quality rating of 4 stars. And this is how I found Daechi Jyeongyuk Sikdang, which is 200m away from Ibis Ambassador Hotel. (Besides, according to "i Tour Seoul 2", "this shop operates a butcher shop and they serve many cuts of beef that you can barbecue over charcoal" - this sentence alone makes Daechi Jyeongyuk Sikdang irresistible to me. Who would know their beef better than a butcher?)

Still, when you are cold and hungry, 200m seems like 200km away. We were so tempted to jump into every shops for the heater when we were struggling to walk through the icy wind. We were almost fainted, at least I was, when we're already at the supposedly exact location and there were no restaurants in sight!!! None of the shops on that street looks anything like a restaurant to me. Luckily, a friendly looking woman sensed our confusion, rushed out from the shop and pointed at the basement. I'm so glad that sign language is an universal language. I can't imagine having to walk back to the hotel and walk for another 300m to our 2nd choice restaurant when my fingers already numb and that feeling started to spread!! Phew! what a relieve! (Look at the photo below! Who would have thought that this IS actually a restaurant??)

I think this shop is quite popular among the local as the basement is full with Korean families enjoying their dinner. After we took off our shoes (and spent a few minutes standing around the heater to ensure I can feel my toes again), the waitress led us to a small table at the corner. After we took off our jackets and make ourselves comfortable on the tatami, the waitress started to serve all sorts of side dishes, just like any typical Korean BBQ restaurant. Everything is so familiar except for one problem: the menu is printed 100% in Korean Language and 0% picture!!! No waiter/waitress dare to come near us after the routine side dishes serving. After close observation for more than 10 minutes, someone finally found out that we speak something similar to Mandarin and sent a Chinese waitress to our table! Phew! The waitress is great! She recommended 3 dishes to us and later I found out from their website that those dishes are their signature!

200g of Yukhoe for KW20,000 - It's good but how I wish they could scale down their minimum serving so that we can try something else)

Yukhoe rice ball (sorry, forgot the Korean name of this dish liao~)
It's a "service", means free lah~
Strangely, it seems that only Korean and Japanese love to serve "service"

This can never fail to make me drool :)
Top set - KW25,000
Bottom - KW35,000

The Chinese lady's shift ended at the middle of our meal, another shy Korean young man took over. I am very sure he is the son of the tauke. He demonstrated high passion in his job! To ensure we don't ruin his nicely-cut-high-quality-beef, instead of letting us do the barbecue job, he did the barbecue and constantly check our pace. He barbecued the beef slowly, 3 pieces at a time so that none of them overcooked, and he will point at different side dishes after every round to show us how to enjoy the beef. I even saw him using i-phone to communicate with the Japanese couple in the next table to teach them how to eat. :) This is the reason why you should go to a butcher-shop-cum-restaurant at least once to learn to appreciate the beef.

By the way, they served very good seaweed soup too! I had 2 big bowls of them! (Nothing beats a good bowl of hot soup in winter!!)

If you'd love to try some authentic Korean barbecue in Seoul, this shop is highly recommended.

Saturday 12 February 2011



Juno Hotel对面的韩国烧烤


这餐馆以猪肉为主(韩国的猪肉也是超好吃的哦!)。韩国人点了两碟的蒜头口味和两碟的排骨, 还向我们展现他的高超烧烤手艺(多好,我们就坐着等吃的),吃得我万分满足。就这样子,我就忘了究竟是为了什么而到韩国一游了……

隔天,从早上九点开会至晚上八点(是的,韩国人就是这么工作狂!) ,好不容易终可告一段落,我们仍然是到烧烤店寻求慰籍……这一家的蒜茸牛肉很棒哦!
Juno Hotel附近的韩国烧烤




对于像我这样长期呆在热带国家的人而言, 其实没有什么比冰天雪地来的更浪漫了。



天寒地冻的地方,总是令人怯步的。风呼啸而过,吹得手指、耳朵、鼻子都仿佛要掉下来似的。非必要时刻,谁都不想外走。于是,冬季的business trip,总是哪儿都不去的……

Wednesday 2 February 2011



这小伙子一幅吊儿郎当的模样, 一直忙着讲电话,我们看了有点儿不爽。我拍了案发现场的照片(一副CSI的模样),就劝他回家吃团圆饭了,反正这个时候已经什么都不能做了。然而,他既不想claim insurance,又不想赔我整个bumper,一直优柔寡断的。然而,他生命中有两个贵人,一个是他的老板,一个是我老豆!




Sunday 16 January 2011





Friday 31 December 2010




Sunday 19 December 2010





Friday 17 December 2010


我不知道有多少大马人和我一样,以Petronas Towers为荣。但我觉得这么宏伟壮观的建筑物实在让人看了心广神怡。这,才称得上地标。





Monday 13 December 2010

Midori Japanese Steamboat & Buffet Restaurant at Fahrenheit 88

OK, basically we totally didn't plan to go to this restaurant at all. We were targeted for Moussandra actually. However, by the time we reached there, the shop is already closed. The group was tired and hungry so we decided to 'cincai' pick one restaurant in Fahrenheit 88.

When we walked by Midori Japanese Steamboat & Buffet Restaurant, we saw the promotion sign -- "RM35++ for hi-tea buffet". We went in to survey and love the variety of food that they are offering. I'm sure there are more than 100 types of food for us to choose. There are Japanese, Western, local, steamboat, and most importantly, they serve 8 different flavours of Häagen-Dazs in one of their dessert counter. Everyone was so excited that we all started to get our food from the counters almost immediately after payment.
Everyone ran to the sushi counter for a quick start

Food quality (in term of taste)?? Average lo~
Ambiance?? Great (because we're the only customer there! Ha ha!)
Value for money?? Definitely! What can you eat with RM35++ in KL? Here you can get sushi, handroll, tempura, sashimi, ramen, udon, steamboat (with lots of seafood to choose from and 4 types of soup), salad, shark fin soup, roast beef/chicken/mutton, dimsum, cakes, puddings, Haagen-Dazs ice-cream, chocolate fondue etc. "Dai Dou Lan La~"
Will you recommend this restaurant to your friends?? Well, if you so happen feeling hungry when you are at Fahrenheit 88, and it is already way past lunch time, maybe you should consider drop by Midori.
Will I return to this shop?? No lah~ what for?? I'm sure there are many other greater places for me to explore.

Sunday 12 December 2010



我在网上读了几个foodblog,被照片引诱得口水直流。为了这个诱人的Roast Pork Roll with Apple Sauce,我发誓此趟KL行吃不着就不回家!


星期日我们check out后就像游客似的,浩浩荡荡出发。从Dang Wangi轻快铁站走向镒记半途中已经可以嗅见香味,免不了让我想起Disney卡通人物随着香味“飘”到食物面前的画面。

我们到达镒记时也只不过中午,但Roast Pork Roll只剩下最后一又四分之一卷,当然,一卷是我们预定的,那四分之一没两下子也被一扫而光。当我们终于等到位子,坐下来慢慢享受时,其他顾客看着我们大快朵颐的那羡慕眼神可是无价的!(它的Roast Pork Roll with Apple Sauce只在星期五和星期日两天早上十一点出炉,先到先得,卖完为止。)


作为一间八十多年的海南咖啡店,它当然不会只靠一个roast pork roll‘吃糊’

在咖啡店里到处乱钻,意外地完全没有被人责骂或阻挠。店员们都文质彬彬地excuse me excuse me,搞得我也不好意思。




第一道被端上桌的是老店招牌--Roti Babi。虽然不至于让我们惊为天人,但朴实无华的点心自有它在推荐榜上屹立不到的原因。面包扎实但松软(是不是自制的呢?那天忘记问),馅是简简单单的肉炒小葱头,简单得像我们家里准备的早餐或下午茶。很亲切的美味。
Roti Babi


接着送上的是French Toast with Kaya。个人觉得kaya稍微太甜了(但反正我的甜度适应力与正常人的threshold有一大段距离,倒是不能作准),同行的却个个赞好。我问食神:“什么这么好?”。他说:“这就是kaya咯。”呵呵。

Roast Pork Roll with Apple Sauce

刚为空腹打底,我朝思暮想的roast pork roll终于送上。肉食动物如我根本无法抗拒这样的诱惑。瘦肉肥油加上香料给卷上,外头裹着猪皮,绑上后拿去烤。猪皮烤得香脆带焦,不点浆单吃已经很美味了。点上苹果浆又是另一番风味。浓郁果香中和了肉的油腻,可以多吃几块呢!我在网上找了这roast pork roll with apple sauce的价钱,一碟两片要RM10。我们十一人吃这么一卷烧肉卷平均一人吃三片,才RM130,很值得哦!




游客最容易的是乘轻快铁到Dang Wangi车站。走出车站后跨过Sungai Kelang(其实是大水沟一条)到对岸,然后往左走,到了Jalan Dang Wangi(这时左边远处已经可以看见KL Tower了)往右走,三分钟之内你一定会嗅到空中充溢着食物香味,然后看见长长的人龙。这就到啦!

地址:35, Jalan Dang Wangi, Kuala Lumpur.
电话:03-2698 8108

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