Showing posts with label Succulent Plants. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Succulent Plants. Show all posts

Sunday 24 July 2016












Saturday 17 October 2015

A Kiss for Echeveria Lilacina

Mey helped me to get my first Echeveria Lilacina (Ghost Echeveria / Mexican Hens and Chicks), a succulents species that is very popular in the West. (I followed a few succulents group on Google+). I decided to DIY a pot using one of my favorite tin canister, a gift from Ling years ago. 

First, make a few holes at the bottom of the canister. I used only hammer and screwdriver, so yes, this is super easy.

Then I use some small rocks to layer the bottom.

After that, I put in a layer of coal, and followed by soil that mixed with pebbles. Plant in the Echeveria and you get yourself a lovely decorative succulents pot.

Tuesday 8 September 2015







Tuesday 1 September 2015



1. 在鸟笼底放了一点椰丝垫底,以便可以盛泥土。

2. 同时把水苔泡水

3. 水苔湿透后再把水苔挤干

4. 把水苔铺上弄成碗状,铺上泥沙即可开始栽种

5. 我选了若绿和雅乐之舞作为露在鸟笼外的多肉以增加层次感。紫米则种在鸟笼中央增添色彩。


Sunday 30 August 2015


我不太赞成娇生惯养植物, 否则它们动不动就落叶、枯萎、徒长、实在让我抓狂。所以,开始种了多肉植物不久后,我就决定把比较能耐日晒雨淋的多肉都种在我的花圃内,露养去!









Friday 1 May 2015

My Weekend Flower Bed Project

Where the idea comes from:
A few weeks ago, Moy See posted photos of her mum's beautiful garden, and subsequently, almost the whole world is uploading spring flowers photos on Facebook. I decided that I need a flower bed too! 

I got seeds from Moy See's mum, and I started to draw a flower bed schematic diagram (haha, typical engineer). I also decided to up-cycle the wine bottles as divider. (I read that the energy that could be saved from recycling one glass bottle could provide 20% less air pollution and 50% less water pollution. One glass wine bottle takes 4,000 years or more to decompose.)

So, after moving into this house for a decade, finally, I am converting this little corner into a flower bed!

The Weekend Project: 
Last Sunday, the project officially started!

I knew I need a proper hoe for this purpose, but I couldn't wait!! The weather was nice, and I was in the mood. I was not going to waste my time asking around to borrow a hoe, so I decided to use this tiny little hoe instead. For a person that seldom performing labor work, this almost killed me. Those muscles that I haven't used for years started to shout and cry. I ignored them and working hard under the hot morning sun. After almost 2 hours, the area was ready. I was exhausted, and decided to rest for a while before I begin the second phase. 

After my afternoon nap and lunch, I started phase 2. I dug holes and planted the wine bottles upside down. In less than an hour, before I could complete second phase, it started to rain, and rain, and rain! Non-stop! I gave up, and decided that I could continue during Labor Day.

The day before Labor Day, I saw this when I reached home after work:

My dad cannot stand the sight of wine bottles scattered in the garden so he decided to help me to complete Phase 2.

So, the first thing I did after my Labor Day breakfast was to add gardening soil for the raised flower bed.  

What I planted: 
I replanted my 3-weeks-old Asteraceae (sorry, still haven't figured out the species name) from their original pot to the flower bed.

I use Snake Plant as divider, hiding the bricks.

I also planted 2 rain lilies (葱兰及韭兰) that I bought from taobao mid of March. They don't seems to grow well, but I saw healthy roots so i guess they are doing well, just waiting for their season to bloom.
Rain lilies - Day 0 when I received

Rain lilies 1.5 months later

I planted lantana in the first row, and Asteraceae at the back. Hopefully adding enough texture and colours to this flower bed.

The corner divided by bricks is the special corner for my succulent plants. Since I have another batch of purchase this weekend, I'll complete this 25% next week.

Helping them to survive tropical sun and rain while they are still weak

A New Hope - String of Pearls

Just 2 weeks ago, I decided to move my "String of Pearls" to my bedroom to speed up the growth rate. I NEED strings and strings of pearls.

During day time, all my windows are open and I think the temperature is below 30 degree C. The strings of pearls will get some sunlight in the evening. At night, my room temperature is always below 20 degree C.

I water them once every few days, when the soil is totally dry. 2 weeks after moving it into my bedroom, a new shoot standing proudly, saying hi to Totoro.

I'm sure I'll see strings and strings of pearls coming out the next few months. Can't wait!!

Day 0

Day 6 - see the cute little shoot?

Day 12

Labor Day (Day 13)