Sunday 24 May 2009

My Sister's Keeper

我喜欢Jodi Picoult的书,她总是把人们放在道德的天秤上,你明明是在读着小说,却免不了要做一系列的思考。她的故事写得细腻又紧凑,通常一提上来,就放不下了。
我看的第一本Jodi Picoult的书,正是My Sister's Keeper。刚才无意中发现,原来这本书被拍成电影了,很快就会上映。



哦,还有,我之前说错了,刚刚证实,她患的,其实叫做sulfite oxidase deficiency(亚硫酸氧化缺乏症)。要是有谁有什么秘方,请在留言处给我留下资料。谢谢!

Saturday 23 May 2009


其实,老实说,虽然我明知道这些“心理测验”只是游戏,但当它说"You are the Guru",我还真的偷偷地‘暗爽’。无他,我真的,诚心的希望,我可以尽我的能力,让我身边的每一个人都找到自己的人生目标。我希望自己在成长的同时,也有一群朋友与我一同成长……

You Are the Guru

You are a naturally good counselor. You are inspiring, encouraging, and compassionate.

You are eager to help everyone who crosses your path, even those who don't want to be helped.

You are a natural healer. People feel at peace when they are with you.

You are so good for people, in fact, that they go through withdrawal once you're gone.

You quietly do your own thing, without openly resisting. You secretly try to fix every problem.

Your biggest regret is not being able to help as many people as you'd like.

Still about our Cousin's Day Out

Well, it has been weeks and we are still very excited when we talk about our Cousin's Day out on 9th May. This round, En En made a video and uploaded in Metacafe:

Cousins' Day out - Funny videos are here

Friday 22 May 2009







今天,放工回家,听爸爸说医生终于公布了病因。爸转述,说她患上的是基因病,体内缺少一种分解蛋白质enzyme。据说她这病,全世界证实的病例只有50宗,在亚洲只有两宗,第一宗在香港,第二宗就是芯荟了。我刚刚在网络上略微找了找,我猜应该就是Trifunctional protein deficiency吧?(明天才能找杰问个清楚)


Monday 18 May 2009


Wei and Yuan have blogged about "My Beloved Cousins" and "I Love My Cousins", and now it's my turn.

I have been very busy recently so even though I wanted to blog about our "Mother's Day" celebration (but I think we all have more fun than the mums), I kept dragging it and now I'm not in the mood anymore.

I wanted to make a video or slideshow or something special for all the photos that we took on 9th May 2009 (our Mother's Day celebration) but until now I don't have all the photos with me yet so I decided to skip.

But still, I have to tell the whole world, how lucky I am to be extraordinary close with my cousins. We did not physically grow up together (and I'm way too old to 'grow up' together with anyone of them) but we have this special bonding that whenever we are together, there's no gap between us. We hang out with our cousins a lot (Sara, Steven, Sonia, sorry, you are too far away ;p), shopping, movies, food...... We share our latest projects, talk about our dreams......Sometimes we day dreaming together, share our 'life experience'......
And most important of all, we always have FUN together!
(from left, me, Wei Wei, Amelia, Clifford, Brendon, Christopher, Jia En, Harry, Katherine)
missing from this picture: Charles (when everyone run to the camera, he run towards E&O Hotel), Sara & Steven & Sonia (at U.S. now), Matthew (too young, his parents wo't allow him to join us for the crazy outdoor photoshoot)

Sunday 17 May 2009

I'm Spirit and A Dreamer

You Are Spirit

You are resilient, hopeful, and inspiring. You have a lot of emotional, physical, and mental energy.

You nurture and nourish yourself. You know that you need fulfillment and downtime if you want to be your best.

You stay present in every moment. You don't allow yourself to be distracted or flustered.

You appreciate the life you have been given. You embrace all that is beautiful in the world.

You Are a Dreamer

You are primarily concerned with possibilities. You tend to be a fanciful person.

All of the world's opportunities sometimes overwhelm you.

You are obsessed with ideas and tend to be a big thinker. Theories interest you greatly.

You crave intellectual stimulation. You are drawn to a philosophical way of life.







What Does My Home Say About Me?

I hate myself for addicted to blogthings, really!

Your Home Says That You Feel Unsettled and Free

You come across as very intellectual. People take your wisdom seriously.

Your hygiene is passable, but you may be hiding some dirty secrets.

You are a very domestic person. You enjoy decorating, cooking, and making things homey.

You are a very nurturing person. You find meaning in taking care of others.

You don't feel settled in your life yet. You are scrambling to figure things out.

You are a very self sufficient person. You can get along well without much help.

Your friends see you as accommodating, peaceful, and forgiving.

Saturday 16 May 2009

I'm Free Spirit too? Just Like Chek Ling??

You Are Carefree

You are always brimming with excitement and possibilities. You love to experiment and learn.

You like to go wherever life takes you. You have no rules or routine.

You are a true free spirit. You do whatever works. If what works changes, you'll change too.

You don't value structure or order much in your life. It kills the spontaneity.