Tuesday 6 January 2009




过后我给伟璋摇了个电话寻求second opinion(毕竟老同学比较老实可靠,再说,我这问题,皮肤专科一定比外科医生更适合吧?),然后到GH检查检查。他说极可能是之前没清除干净,现在有个capsule在皮下,好运的话不知几时自动消失,要不然就一生与这瘤为伍,不好运的话就像上一回发炎。动手术切除是比较直截了当的方法。我还记得上一次的痛苦,于是决定一定要趁现在红豆般小就把它切除!“那你明天来吧”伟璋说。“我可需要准备多少钱,或需要准备保险公司的担保信吗?”我问。伟璋应该觉得我很白痴吧“你只需要付RM5的yuran pendaftaran,其余的一切免费。这,不需要由保险公司付吧?”哇噻!我上回花了数千元,还斩草不除根!私人医院未免欺人太盛、杀人放火呀?


Thursday 1 January 2009



Tuesday 23 December 2008

Santa Vader

Darth Vader finally decided to come out from the dark side and visited our office today. However, he was too rush and forgotten to bring his cloak.
So I helped him with a "sampah long" and obviously he was quite happy with the outcome.

Influenced by the holiday mood in our office, he started to feel the Xmas Force.

He even wear the Santa hat that Choo made for him!!

Knowing how huge a Star Wars fan I am, Darth Vader decided to give me the honour to be his driver. (I just can't stop smiling.....)

And who said he's just a cruel, heartless, coolest villain of all time? He visited us, and had dinner with me!!! Even though he has never kept his light saber, I'm still touched!

Oh, and of course, like every visitors to my house, I always take photos of them with my 6" Xmas tree (^^)

Friday 19 December 2008



McQueen & Sally

I always love McQueen and Sally as a couple. I love the scene when Sally and McQueen drive and have fun along Route 66. Now I have he balloons, I just can't stop taking photos of them. (OK, call me crazy. But if you have 2 Cars character balloon art with you, I bet you will take tons of photos too!) Balloon-McQueen is so cute and Balloon-Sally is so sweet! (Of course, Choo will tell you Sally is a much better version - after he modified base on the experience he gain in making McQueen.)

After having fun taking photos, before I left office, I insisted Khor bring McQueen home for Bryan. Kids will sure love McQueen. Letting Bryan play with McQueen is better than let me take home, put under my Christmas tree, and continue to take tons of photos ;p

Anyway, since Sally is with me, how could I resist taking more photos?? (^^)

Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?

Now this is a classic! It's hard to believe that this is actually a prototype!! I just can't stop having fun taking photos of this absorbant and yellow and porous creature! And my favorite: Spongebob sit on my laptop!

Prototype Sally

After making his first ever Cars character, Choo decided to make another one today. Guess who??

Sally of course! Who else can accompany McQueen to explore Route 66??

Thursday 18 December 2008

Prototype Lightning McQueen

Choo made a prototype Lightning McQueen today. I think he doesn't really satisfy with this prototype but I really love this cute, eye-catching McQueen. What do you think?

Wednesday 17 December 2008

Sid = Cute; Sloth = Geram

有一些纪录片,你看了,会毕生难忘的。其中一个我印象非常深刻的,应该是中六的时候吧?电视播一套好像是名为Jungle Cat的纪录片。主角是只豹,纪录片记载了他的生活、他的猎物等等。而他的其中一个主要猎物,便是sloth。(老实说,我孤稳寡陋,到了中六,才第一次听过sloth这个名词。)我从来不知道sloth的行动是慢得那么可怕。看着黑豹充满煞气地爬上树了,他还悠哉闲哉地慢慢爬到另一棵树;他不小心跌下水了,鳄鱼正向他游来,他竟然从容不迫地慢慢的游上岸;上了岸指甲不小心叉了几片枯叶,他还若无其事地尝试把手上的枯叶甩去。我们全家人为了这么一个纪录片紧张得咬牙切齿、猛飚冷汗。从此,我就对这树懒印象很差!

直到Ice Age以超可爱的姿态风靡我们三姐弟,Sid便以那积极、叽喳又从容笃定的方式,让我喜欢上了这个虚拟史前sloth,对sloth的印象大大改观。不过,Manfred那有时不耐烦的眼神,我还是可以体会的。如果我有Manfred的体积,或许我已经忍不住把他给踩扁了。


Choo的第一个Sid prototype。我个人很喜欢,但他嫌这只长得像ET多过像Sid.


Tuesday 16 December 2008

The Ultimate Colour Test

Though I never really believe in "personality test" (I always believe that human brain is too complicated for anyone to predict with such simple "test) , I like to play them sometimes just to check how accurate they are at that particular moment of time.
Tried out "The ultimate colour test" and I think it's quite accurate for me, at least for now (^^)

Your Colors Say You Are Caring

When you are at peace, you are:
Energized and innovative

When you are moved to act, you are:
Giving and warm

When you are inspired, you are:
Creative and productive

When your life is perfectly balanced, you are:
Connected to nature and the world

Your life's purpose is:
To reach enlightenment