Sunday 25 December 2016

Tradescantia Sillamontana 白雪姬




2015年4月 - 刚到我家




Saturday 24 December 2016



由于盆子很小,再加上没法子浇水,所以选择的品种必须是精小而且“折腾不死”的。我选择了:怡心草,白雪姬,紫米,棒叶不死鸟,白花小松,蔓莲,黄金万年草和Othonna capensis,共八个品种。这么一来纹理颜色都丰富一些。


Monday 19 December 2016

I Rebel (Not a film review)

(If you have yet to watch the original trilogy, then please don't read this. Tons of spoilers here. But then, again, if you haven't watch the original trilogy, I'm sure you are not a Star Wars fan and this post has nothing to do with you.

If you are a Star Wars fans but unfortunately still not able to watch Rogue One due to circumstances, I share your pain and I'm so sorry for you. There are no spoilers here, unless you haven't watch the trailers. Well, then again, if you haven't watch the Rogue One trailers, I'm sure you are not really a fan and this post has nothing to do with you either)

If you grow up watching the original trilogy, THIS is the prequel that you actually wanted. (Well, maybe "prequel" is now such a bad word for Star Wars fans, Disney decided to use "spin-off" instead of "prequel" in all their marketing efforts). Rogue One ends a mere 10 minutes before the opening of the original Star Wars movie. It gives more depth and strength to Star Wars (those younger generations call it "Episode IV: A New Hope"), it makes me appreciate Star Wars more, it gives more weight on that opening crawl that caught our attention almost 40 years ago......If you always wonder about the exhaust port, the lack of Rebel Alliances as you grow older, Rogue One gives you the answers.

With "A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away....." and not following by the iconic opening crawl, we fans were transported into something familiar but different.

First of all, there's no John Williams. It is not a Star Wars movie without John Williams. Period. (John, please live long and prosper). No, don't get me wrong, it is not that Michael Giacchino is not qualified, but John Williams IS part of Star Wars universe. (Luckily Giacchino still using the Imperial March and the cascading brass motifs).

Though Star Wars is always about "war" but Rogue One is the real war movie in the Star Wars universe. The final battle shows the real capability of Gareth Edwards. The stakes are higher, its battles are more violent and militaristic. The scope of the mass casualties incurred in ground and air assaults makes us cry for every unsung heroes in human history. The final battle makes Rogue One a Star Wars story worth telling.

Though I really enjoy watching Rogue One (it made me so excited that I have to do the original trilogy + The Force Awaken marathon a few hours after watching it), and I'm sure it will always be included in my Star Wars Marathon (be in original trilogy marathon or full marathon), it lacks of the joyous spark between characters that defines the original trilogy. Most of the new characters in this movie seems interesting but underutilized (except for K-2SO). Worse still, they don't spark the kind of chemistry between Luke, Leia, and Han, or between Rey, Finn and Poe. Well, they are not Hayden-Christensen-and-Natalie-Portman kind of bad chemistry, but you don't fall in love with the ensemble. The way they interact on screen make you suspect that they are not friends off screen.

Rogue One is darker and grimmer, but it is still a nostalgia piece to Star Wars fans. And by now, I'm sure you already know that Darth Vader is in Rogue One. If Darth Vader used to give you nightmares as a kid, wait until you see Rogue One! I am sure thousands of Star Wars fans secretly cried tears of joy! If you only knew the power of the Dark Side! Darth Vader alone worth the price of the ticket. So Star Wars fans, if you are still skeptical, don't be. Go watch Rogue One NOW!

Saturday 17 December 2016




Wednesday 14 December 2016

The Continent Hotel Bangkok by Compass Hospitality

2013年family trip我们选择了曼谷。当时曾在The Continent Hotel Bangkok住了一夜,大家都爱上了,所以这一次我又选择在这家酒店度过曼谷的最后一夜。酒店新颖、房间舒服、地点适中、服务亲切、价钱合理,我找不到不回来住一住的理由。

我要求提早check in,所以在中午就乘Uber到这家酒店。在lobby想要check in,服务员却把我们领到顶楼Sky Lounge去,我这才想起我们定的房间有Sky Benefits。在他们慢慢的给我们做check in手续时,我们可以慢慢的享受咖啡、欣赏曼谷skyline……在热爆的曼谷,可以躲在空调室内眺望这繁华城市是一件很写意的事。

进入房间后由于太舒服,大家都懒了下来,要不就瘫在床上发呆,要不就忙着拍照呀、上网呀,哪儿都不想去。我本身可是不介意发呆的,但表妹毕竟‘山长水远’到访,总不可能让她呆在室内,于是我们最后还是选择了订了一辆Uber,到Wat Pho、Wat Arun看看。

寺庙之旅结束后,我们回到酒店,到Sky Lounge享用免费下午茶(Sky Benefits的一部分),慵懒地窝在沙发上谈天说地。晚上闲来无事就到邻近的Terminal 21吃吃走走,商场关门后就捧着一大包的零食回到房间天南地北。


隔天早上我们决定哪儿都不去了,睡到自然醒。在酒店用早餐、享受一下温煦阳光、再到外头打了一转(离开曼谷之前,我怎么可以不拜访那些小食摊子呢)。酒店对面在Exchange Tower的巷口有家卖Kanom Kai Nok Krata(sweet potato balls)的小摊子,油锅干净,食物美味便宜,有机会你一定要尝尝。


Itinerary: 4D3N Relaxing Bangkok
Khlong Lat Mayom Floating Market
Wat Pho
Wat Arun

我是不是Star Wars粉丝?

朋友见我天天换Facebook Profile Picture,为Rogue One倒数,忍无可忍,问我“你究竟有多爱这部电影啊”?


说来话长,三十多年来我长期被这部电影“熏陶”(我第一次看Star Wars,应该是叔叔租VHS回来,那时我还没入幼稚园,应该是四五岁左右吧),再加上我是家里老大,在外婆家也是老大,几十年来“骗”了一班小瓜和我一起成为Star Wars fans,一起疯狂。

以前在Friendster写了一堆与Star Wars有关的blog(当然,现在寻不回了),把我的blog搬到Blogger后其实也写了不少:

最令人信赖的Darth Vader
Adidas Darth Vader
The Empire Gives Back
I Know
No, I am Your Father
The Imperial March
Do, or do not, there is no try
Why I Can Relate to Sheldon Cooper - Star Wars Fans
The Happiest Place On Earth
May the 4th, 2013
May the 4th be with You, 2014
May the Fourth be with You, 2015

去年,我百忙中还是抽空看了首场The Force Awakens,还和妹妹各打扮成Luke和Leia。看了半夜场出来仍然兴奋莫名,回到家还吃夜宵(半夜四点的还算夜宵吗?)才睡觉。六点半起床照样去上班,只是那阵子太忙,反而没时间给The Force Awakens写观后感什么的。我弟弟说不可思议,我也这么认为。

那时候我们隔了这么久终于有机会进戏院看Star Wars,再加上是首场,戏院里全是爱看Star Wars同仁,拿着light saber的,穿起jedi robe的,打扮成Darth Vader的,穿着Star Wars t shirt的…… 当音乐响起,或Millennium Falcon出场了,或是老朋友们回来了……一大群互不认识的人在戏院里拍手、欢笑、流泪……那种情绪,很难形容。

而我究竟是不是Star Wars粉丝呢?我个人觉得不是(你看人家都干些什么)

我没有接触Star Wars expanded universe、没有玩Star Wars video games/online games、我还没拥有Lego Millennium Falcon / Death Star、即使到了三藩市我也没特地到Lucas Film Headquarters走一趟、没硬闯Skywalker Ranch、我没和人家争执“who shot first”……

我顶多是偶尔买几件Star Wars t shirt穿穿、偶尔买些小玩具啦monopoly啦、我分得清哪首音乐是给哪位要角、听到Force Theme有时候会偷偷红了眼眶、我想要到Tunisia和Skellig Islands看看、我幻想某一天可以参加真的Star Wars Marathon、没事在家会来个“Star Wars Marathon”……

我,没有很爱Star Wars啦……

Tuesday 13 December 2016

Wat Arun

我和Wat Arun一直没有什么缘分。在曼谷众多庙宇当中,我最想参观的,其实一直都是Wat Arun,可是这些年来总因为种种原因而去不成,最靠近的时候,总是我在河上,它在岸上……这一次,终于成行了,却碰巧Wat Arun在装修中,我还是和主塔插肩而过……

我们到达Wat Arun时,天已经开始转暗,再碰上表妹肚痛,我们在郑王庙里也只是匆匆地饶了一圈。



如果想要用一天的时间走几个最具代表性的庙宇,最实际的走法是乘BTS到Saphan Taksin BTS Station,吃了早餐再乘Chao Phraya Express Boat到Wat Arun。然后乘船到对岸的Tha Tian吃午餐,再好好的看Wat Pho和Grand Palace(当然还有里头的Emerald Buddha)。

Itinerary: 4D3N Relaxing Bangkok
Khlong Lat Mayom Floating Market
Wat Pho

Monday 12 December 2016

Wat Pho

好多年前第一次到曼谷公干时,曾和同事趁空余时间挤出了一个tuk-tuk庙宇游。那是一口气游了卧佛、玉佛、marble temple等好几间庙宇,那时候觉得有些审美疲劳。后来,对于到曼谷的庙宇都没有太多的冲动。

这一次要到Wat Pho去,稍微读了一下资料,才发觉原来人家不只是睡佛这么简单(怎么以前我们来就是一口气冲到睡佛?)泰国卧佛寺是曼谷历史最悠久和最大的寺庙,也是泰国第一座公共教育中心。卧佛寺分两域,一是供奉卧佛大雄宝殿和佛陀博物馆;另一区四座大佛塔和99座小佛塔,周围有图书馆、修道佛堂和泰式按摩学院。在卧佛寺大殿走廊的柱子上、墙壁上及各佛殿、排亭中都刻有很多碑文。碑文在三世王时刻成,其内容有建筑、历史、佛史、医药、格言、文学、地理、风俗习惯等,被称为泰国的第一所大学。

我们到曼谷时,泰王已经驾崩一个月多了,但人民对他的爱戴处处可见。在Wat Pho中央,也摆了泰王像供人民朝拜的。



而我个人最爱的地方,其实是Phra Mondob。比较起别处修饰得崭新亮丽,这儿的墙已经斑驳,这里有着时光的味道。跨过那个门槛,我们走进的是一个很少游客的空间,静谧的,庄严的。可能因为年久失修,游客是不可以走进主庙的。然而,绕之走着,卑微虔诚之心反而在平静中升起。

我原本的计划是乘BTS到Saphan Taksin BTS Station,吃了早餐再乘Chao Phraya Express Boat到Wat Arun。然后乘船到对岸的Tha Tian吃午餐,再好好的看Wat Pho和Grand Palace(当然还有里头的Emerald Buddha)。这其实是最实际的走法,但我最后还是因为懒惰而换了行程。

Itinerary: 4D3N Relaxing Bangkok
Khlong Lat Mayom Floating Market
Wat Pho
Wat Arun