我原想把我“做”了半年的莲花做完(其实就只是在园姬的几堂课才有动工,平时我可把我的莲花忘得干干净净),然而,当我把“ka chang”从盒子拿出来时,才发觉全蒙上一层厚厚的灰尘了,更令我伤心的是,我的粘土全硬了!美美和我半斤八两。她几个月前来做的上百个花瓣,因当时匆匆忙忙离去,没待粘土完全风干便收了起来(回家后又完全忘了要拿出来让它风干),结果全都生锈了(花瓣里头得用铁线定型)。我们伤心欲绝,跟Susan撒娇说今天没有心情继续了,于是她又拿出私家粘土及耳环钩子哄我们、又答应美美会帮她收拾残局。我们见奸计得逞,便喜滋滋地开始动手做耳环。
are you gg to make me those earrings that you have promised for centuries?
hehe, what design you want?
My initial plan was to make 2 earrings for Pinky this week. But after I completed my project, I love the bikini earrings so much and I decided to keep that for myself. So I still owe her one pair, and owe you one pair too ;p
yo yo yo...i want the bikini one!!!!
can u give it to me?? ;p
zhao fu, you have 耳洞 meh? or 鼻洞?haha!
我要个flamenco theme的!然后在台上演出时穿着它们.
I know you like challenges ma...hehe...Actually flamenco earrings are simple, just a big loop,usually plain red or black.But hopefully you can make one with pokka dots punya for me,I love pokka dots! :)
oh, so easy a? i was thinking of a lady wearing red flamenco dress ;p
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