Showing posts with label 音乐,电视. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 音乐,电视. Show all posts

Sunday 3 February 2013

Confession of an Addict

I guess I won't get a lot of objections if I casually mention that I'm a person with strong mind. I am determined. I believe that real freedom lies in discipline. If I promise myself to wake up at 5am for exercise, I'll do it everyday, without miss (that's why I do not simply make promises, especially to myself :p )

Unfortunately, there are moments when I'm weak, and when I'm weak, I am the type of person that easily get addicted. If I'm the scientific observation subject of an extra-terrestrial, they will notice this strange behaviour: their subject have a routine, but sometimes, out of sudden, the repetitive pattern is interrupted by some strange boring activities where their subject will spend hoursssssssssssss on.

I have a permanent addiction to books. I have to read at least a few pages of anything before I go to sleep. It started all the way back to age around 4 or 5, at my mum's cousin's house. After getting tired playing outside, I started to explore the interior. I found a huge cupboard with various types of books and I'm attracted to the mysterious colourful mess. Ah Nee Jie Jie gave me a《儿童乐园》, and I'm hooked on books ever since. I will not pick up a fiction if I knew I got no time for it. However, sometimes I'm easily seduced and usually it means I'll stay up until 2am or 3am, until my body functions totally give up. I hate the fact that I'll get super tired the next day but I just can't help myself. And what I hated most if the sense of "emptiness" after I finished a great novel. I guess that is what drug addicts feel after they come back to consciousness.

I'm easily addicted to games. From Game & Watch, to Atari, to those 8 bits computer games, to PS to online games. I remember how I spent my school holiday destroying enemy's fighter jets and helicopters to protect a convoy of tractor trailers, or shooting peppers and walk around the maze to make hamburger, or forcing En En to play bubble bobble with me when he actually wished to polish up his driving skill in Crash Bandicoot. As exchange, I also spent equally long hours on Crash Bandicoot too. During my days in campus, sometimes I spent hours on a same boring game (like Solitaire or Hearts), trying to beat my own high score. Ever since I graduated from university, I have vowed not to play computer games anymore. So i always try very hard to keep myself away from the evil virtual universe. When someone that know me extremely well (like En En) tell me how great a game is, i know that is the game that i have to avoid forever. However, unfortunately, sometimes accidents do happen. I remember how I accidentally sit in front of En En's PC and played Sim City. I was so amazed by the cities I built, I spent a few months, utilizing hours after work to develop them and it was so tiring yet satisfying. I said no to game after that, but still accidentally started to play Bejewled Blitz. "It's only 1 minute per game, how harmful can it be?" That's my excuse for trying that game. Before I noticed, I start to play hours after hours. Now even I have stopped this bad habit, I still play it daily, as if something missing in my life if I don't touch it for once. So, for friends that trying to introduce new games to me through Facebook, sorry that I have to reject you. Having addicted on one at this moment is bad enough for me now.

I am a sitcom addict too. During the pre-Astro era and pre-internet download era, though i love tons of sitcoms but i never aware that I'm actually an addict. (To spend only less than 1.5 hours per day really cannot consider as an addict isn't it?) Decades ago, we have only TV1 and TV2. The sitcoms that I like only on air for 30 minutes per week (but I spent 7:30~8pm in front the TV set, in between 7pm Mandarin news and 8pm prime time news, every weekdays without miss). I love "I Love Lucy"(yes, I'm that old, thanks to TV2), "Family Ties", "Small Wonder", "Growing Pain", "Full House", "The Fresh Prince of Bel Air", "Boy Meets World", "Malcolm in the Middle" etc. this seem like normal, healthy, brainless yet harmless entertainment to me, until I noticed that I can be a couch potato for eternal when Astro air the Friends marathon. When all my siblings (including my cousins) telling me how good "How I Met Your Mother" and "The Big Bang Theory" are, I knew it too well that I have to stay as far away as possible from theses shows. I was quite successful until an unfortunate event happened during my flight back from US. I slept so well that when I woke up we were less than 3 hours away from Hong Kong. Too short for me to watch the movies so I told myself "What harm can it makes if I watch a few episodes of The Big Bang Theory?". Sigh..... It was so hilarious that I can't help myself from falling in love with it. I couldn't resist to finished En's downloaded 5 seasons of TBBT in less than one month. And now I'm in the dilemma of whether to start downloading Season 6 or to wait for En. For the record, I am so not going to start watching any episode of How I Met Your Mother! Please don't even try to persuade me!

I really want to spend my valuable time to learn new things, to grow, to be, to live a balance life......So,dear friends, please help me to keep me away from all these addiction :)

Sunday 15 July 2012

The Manganiyar Seduction












Friday 14 May 2010

The Imperial March

要细数我爱上Empire Strikes Back的原因,又怎么可以少了The Imperial March?

The Imperial March应该是世上其中一首最为人所知的电影配乐了吧?你说,要不是有Empire Strikes Back这么精彩的电影配上这两个世纪来其中一个最伟大音乐家John Williams这么完美的结合,你说,史上最有型的坏人Darth Vader走路是不是会少一点风?连超可爱的Lego Darth Vader也变得威风凛凛呢!

我多希望可以在现场观看John Williams亲自指挥这首曲子呢!

Monday 3 May 2010


我在The Silk Road Ensembles with Yo Yo Ma上见识了他委婉的笙、清脆的笛、嘹亮的嗓子,立刻把他封为偶像。回薇的家后立刻google他。他是华乐底子,搞了个摇滚乐团作主唱,现在是新加坡交响乐团的客卿团员,能作曲编曲,近乎无所不能。

The Silk Road Ensemble with Yo Yo Ma

马友友和他的Silk Road Ensemble为了庆祝十周年纪念,到世界各地巡回演出。新加坡是最靠近我们的一站,我当然愿意专程飞去新加坡看这场Gala Concert。

音乐会以Silk Road Suite作为开场,把我们带往那个遥远、神秘又色彩浓烈的土地。曲毕,马友友趁团员们搬动乐器和椅子的空隙,向观众娓娓道来各曲子的故事。他说起故事来声音犹如他的大提琴般动听,大家都被他的斯文儒雅折服。


我最爱的音乐会曲子,就是以下这首Air to Air。曲末那段奔放,让我在音乐厅内莫名地流下了眼泪。不是悲伤、不是喜极而泣、不是感触。只是莫名的,被触动了真我灵魂的感动。


Saturday 14 November 2009

This Is It

薇薇恩恩一定纳闷了很久,“大姐怎么还不写This Is It?”
是的,他们俩分别在自己的部落里写了观后感,他们也深信我一定也会写下这么一篇,我忙了一个星期,今天,我们姐弟仨终于分别以This Is It做标题各写了一篇。




This Is It电影刚开始不久,我有一点疑惑自己是不是选错了影片作为我庆祝自己生日的方式。那是一种非常复杂的心情,在黑漆漆的戏院内得慢慢地调节。是同情那些舞蹈员、是感慨可能我有生之年再没有第二个同等的entertainer、是遗憾自己不曾看过现场的MJ演唱会、是惋惜一场更棒的演唱会最终没有成为事实、是为现今世界乐坛觉得悲哀。这位被大家视为过气的“老”歌手在保留实力的彩排内让我们看见先今当红歌手们所没有的精湛与震撼。影片缓缓地铺开来,我嘴角开始挂起笑意。那些大家耳熟能详的歌曲原来还有这么多新意。They Don't Care About Us的概念好像很有型、Smooth Criminal的新MTV有一班老演员助阵、The Way You Make Me Feel的音乐竟然比舞台更有画面、Thriller(我们几时有得看3D的?)这么趣味怏然、Beat It仍然神采飞扬、Earth Song比以前更为震撼……唯一的遗憾是,哪有没有moonwalk的Billie Jean的呀?


Tuesday 8 September 2009

Jeff Dunham



我的老板介绍我们Jeff Dunham’s Christmas Special时,说是他无意中的重大发现,说这家伙实在出乎意料的好笑。我孤闻寡陋,没听说过Jeff Dunham的大名,但见我老板说得兴高采烈的,想必是有趣之极,于是向他借了DVD。我们原以为是standup comedy,发觉是腹语术表演时有点儿以外,但我和恩很快地就相依坐在电脑前笑翻了天,还泪流满面!看完dvd意犹未尽(但夜已深,再不睡要被老爸子老妈子投诉了),结果又不约而同的躲进房间用手提电脑上youtube和wikipedia继续疯狂。我们都以半片DVD的时间就爱上了Jeff Dunham(但更爱Achmed the Dead Terrorist)。

Jeff Dunham的傀儡表情意外地生动,高谈阔论是甭说了,还能引吭高歌。你看他和他的傀儡‘吵架’时,口、腹快速相互运用自如真是令人叹为观止。更绝的是还可以一人和两个傀儡起争执用不同的声线和语音喋喋不休。

Jeff Dunham有stand up comedian的喜剧节奏,又有腹语术表演者的精彩声线控制,他的傀儡还是亲制的,真的多才多艺,难怪如此受欢迎。

下面一段是Jeff Dunham第一次介绍Achmed the Dead Terrorist出场,立刻使Achmed成为史上最可爱的terrifying terrorist。


Friday 26 June 2009


今天早上,我才走下楼,爸就说:“Micheal Jackson死了!”我暗地里有点儿希望他听错了,忙坐下来听新闻。爸可能也暗地里希望自己听错吧,我们俩就这样子默默的守住电视机旁…




在我们家,Micheal Jackson是跨时代的!从我爷爷至我弟弟都曾经在不同的时空不同的场合以不同的原因爱上他。薇、恩、我都曾经在各自的部落里提起这位真正的天皇巨星



Friday 17 April 2009


在薇薇的部落看见她介绍Susan Boyle,好奇,去Youtube看了Susan Boyle参加Britain Got Talent的video


There was a time when men were kind
When their voices were soft
And their words inviting
There was a time when love was blind
And the world was a song
And the song was exciting
There was a time
Then it all went wrong

I dreamed a dream in time gone by
When hope was high
And life worth living
I dreamed that love would never die
I dreamed that God would be forgiving
Then I was young and unafraid
And dreams were made and used and wasted
There was no ransom to be paid
No song unsung, no wine untasted

But the tigers come at night
With their voices soft as thunder
As they tear your hope apart
And they turn your dream to shame

He slept a summer by my side
He filled my days with endless wonder
He took my childhood in his stride
But he was gone when autumn came

And still I dream he'll come to me
That we will live the years together
But there are dreams that cannot be
And there are storms we cannot weather

I had a dream my life would be
So different from this hell I'm living
So different now from what it seemed
Now life has killed the dream I dreamed.

Monday 16 February 2009




Sunday 14 December 2008

Is This Your Dream?

Youtube目前正积极邀请世界各地的音乐家参与网上试音。最好的演出者将会于2009年4月被邀请到纽约Carnegie Hall参与演出!!

"We invite musicians from around the world to audition for the YouTube Symphony Orchestra. Your video entries will be combined into the first ever collaborative virtual performance, and the world will select the best of you to perform at New York City's Carnegie Hall in April 2009.

  • 1. Prepare - Select your instrument to access the sheet music and rehearse with the conductor
  • 2. Submit - Upload your performances and submit them to join the YouTube Symphony Orchestra
  • 3. Entries - Browse videos to get ideas and check out the competition"
Click Here

Tuesday 9 December 2008

Playing For Change

I would like to introduce you to a remarkable documentary about the simple but transformative power of music: PLAYING FOR CHANGE: PEACE THROUGH MUSIC. I accidentally saw this clip on Youtube, love it! I then searched for "PLAYING FOR CHANGE", and learnt that this is a movement setup 7 years ago to unite people all over the world through music and inspiration. The film brings musicians from around the world to collaborate on songs familiar and new, playing together yet in their own traditions. Music lovers will sure fall in love with these powerful works!

Saturday 6 December 2008

Wednesday 12 November 2008


丽梅(不好意思,我的Microsoft Pinyin没有你的名字哦!)投诉说我的部落里头的二泉映月令人心情低落。真不好意思,忘了最近身边有许多孕妇,这对胎教实在不好。哈哈!


1. My Favorite Things
2. 红日(李克勤)
3. Blue Danube (Johann Strauss II)
4. 财神到(许冠杰)
5. Jingle Bells
6. Balik Kampung(Sudirman)
7. The Bare Necessities

1. My Favorite Things
基于我对My Favorite Things的感情,虽然上诉名单排名不分先后,但这首歌却肯定是榜首。无他,歌曲把我们生活中那些被忽略的小趣味一一放大,把快乐简单化,听了之后,世界变得多么美好。

2. 红日

3. Blue Danube
对于许多喜欢古典音乐的人来说,Johann Strauss其实相当不入流的。他是“通俗”的、是“没有深度的”。然而,对我来说,我爱煞了他。他总是以最简单的音符构成最优美的圆舞曲!我可不管什么“深度”。再说,小时候看的卡通片,卡通人物总是在这个音乐下翩翩起舞。这个熟悉的音乐对于我而言,已经成了快乐的代名词。

4. 财神到

5.Jingle Bells
我一向来喜欢圣诞节。那是温馨的季节。而且有很多好看的圣诞卡通,又有很多好听的圣诞歌曲。而最具代表性的,当然非Jingle Bell莫属。只要听见那圣诞铃声丁丁当当地想起,我立刻可以看见飘雪的white christmas。

6. Balik Kampung
所有做过游子的人都知道,只要适逢过年过节,都是回乡好日子。而Hari Raya便是其中一个经典长假,所以,每当Sudirman唱起Balik Kampung时,便是我们balik kampung的季节了。"Balik kampung, oh oh oh, balik kampung"多令人快乐向往!

7. The Bare Necessities
我小时候是Disney宝宝,我们家仨都是看Disney卡通长大的。当然,我们各有各的最爱。我最爱The Jungle Book,薇最爱Robin Hood,恩应该是Toy Story吧(恩,对吗?)?那时候就是爱看Baloo载歌载舞。Baloo唱这首歌时随手拔果子丢入口中、悠闲地滑到河中,让我对“游手好闲”非常憧憬。现在,有时候工作的太忙、活得太盲,我会记起Baloo对我说“The bare necessities of life will come to you,They'll come to you!


Monday 22 September 2008

Josh Groban at the 2008 Emmys

打从在Ally McBeal看见这个希腊雕像似的男生后,一直被他的歌声给迷倒。假以时日,他必定是声乐界的重量级人马。
今天,在yahoo上知晓他在Emmy上唱了许多脍炙人口的经典电视主题曲,赶忙到youtube瞧瞧。他以幽默活泼的姿态,带来了阵阵惊喜。试想想,他这样的歌声,竟唱起Fresh Prince of Bel Air哦!还唱得不错哦!