Friday 30 April 2010

I Know

The Empire Strikes Back不只给我们一览Jedi的奥秘,也为“女人都爱坏男人”作了个完美示范。

"I love you"
"I know"

这句对白几乎成了Han Solo浪子形象的最佳诠释;也把高不可攀的Princess Leia拉下凡间。有一种属于两性间的紧凑,在他们之前展开,蔓延,结果……

(在The New Hope时星际大战迷还不知道事情的真相,支持Han Solo+Princess Leia或Luke+Leia的或许各占一半,但在Return of Jedi真想揭晓后他俩的爱情就显得非常顺理成章了。)

Tuesday 27 April 2010



Sunday 25 April 2010





My Simple Yet Perfect Sunday Lunch

Not by me, of course!
Who has to cook when you have an excellent cook that can do wonders at home?

Harvest In Cafe Perfect Gathering

It's Jit Sin High School Chinese Orchestra Annual Concert again, and we have been looking forward for this gathering. I have been eyeing for Harvest In Cafe for quite some time but never have chance to try so I decided to organize our gathering there.

We reached there about 5:45pm and found that the shop will only open at 6pm. While wandering around the premises (and take photos, of course), I noticed that there's actually a lot of people already waiting there! Wait for the clock to strike 6! Must be very popular!

When the shop finally opened, we were the first to go in and I walked straight to this cosy corner that I have surveyed from the outside earlier. To my surprise, all the tables there were already reserved. Actually, MOST OF THE TABLES in the restaurant were already reserved. We were lucky to even have a table of our own!

Once we get the menu, I immediately understand the popularity. It's relatively cheap for well-decorated-Western-restaurant in Penang. (For reference, a black pepper chicken cost only RM9.90 and you can add RM4.90 for a non-canned-soup-of-the-day, a drink and dessert. The best part is, there's no service charge or government tax. What you see on the menu is what you pay!)

The main dishes that we had

How to go? Drive along Burmah Road (from New World Park towards Pulau Tikus direction). After Penang Chinese Chin Woo Athletic Association, turn right. Go to the end of Burmah Square and turn right again. You will see a very welcoming restaurant with Grey exterior. That is Harvest In Cafe, at 10, Irrawaddy Road 

Opening hour: 11.00-3.30pm, 6pm-10pm. Closed on Sunday. Closed for dinner on Tuesday.

Friday 23 April 2010


大家都知道我们姐弟仨是超级Star Wars迷,但你可知道The Empire Strikes Back是我最爱的Star Wars电影呢?且让我在倒数的每个周五缓缓为你逐一道来。

Luke Skywalker一开始便以Tatoonie的单纯农家孩子讨尽了星际大战迷们的欢心。虽然他自The New Hope开始便是故事的重心所在,然而即使他在运用浑然天成的Force成功毁掉Death Star后,他也只不过是个初出茅庐的黄毛小子,就如武侠小说里那些不小心跌入山洞刚开始一段奇遇的小子。纯真、且对未来充满抱负的。

到了The Empire Strikes Back,当他开始了坎坷不平、充满斗争和痛苦的道路,他的人格才完全成型。

而我们作为观众的,在The New Hope里和Luke一起偷窥了Jedi能力的一角,到了The Empire Strikes Back,我们终于和Luke一起展开神奇的Jedi旅程。文明的、古典的、正面的、简朴的、高贵的。

George Lucas把最好的都给了Luke,又把最好的Luke都给了The Empire Strikes Back。

Wednesday 21 April 2010

Thank you Micheal~

I booked a return ticket from Tiger Airline to Singapore a few months back. For those who know me must be asking. Why? What bring me to Singapore? Well, Yo-Yo Ma & The Silk Road Ensemble (SSO) of course!!

I am so excited about this and have been looking forward for the trip. However, this afternoon, some Asia-Pacific tele-agent called me and told me that my flight on 30th April morning has been delayed to 9pm 30th April!!  DELAYED!!!! Expecting me to fly when Yo Yo Ma is playing his cello!!!??? NO WAY! I tried to explain to the tele-agent but obviously both of us need translator to translate our English to each other. Finally, I gave up and decided to call Singapore Office directly.

I was greeted by a gentleman name Micheal. Initially he offered me free ticket to fly to other places on the same day but I am not going anywhere when Yo Yo Ma is playing in Singapore! After offering me a few options that I keep on rejecting, he finally told me that "I will try to explain to my superior and get you on the flight one day earlier without additional charges". I am so glad!!

Everyone has been telling me all sorts of terrible stories about Tiger Airline, but, Micheal proved that a good warm customer service make a different!

Thank you Micheal~

Monday 19 April 2010





Sunday 18 April 2010

The Empire Gives Back

恩恩提醒,惊觉约莫再过一个月就是The Empire Strikes Back的三十周年纪念了!到官方网站走走瞧瞧,发觉Lucasfilm还举办了长达一年的“The Empire Gives Back”慈善活动,到真是把The Force用在正确的管道上了。

接下来的几个周五,就让我来告诉你为什么它会成为我心目中永远的最佳Star Wars电影吧!

Failure Is Not An Option

昨天出席了Leadership Training,讲师以Titanic和Apollo 13的电影片段作为领导能力的重要性的示范,我忍不住想和大家分享,也忍不住想起那一段日子……

看Apollo 13已经是十多年前的事了。(那时正年少轻狂,和泽灵等最疯狂的时候还曾经到戏院偷海报的。)基于Tom Hanks一直是我非常喜爱的演员,在那个时候,所有他的电影我都不曾错过。看了这部电影后,我当然也爱上了Ed Harris和Gary Sinise(我当然也非常喜欢Kevin Bacon,但他是更早前的发现了)。我天生“眼睛浅”,看Apollo 13也感动得泪流满面。以下这一个片断正是其中一个让我对Ed Harris(以及Gene Kranz)由衷钦佩的原因。(历史上Gene Kranz固然果断能干,电影中Ed Harris也适当地带出领袖应有的魄力。)

据说Gene Kranz在现实中并不曾说过"Failure is not an option"这句话,但他觉得这句电影对白和NASA成员们的使命感非常吻合,于是选了"Failure is not an option"作为他的自传标题。一个好的领袖,正需要具备这种永不言败的坚定,在艰苦的时刻,稳重而笃定的,适当地运用每一个人的专长渡过难关。
