我很享受这样子宠爱自己的感觉,脚板儿在泡了热水、去死皮、按摩,嫩嫩柔柔的,舒服极了。当然,既然上指甲油和两只拇指的nail art是免费的,我虽然不特别喜欢,却也不介意玩玩。我很传统,只敢要了似有若无的珍珠白。美美比较IN,上了黑色,yeah得很!
You Are Real |
You are honest, authentic, and comfortable in your own skin. You embrace your faults. You expect everyone else to be as transparent as you are, but you're not always so lucky. You're in search of the good people in this world, and as you find them, you make friends for life. |