Sunday 6 December 2009

My Typical Sundays



妈妈刚刚烘制的Cheese Scones


三姨婆家里还有一个特别的‘玩意儿’,便是那深锁在第二房内的4 poster bed。第二房鲜少“对外开放”,房门打开时小孩们免不了好奇想一窥全貌。而那张“高高在上”的铁床又只是‘长大了’才爬得上的地方,对小孩们而言是神秘又神圣的。至少,从来没有人敢放肆地在这张床上跳。
屋里头最迷人的地方,当然非厨房莫属。从客厅要到厨房去,得经过一个开了天窗的长廊。长廊尽头有一台针车,我的表姨们市场坐在这儿埋头苦干。经过了针车往下一跳(其实只是个小阶级啦,但小孩子们怎可能规规矩矩的走下一级梯级呢?)就是朱红水泥地的饭厅兼厨房了。厨房内不知怎的,无时无刻不在飘香(或许是我们每次到那儿都是大日子吧~)。家传油炸肉丸、卤肉、我喜爱的咸菜鸭汤等好像free flow似的,怎么吃也吃不完。还有很多现在已经失传的糕点,当时是日日新鲜、锅锅精彩……

Sunday 29 November 2009



和马来西亚的傍晚市场一样,这儿普遍上以上班族为主,因此熟食占了大多数。我们看得心痒痒的,却苦于只带了一张1000 baht出门,在这市场内什么也没买成。

Sweet Homebake N Coffee





Sweet Homebake N Coffee不只有情调,而且价格廉宜。我们俩在那儿泡了整一个小时吧?只花了90baht。下次到清迈,要是有机会,别忘了去坐坐哦~ (不过他们7pm就关门了)
Sweet Homebake N Coffee就在Holiday Inn对面Cheroen Prathet街角。

Saturday 28 November 2009

Kannichikan (KNK)

I always love Kannichikan (KNK). It's a Japanese style Korean BBQ shop, which means you can have all your simple food grilled in high grade charcoal(^^). Brought my family there several times and my mum's conclusion is, "if you want to buy me Korean dinner in the future, this IS the place" (what an expensive taste!) ;p.

Yesterday, we have a small gathering there and this is the first time I manage to bring my camera along. However, I was so focused on the food, I only managed to take very few photos ;p

Our appetizer is yukke (yukhoe in Korean). Ever since I tried this dish in Korea, I just love it. However, this dish is with raw beef and egg so please don't simply order this dish in Malaysia unless you know the quality of their material. KNK is the only certified restaurant so far (certified by my boss - the guy with the Golden Tounge ;p ).

Coming up next is my favorite BBQ dish - Gyu tan (beef tounge). Most of the Japanese and Korean restaurant serve good gyu-tan but to me KNK serve the best gyu-tan in Penang. Compare to the super-thin-sliced gyu-tan in Miraku, the gyu-tan here is slightly thicker and hence more satisfying(更有咬劲英文怎么说呀?). Go real well with lemon juice.

The pork here is also great! I love the one that marinade with pepper. (I've learnt a trick from my Korean customers from their previous trip to Penang. To have an almost-perfect grill, you can turn your meat maximum twice (professional only turn once). First, place your meat on the grilling pan nicely. Wait until the whole surface get watery then only turn to another side. You will get a nicely grilled meat when this surface turn brownish.)

We orderred two types of wagyu, one is REAL Japanese wagyu while another one is cheong-ted Australian wagyu. (well, actually both are real wagyu lah, but once, when we told our Japanese friend that we ordered "Australian wagyu", his eyes almost pop out! "Wagyuu和牛" means "Japanese Beef", he claimed! So, ok loh, we told him that Australian wagyu is OEM one loh~). The picture below shown only Australian wagyu as I was too busy eating, only 'cin-cai' take some photos of food that put in front of me.

look at the marbling fat

Well, after the wagyu beef is served, I have decided to keep my camera in the beg and be more focused on the food ;p

It's until when the following sake is served, I decided to take out my camera again. So, what is so special about this sake?

See the words that I circled? It means this sake is with edible pure gold flakes inside. And there's 2 of them in each bottle!
Can you see the gold flake in the following photo?
How about this?

Well, after more than hundres tries, I finally managed to get one of the gold flake stick on the bottle. It's a nicely carved golden flower! This can only found in Japanese products~
Well, I have to say, I'm so sorry that I focused more on eating than thinking photos. Nothing much to show here. Next time lah~ Next time I'll take more photos. Hee hee hee.....

How to go to Kannichikan Yakiniku?
~ From gurney drive, keep right. At the traffic light in front of Island Plaza, turn right and immediately to the left where there stand a row of shop lots. Kannichhikan Yakiniku is on the first floor, above the teppanyaki shop.

How Silk Is Made

I visited Silk factory at Chiang Mai last month and posted some photos on Facebook. Sha requested for a process flow for the silk making process and I promised her then. However, when I wanted to start to write about it, I noticed that I didn't "audit" them and hence do not know about all the details of the process and decision making steps....... So, I finally gave up the plan of preparing the process flow. I think a simple "Show and Tell" will do.

1. The silk worm - The newly hatched silkworm multiplies its weight 10,000 times within a month

I dare not go near to these worms so I have to use the maximum zoom in the dark condition

The fatty one, almost near the days of spinning cocoon

2. Sorting the cocoon - The cocoons are sorted according to the color, size, shape and texture as these affect the final quality of the silk. The photos below show yellow cocoons and greyish cocoons from the factory.

3. Softening - I always love silk. I always tought that it was made from the cocoon after the silkworm moth left their cocoon (yalah, never do my research properly). It was to my surprise to find out that the cocoons are put through a series of hot and cold immersions, ALIVE! I doubt if I still love silk......

Can you see the fine filaments from the cocoon?

4. Reeling the filament - this lady is unwinding the silk filaments from the cocoon and combining them together to make a thread of raw silk.

5. Bailing - checked from internet and found that these are called "book"

6. Weaving - i love this traditional way of weaving. Timeless.

Saturday 14 November 2009

This Is It

薇薇恩恩一定纳闷了很久,“大姐怎么还不写This Is It?”
是的,他们俩分别在自己的部落里写了观后感,他们也深信我一定也会写下这么一篇,我忙了一个星期,今天,我们姐弟仨终于分别以This Is It做标题各写了一篇。




This Is It电影刚开始不久,我有一点疑惑自己是不是选错了影片作为我庆祝自己生日的方式。那是一种非常复杂的心情,在黑漆漆的戏院内得慢慢地调节。是同情那些舞蹈员、是感慨可能我有生之年再没有第二个同等的entertainer、是遗憾自己不曾看过现场的MJ演唱会、是惋惜一场更棒的演唱会最终没有成为事实、是为现今世界乐坛觉得悲哀。这位被大家视为过气的“老”歌手在保留实力的彩排内让我们看见先今当红歌手们所没有的精湛与震撼。影片缓缓地铺开来,我嘴角开始挂起笑意。那些大家耳熟能详的歌曲原来还有这么多新意。They Don't Care About Us的概念好像很有型、Smooth Criminal的新MTV有一班老演员助阵、The Way You Make Me Feel的音乐竟然比舞台更有画面、Thriller(我们几时有得看3D的?)这么趣味怏然、Beat It仍然神采飞扬、Earth Song比以前更为震撼……唯一的遗憾是,哪有没有moonwalk的Billie Jean的呀?


Tuesday 10 November 2009



Saturday 7 November 2009

Happy Birthday to Me



早上睡到自然醒,吃一碗热腾腾的鸡粥,上面子书搞搞笑,陪妈妈看了一部影片,然后硬把老弟给拉去陪我看This Is It,让the King娱乐我。看完后意犹未尽,再到Borders买了一本Jodi Picoult打算今晚通宵达旦。在回家的路上,我拿了Häagen-Dazs寄来的生日卡,到Autocity败了三桶不同口味的雪糕,一边吃一边玩Bejewled Blitz!
