Thursday 2 May 2013

北越逍遥游(五):Finnegans Hotel

Finnegans Hotel是家在Tripadvisor上极富盛名的小酒店。小酒店位于Old Quarters一条比较脏乱的老街上,基本上标准间只比LCCT Tune Hotel大不了多少(不过有免费wifi),硬体设备相较残旧,并不是我会爱上的酒店。不过,要是以服务态度作标准,她可是世界级的水准了!

话说我们为了省时,我们第一天早上到河内后在老区走一走就乘当晚的火车去沙坝。所以,午后,我们因扛着重重的背囊,实在懒惰继续lepak,于是找个借口到Finnegans Hotel做一些行程上的安排,然后把行囊给丢下就走。在Old Quarters绕多一圈后我们还是决定回到Finnegans休息去。我们在酒店用他们的电脑上网、听他们细细介绍河内、看他们不耐其反地向其他顾客讲解、要他们给我们安排了去火车站的交通、我们甚至在酒店借用冲凉房洗澡更衣……这一切一切,都是在我们还没有支付半分钱之前的事!(其实,他们甚至没有办法确定我们真的会在回到河内时住在他们这家酒店。当然,人家服务态度一流,我们哪好意思不在这儿住上一晚呢!)


Tuesday 30 April 2013



由于只有两个女生同行,又曾听闻一些关于下龙湾治安的故事,于是我们在到河内之前已经决定了要找家在国际上名声不错的旅游公司包办我们的下龙湾之旅,于是我们找上了Buffalo Tour。通过网络沟通时,他们向我介绍了一艘刚刚装修过的游船L'Azalee,每人美金179。我们一来懒惰继续搜索、二来安全至上,于是就要了这旅行团。团费包括来往河内旅馆及下龙湾码头的小型巴士载送,两天一夜游船住宿(含午、晚、早、午餐),以及全程导游。

我们和一位菲律宾的Microsoft Sales / Marketing的小男孩,及三对澳洲来的夫妇(其中一对是年轻时移民到澳洲的德国人),就在这L'Azalee Cruise上共度了两天一夜。这艘外表看起来有点儿残旧的游船里头,其实新颖而舒服。我们一上游船,看见那个舒适的大厅都暗暗舒了口气。(后来获悉其中一对夫妇以澳币五百多买了两人的两天一夜下龙湾配套,更是偷偷暗喜!)

等着welcome drink


我们一边喝饮料,一边听导游讲解这两天的行程。其实我有点儿以外,我还以为给了钱就只是呆在船上而已,没想到原来还有得爬山、到沙滩走走、玩独木舟、到Cave of Surprises看岩洞等节目。我们领了锁匙就回房间稍作休息。吃了午餐后换了衣物为Ti Top Island做准备。(导游说可以爬山观景,又可以享受美丽的沙滩及在海里游泳,使我们充满期待。)当然,我也不忘了到甲板看看日光浴和观星的地方。

老实说,我个人觉得大桂林比下龙湾更柔美动人、更秀丽委婉,不过,下龙湾最大的好处是,除了可以在游船上好好的享受享受,最重要的是,要看panorama全景只要在Ti Top Island爬个十来分钟的楼梯就可以轻轻松松登顶,不像老寨山般要人命

至于那沙滩……我们生于马来西亚,有着像Redang、Perhentian这样的岛屿,对于“洁白的沙滩”的要求自然比较苛刻。Ti Top Island的沙滩比槟城更为不如,一点都激不起我俩到沙滩走走的欲望。而那海水,老天!下龙湾游客过剩、管理不当,海上处处漂浮着垃圾,在Ti Top Island围起来的游泳区游泳其实和在槟城码头游泳感觉上没什么两样,我们不好意思在越南人面前批评他们的世界文化遗产,只好推说海水很冷,坐在沙滩上的亭子里等待回游船。


和我们同船的那一群退休uncles aunties非常爱讲话,我怕敷衍他们,拿了我的"The Story Teller"躲到外头享受静谧的下龙湾。晚餐后,uncles aunties们想要玩游戏,我避无可避,只好陪他们玩不伦不类的Pictionary(真的很不伦不类的咯,没有题目,没有限时,完全没有目的)。要不是我们在越南的那几天阴霾处处见不着星星,我一定撇下他们躺在甲板上看星星去了。


我们吃过了早餐就往Cave of Surprises出发。我不是岩洞的粉丝,绕了一圈就算了。还是到外头看海比较有趣。



Monday 29 April 2013




可是,征服神山糊里糊涂地进了我的bucket list。

基于再过四个月我就要挑战自我了,于是我今天终于认真地开始了我的体能训练,跑了五公里。我想在第一个月每天跑五公里(十五度倾斜度),再慢慢增加运动量,希望足于应付Mount Kinabalu。(才8.72公里,应该不会太难吧?)



Sunday 28 April 2013

Overpriced Cafe

We planned for a simple lunch at Georgetown yesterday, not knowing that it was a replacement school day. Traffic was terrible and it was hard to get a parking lot in Georgetown. Our initial plan was to try the Micke's Place but it was closed. We then went to The Mugshot Cafe and it was full house!! So, we ended up at this lovely famous cafe at Muntri Street.

The decoration has not much changes since Cafe-C. It still has the cozy ambiance of old charm. I have always wanted to come and try what the new owner has to offer but I have dragged this for years. Finally.

I am still very excited about everything, until I saw the menu. Overall, everything is overpriced for Georgetown standard. I told myself "who knows, maybe the food is heavenly, maybe the portion is huge" so we ordered what the waitress recommended (I always do this when I go to any restaurant that I've never tried before. I always believe that the waiters and waitresses must have known what are the best)

We ordered one Seafood Tapas (RM89), one Traditional Tapas (RM55), a cup of cappuccino, a glass of plain water, and 2 glasses of fruit juices. The bill says RM219 for 4 of us!!!

This is what we get for the 2 tapas sets

The food doesn't come with huge portion as you can see from the photo. The juices are forgettable. The food is not bad, but very far away from heavenly. Nothing to shout about.

I still think this is a good place to enjoy the peaceful weekend at Georgetown, as long as you don't mind paying two three times higher price than other cafes.However, if your purpose is just to sit down and chit chat with friends, or to read a book while sipping coffee, or just to enjoy the rustic / nostalgic feel of Georgetown, I could easily list more than 10 cafes that you should consider FIRST before this :)

Not bad, really, just overpriced.

Bud Spencer & Terence Hill

Does anyone I know out there watched Bud Spencer and Terence Hill's movies before? I used to love them a lot when I was in primary school because my dad is a fan and we used to rent a lot of their movies VHR back then.

I don't know how my brain function. Out of no where, suddenly, I recalled the beautiful bright blue eyes of Terence Hill, and those funny scenes that brighten my warm afternoons during school holidays...

I guess it is time for me to ask En to download some old movies of them for me :)

Saturday 27 April 2013









Friday 26 April 2013



我们在沙坝的第一天,天气时晴时雨的。我们非常享受微凉的气候,要么躲在房内休息、要么到院子里看书、 要么到镇内走走、要么喝杯咖啡、要么吃点春卷……反正就是悠闲。












Tuesday 23 April 2013

An Unplanned Visit to Penang Hill

It has been quite demotivating recently, so I planned a ladies' day out last Sunday. We were aiming for the afternoon tea at Suffolk House. Unfortunately, when I arrived, this is the sign that's waiting for me:

I have to make a quick decision so that the girls will not be disappointed. I have a few restaurant options in mind but my criteria was: it has to serve English Afternoon Tea in a pleasant environment. The first one that came into my mind was David Brown's Restaurant. I love the picturesque restaurant whereby we can enjoy an afternoon tea along a pond with fresh air. So, I made a call, confirmed that they do serve English Afternoon Tea, and headed to Penang Hill after met up with the girls.

They were very excited with this unplanned trip to Penang Hill. Some have never been up there, and most of them couldn't recall their last visit decades ago.

By the time we reached the cable car station, I was shocked to find that it is under renovation. (I would have gave up if this ad hoc plan doesn't work too.) Luckily the cable car is still in service. The two-way ticket cost RM30 per adult. However, if you have a MyCard, you can get your two-way ticket at the price of RM8 :)

The cable car ride is always fun if you are at the first car. The kid sit next to us was a bit nervous since this new cable car provide better (or scarier) view compare to the older version. I love being elevated while seeing more and more areas of Penang Island, and getting closer and closer to the green. (By the way, do you know that technically, this is a funicular and not cable car)

Just love the panorama view of Penang Island on top of Penang Hill. Like every other tourists, we took lots of photos before we even start exploring Penang Hill. 

After a short walk from the cable car station, David Brown's Restaurant is on your left. You won't miss it since you can easily see the patio umbrellas decorating the blue sky.  

You will first arrive at the newly renovated viewing platform (Sky Terrace) of David Brown's Restaurant. Great view, yes! Seems like a great place to chill, fully agree! Lively jazz music makes you wanted to stay, I can understand that. However, if you are here for the afternoon tea, don't get distracted. Please don't stop here. Keep going, find the stairs and continue your journey. 

You will then come to this lovely part of the restaurant, the original bungalow. The pond is full with pink and purple water lilies. If you are lucky, you can meet a few cute frogs jumping around too.

We were very excited. The garden is excellent for afternoon tea, the patio is very welcoming, and the indoor is with very authentic feel too. It was not very hard to choose though (who wouldn't want to sit under the trees by the pond with cool breeze and birds chirping?!). However, we couldn't help but to explore everything about the restaurant before we finally decided to sit down and take a look at the menu.

The price is slightly high for Penang standard. Obviously you are paying for the view :)

However, we have planned to pampered ourselves at Suffolk House anyway so price is not the issue here. It is already budgeted :)

This set comes with a pot of tea for two. RM78
We ordered all the 3 different choices listed under the afternoon tea menu. The food is just so so, but we love the ambiance. The girls imagined that this is how 贵妇 (ladies) spend their afternoon: chit-chatting, wandering around from time to time to take photos or for a sudden change of view, enjoy the tea, have some bites, laughing and joking around......

While we were there, besides being constantly harassed by 3 little wasps that love strawberry jam, we also spotted squirrels and musang running around between the trees.

We spent more than 3 hours at this restaurant, and we had lovely time. The fact that this is unplanned, the fact that this is a little surprise in life, the fact that we were close to the nature, the fact that we have friends that we can share some wonderful time, make these few hours memorable.

We left before sunset because some of the girls have other plans after the prolonged afternoon tea.

We wanted to take some selves-portrait photos but even the Facebook Queen couldn't get satisfying shots.

The "Big Sister" (not me!) decided to ask the tourist that was laughing at us be our photographer. So here's our group photo to conclude our Penang Hill Surprise Visit :)

Thursday 18 April 2013




我今天看的是个女牙医,非常温柔。 可是由于我的是千年牙垢,洗牙可是大工程。整个过程至少一小时半,我张嘴张得全身酸痛。加上那些各种各样的仪器在我的嘴里发出各种各样令人毛骨悚然的声音,我即使穿着长袖外套仍觉得寒气攻心。那一个小时半仿佛过了几个世纪,可怜的护士除了得帮我抽嘴角的口水,还得帮我抹眼角的泪水……




Sunday 14 April 2013













