Sunday 5 February 2017



在这期间,我很勤力地每晚把它扛去外头接受露水滋润。隔天一早又把它搬入室内怕被晒伤, 结果搬进搬出的过程中一直折断树枝,我就索性把折断的剪了下来插进花瓶里。怎知这菊花生命力坚强,插在花瓶里的竟也长根了。








Saturday 4 February 2017


约莫二十年前,为自己的旅程弄几本scrap book是平常事。现在用电脑编排后让别人印刷这么简单的事儿我反而兴致已退,身边朋友做Photobook做得不亦乐乎的,我却从来没参与这热潮。说穿了,一个字:懒。


我孤陋寡闻,不知道天下相簿印刷公司选择多得是,直接到Photobook Malaysia的网站买了配套,download了Photobook Designer就开工。把老师的相簿排版完毕(等待下一轮校对),觉得这玩意儿简单好玩,于是又到Photobook Malaysia的网站多买了几本,决定为新年礼物赶工。



汇集照片有些难度,毕竟我给大家的时间很短,再加上表弟表妹们有些在不同time zone,有些又得出动阿姨舅舅帮忙,收到的照片并不齐全。除了近年来的digital camera的照片,收到的老照片有些quality很差,最后我只好把家里的老照片都翻了一遍,用Google的PhotoScan拍了下来(这个apps好用,极力推荐)。

由于是第一次用Photobook Designer,我以为选择对的尺寸就可以开始,直到我把整本相册排好,在上载的过程中才发觉我选错了相册设计(我买的是8"x11" Layflat,却傻傻选了8"x11"standard)。在更改相簿book type和binding type后原本的页数有所更动,搞到三更半夜才终于把排版完成,按了“上载”我就上床睡觉了。隔天傍晚(1月19日)从电邮track status时才发觉上载出了问题,我开始紧张(选择express shipment,从上载到出货到顾客收货需要4至6个工作天,如果我在20日解决不了这问题,可能外婆就无法在新年前收到这份礼物了。

1月19日那个晚上,我把整个Photobook的网站翻查完毕,可以用的方法我全用上了,可是project file还是无法上载。我通过电话、电邮、Facebook Messenger等方法求救却完全没有答复。气炸。

1月20日早上九点,打电话到Photobook Malaysia总部,电话另一端自动答复机说我是first in the queue,可是等了至少5分钟才有人接电话,接听态度不太友善,听了我的问题,她第一句就问我是不是用Maxis 4G Home Broadband,我说是,她说“我们和Maxis not compatible, 连网上说的optional method(上载到Dropbox)也不compatible,你就上载到sendspace去吧。”我依照指示上载并另外给Photobook Malaysia一个电邮后他们音讯全无。三个小时后,我上网track status仍然说"pending upload",只好硬着头皮再打电话去,这一次接电话的稍微比之前那个友善,问了详情,查了我的电邮,答应我说他们会在这一天内download并process我的project file,可是,一整天track status都说pending upload,紧张死了。

1月21日我track status终于说in production,我这才松了一口气。趁这一口气还在,赶忙给二姨、三姨弄了西安洛阳之旅的相册。1月22日我们给老师的相簿也终于校对完毕。我不想把自己气死,就扛了手提电脑到叔叔家上载这些project files。

1月25日收到Photobook Malaysia的电邮说我的外婆的相簿和老师的相簿都已经寄出,1月26日中午就收到了。不可思议的是,在我收到相簿的那个晚上,我那封询问上载问题的电邮终于有了回复,他们的答复除了一堆文绉绉的开场白和excuses,竟然是:“I wanted to check if you still require assistance on this matter? Upon checking, the order has been shipped.”我忍不住给他们回了封电邮,建议他们至少在FQA里头说明not compatible with Maxis的问题,并把解决方法列明,客人就不必穷紧张。不过,我不认为有人会认真看待这封customer feedback。

1月27日,阿姨们的相簿也到啦~ 我终于可以确定所有的礼物可以在新年拜年时送上。

对于从file uploaded到客人收到相簿为止的整个流程效率,以及相簿本身的印刷品质,我是很满意的。

可惜,customer service不及格:
第二,接听电话的不专业。礼貌不到位不说,update status这么简单的小事没有人愿意做。(我既然不是用寻常管道upload,依据他们的要求发了电邮,他们至少也该给我知道他们是否受到了)
第三,没有改善已知的问题。(既然第一句就问我是不是用Maxis,我相信我不是第一个面对问题的顾客)Corrective actions / preventive actions一律没做,corrections也做得不好。



Thursday 2 February 2017

Portulaca Genuses

Does anyone knows the best website to search for scientific name of plants? Preferably I can upload photos and search.

I wish to make clear on a few plants from the Portulaca genuses, but when I googled, wikipedia is normally the first results, and I do have my doubts.....I prefer websites run by botanists in this case.

Portulaca oleracea
I always wanted to know the actual name of "sayur rumi" (we always call it 'sailumi' and I never know the actual name in any languages besides Penang Hokkien). I googled and 'Portulaca oleracea' looks pretty similar. Any idea?
got this from internet since I always forget to take photos of the vege

Portulaca grandiflora
The description in Wikipedia is pretty obvious "Portulaca grandiflora, is a flowering plant in the family Portulacaceae, native to Argentina, southern Brazil, and Uruguay and often cultivated in gardens. It has many common names, including rose moss, eleven o'clock, Mexican rose, moss rose, Vietnam Rose, sun rose, rock rose, and moss-rose purslane." I'm sure this is the beautiful multi-colours flowers that my mum plant in the garden.
from my mum's garden

Portulaca gilliesii
Wikipedia described this as "Portulaca gilliesii ( silk flower ) is an annual plant succulent in the family Portulacaceae , which can reach 3 dm tall. It is native to India and the Middle East , and naturalized world; in many regions it is considered weeds". The photos provided by wikipedia is very different from the 紫米 that I planted. However, if you search google image for 'Portulaca gilliesii', all the top photos show 紫米. So which is which?

Tuesday 31 January 2017

Google了桑,获知桑(学名:Morus alba L.)喜光,喜温暖湿润气候,耐寒。耐干旱,耐水湿能力极强。于是决定把它种在篱笆外的大盆里,任它日晒雨淋,连肥都不施。





Saturday 28 January 2017




当然,我的贺岁e卡仍然是参着一些自己的拙作,希望收到的人不嫌弃。毕竟,都是诚意满满的贺语。 愿大家安康幸福快乐。

Friday 27 January 2017





但是要让妈妈用来弄kerabu beehun给一家吃还是够的。

Thursday 26 January 2017

妈妈不在家之食谱(六十六): Avocado Devil Eggs

三粒cherry tomatoes,切丁

1. 在锅里放入鸡蛋,让水盖过鸡蛋越半寸。
2. 大火把水煮沸。水沸后关小火煮一分钟。
3. 把盖关上,让鸡蛋浸在热水里十二分钟。
4. 十二分钟后取出鸡蛋,放入冰水。
5. 剥壳后切半。
6. 把蛋黄挖出,放入碗内,加入牛油果、蒜米、盐、黑胡椒、basil丝、桔子汁,把它打拌均匀嫩滑。
7. 把这混合好的蛋黄再放入原本的洞里。
8. 摆上cherry tomato丁,撒上dill和油葱即可上桌。

Wednesday 25 January 2017










Monday 23 January 2017



最近一口气看了刘慈欣地球往事三部曲*和好莱坞电影Arrival*,思绪有一点慌乱。都是泼墨画似的作品,看似迷蒙内敛,其实气势磅礴。泼洒在娟素上的水墨痕迹开初不成物象 ,随着渐渐成形勾出意象。然后,我知道我不知道。



1. 刘慈欣的地球往事三部曲为《三体》、《三体II:黑暗森林》、《三体III:死神永生
2. 上网查了一下才知道原来Arrival是改编自科幻短篇Story of Your Life,作家是美籍华裔姜峯楠,看来我又得到book depository进货了


Saturday 21 January 2017




1. 煮滚热水,放冰糖小火煮至完全溶解。
2. 加入鱼胶,不停搅拌至完全溶解。
3. 加入枸杞桂花煮一分钟,然后熄火焗五分钟。
4. 倒入容器内,待凉后放入冰箱即可。


Thursday 19 January 2017

The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success

The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success is one of those books that's always at my bed side.

Of course, I am not qualified to explain The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success to anyone. I am far from mastering these laws. However, I'd like to share how these laws helped me to grow, guided me when I'm in doubt. (I always believe that 真理大同, we have read about these 'laws' from various books and sources but I like how Deepak Chopra makes them systematic, simple and easy to follow if you ever wish to practice.)

1) The Law of Pure Potentiality
The source of all creation is pure consciousness. We are, in our essential state, pure consciousness. When we discover our essential nature and know who we really are, we have the ability to fulfill any dreams we have.

The book mentioned about daily practice of silence, meditation and non-judgment. While all these practices are ways to access the field, at this stage, I benefited the most from practicing non-judgment.
I used to behave as if I am at the center of the universe. I dislike certain experiences, certain things about people, and a lot of things about myself. I got angry, frustrated, disappointed all the time. When I learn to accept, I noticed that most of the experiences are neither good nor bad, they’re just happening. I start to adopt a skeptical attitude about my own thoughts. (Our thoughts often lie to us, and we can feel empowered by choosing not to automatically believe them.)
Don't get me wrong. I am not a saint. I STILL judge a lot! However, as much as I can, as frequent as I can, I will consciously choose to practice non-judgement.

2) The Law of Giving and Receiving
The Universe operates through dynamic exchange. In our willingness to give that which we seek, we keep the abundance of the universe circulating in our lives. The more you give, the more you will receive.

I learn that the gifts of caring, attention, affection, appreciation and love are some of the most precious gifts you can give to everyone you come into contact with. With this, we can begin the process of circulating joy and affluence in life.
I also learn to gratefully receive all the gifts that life has to offer me.

3) The Law of Karma (or Cause and Effect)
"Karma" is both action and the consequence of that action; it is cause and effect. (Just like Newton's Third Law of Motion, every action has an equal and opposite reaction).
If we want to create happiness in our lives, we must learn to sow the seeds of happiness. Therefore, karma implies the action of conscious choice-making. (A lot of us make choices unconsciously, and therefore we don't think they are choices--and yet, they are.) The book taught us that, whenever making a choice, one must ask two questions: “What are the consequences of this choice that I’m making?” and “Will this choice bring fulfillment and happiness to me and also to those who are affected by this choice?”, then ask your own heart for guidance. If the choice feels comfortable, then plunge ahead with abandon. If the choice feels uncomfortable, one need to pause and see the consequences.

I used to argue about why do good things happen to bad people and bad things happen to good people. Having this paradigm, most of the time we may feel completely powerless to change our circumstances.
Now, I understand that's just my circle of concerns and I'd rather focus on my circle of influence (my choices). I love the fact that ultimately this law makes us accountable for our actions and for our own circumstances. Our life doesn't just "happen." Our life is carefully designed by ourselves, choices after choices.
If we want to create happiness in our lives, we must learn to sow the seeds of happiness. Simple.

4) The Law of Least Effort
This law is based on the fact that nature's intelligence functions with effortless ease and abandoned carefreeness. This is the principle of least action, of no resistance. This is, therefore, the principle of harmony and love. When we learn this lesson from nature, we easily fulfill our desires. Ultimately, you come to the state where you do nothing and accomplish everything. This means that there is just a faint idea, and then the manifestation of the idea comes about effortlessly. What is commonly called a "miracle" is actually an expression of the Law of Least Effort. Least effort is expended when your actions are motivated by love, because nature is held together by the energy of love. When you seek power and control over other people, you waste energy. When you seek money or power for the sake of the ego, you spend energy chasing the illusion of happiness instead of enjoying happiness in the moment. When your actions are motivated by love, your energy multiplies and accumulates--and the surplus energy you gather and enjoy can be channeled to create anything that you want, including unlimited wealth. 

I learn that I must commit to acceptance. The whole universe is as it should be. No point to struggle to go against the universe. However, this is not as passive as it sounds because I am responsible for my own situation after I accept the situations and circumstances as it should be. Oh, and most importantly, I no longer have the strong urge to persuade others to accept my point of view.

5) The Law of Intention and Desire
This law is based on the fact that energy and information exist everywhere in nature. The whole universe, in its essential nature, is the movement of energy and information. The only difference between you and a tree is the informational and energy content of your respective bodies. You can consciously change the energy and informational content of your own quantum mechanical body, and therefore influence the energy and informational content of your extended body--your environment, your world--and cause things to manifest in it. The quality of intention on the object of attention will orchestrate an infinity of space-time events to bring about the outcome intended, provided one follows the other spiritual laws of success. Intention lays the groundwork for the effortless, spontaneous, frictionless flow of pure potentiality. The only caution is that you use your intent for the benefit of mankind.

I love this law. I have a long list of all my desires (and not necessary material things), and I can let them stay in the womb of creation, waiting for the right time. Having my full attention in the present moment doesn't mean that my desires do not manifest the future.

6) The Law of Detachment
This law says that in order to acquire anything in the physical universe, you have to relinquish your attachment to it. This doesn't mean you give up the intention to create your desire. You give up your attachment to the result. Detachment is based on the unquestioning belief in the power of your true Self. 

This law free me from worries. When I practice this, I no longer rigidly impose my idea of how things should be. I understand that uncertainty is an essential part of our life. I embrace surprises in life and step into the field of all possibilities. Suddenly, we have an infinity of choices. Fun, adventure, magic, and mystery are waiting at the next corner.

7) The Law of "Dharma" or Purpose in Life
The seventh spiritual law of success is the Law of Dharma. (Dharma is a Sanskrit word that means "purpose in life.") This law says that we have taken manifestation in physical form to fulfill a purpose. You have a unique talent and a unique way of expressing it. There is something that you can do better than anyone else in the whole world--and for every unique talent and unique expression of that talent, there are also unique needs. When these needs are matched with the creative expression of your talent, that is the spark that creates affluence. Expressing your talents to fulfill needs creates unlimited wealth and abundance. There are three components to the Law of Dharma. The first says that each of us is here to discover our true Self. The second component is to express our unique talents; the expression of that talent takes you into timeless awareness. The third component is service to humanity. When you combine the ability to express your unique talent with service to humanity, then you make full use of the Law of Dharma. 

This is the one that I'm lost. I do not know what are my unique talents. (I'm a master of none) The only thing I can do is to always ask “How can I serve?” and “How can I help?”

Sunday 8 January 2017










Friday 6 January 2017

妈妈不在家之食谱(六十五):Mushroom soup

弟弟说除了上一回到Perth,他还没吃过我在马来西亚煮的mushroom soup。难得我有空,就玩玩吧。上回自己吃,弄的是简单版的。这次就勤力一点吧。


1. 切一碟蒜蓉、洋葱蓉、九层塔蓉和洋菇茎蓉。

2. 再切一碗洋菇

3. 切一大块牛油放入热锅内

4. 油热了就把整碟蒜蓉、洋葱蓉、九层塔蓉和洋菇茎蓉倒入锅内炒。

5. 飘香后再把整碗的洋菇倒入锅内,加入调味料,大火炒之。(注意:洋菇会出水)

6. 锅内水分稍干后可以加入鲜奶大火煮沸。关小火再煮一下即可。

Thursday 5 January 2017



总会有两三本中/英文各种题材的non-fiction,永远都有一两本的国学经典书籍(没法子,读来读去读不明,只好常年循环重读),偶尔会有本中/英文小说(我看小说总是废寝忘食的,所以不敢常年放小说在床头。三两天看完一本是平常事,牺牲肝胆排毒时间后当然得多多休息,所以我对于看小说这回事是有所控制的。)而南怀瑾的《金刚经说什么》和Deepak Chopra的The 7 Spiritual Laws of Success几乎永远都在床头。




我深知自己是名副其实的Master of None,《荀子·劝学》里头那只梧鼠就是我。(“梧鼠五技而穷,五技渭:能飞不能上屋,能缘不能穷木,能游不能渡谷,能穴不能掩身,能走不能先人。”)我甚至不能肯定,面前的那些机会是不是真的“机会”,或是继续让我仅仅能飞能缘能游能穴能走。

最后,我还是问了导师(The world's best athletes need coaches, and you don't?)。他笑,问我最近还在读The 7 Spiritual Laws of Success吗?还记得Law of Least Effort吗?我笑。也对,可能潜意识里我还有什么未完成的心愿而不自知吧。我决定面对自己,欣然接受了送上门来的责任。
