Tuesday, 18 March 2014


我总是心血来潮就做一些"shiok sendiri"的事,那一天就这样子,无端端网购了一粒exercise ball。昨天终于收到了。


还好打开来还是货物对板的,一粒exercise ball还送泵呢!这才RM50。


泵好后依据指示,把exercise ball收起,据说得超过24小时。(正好可以收在桌下)

今天一早再一次给exercise ball泵风,然后就可以坐上去当椅子啦~ 

老实说,那永无止尽的“exercise ball vs chair”的辩论我可没兴趣,反正我就是相信世界上最好的坐姿就是坐在太师椅上。只是,即使我再无法无天,也绝不敢大刺刺搬一张太师椅到办公室来。那可是会吓坏好多人的。


Monday, 17 March 2014

Onsen Tamago DOE - SBR3

I think I can finalize my "onsen tamagao using tools available in the office" recipe.

1. Fill the kettle with about 1.7l of water
2. Boil the water
3. Wait for 3.5 minutes for the water temperature to drop.
4. Slowly and carefully place 2 eggs into the boiled water using spoon.
5. Wait for 8.5 minutes to take out the eggs from the hot water.
6. Place the eggs into a bowl of ice water after take out from the kettle.
7. Let the eggs sit for a while in the ice water before peel.
Results: The yolks are creamy runny, and the white are soft and springy. Exactly how I want my onsen tamago to be.

Problem: I still cannot peel the eggs nicely. I think I still need to eat a few days of onsen tamago before I can master this skill :)

Saturday, 15 March 2014


以前公干时去曼谷好多回了,爱的只是美食和按摩。从观光旅游的角度来看,印象不外乎是多得令人审美疲劳的庙宇。要不是秀美极力推荐,让唯美浪漫的火车穿梭太阳花海的画面深深烙印我的脑海,我应该也不会太热衷附议薇薇把曼谷定为我们的Family Trip吧。



12月26日(宿:Waterford Service Apartment
我们到Don Mueang机场已经是晚上七点半了,薇一早已经在等候我们。走出候机室就看见司机拿着我的名字牌子站在那儿一脸焦急。原来给我们派来了一辆十人车呢!到了Waterford Service Apartment,司机还很有耐心地先确定我们到了正确的住址,直到我们开始了check in 手续才离去。

Waterford Service Apartment严格说来还不太坏,只是晚班柜台的服务生的英语水准惨不忍睹。我订了两间双房Junior Suite,他把我们六人送到其中一个unit就以为大功告成。我们比手划脚‘说’了老半天,最终还是靠他打电话给老板才解决了我的check-in问题。三个退休人士住一个unit,我们姐弟仨住另一个unit。

搞定了住宿问题,我们才开始外出找吃的(介于晚餐与夜宵之间的该算什么?)。Waterford Service Apartment虽然离市中心有一小段距离,但要找吃的也不太难。对面有个叫做Rain Hill的Mall,餐厅酒吧便利店应有尽有。不过老人家硬是要吃地道泰国菜,我们只好离开这看起来相当吸引人的地方。

(Asian Automobiles & Associated Co.,Ltd airport transfer THB1,450;朱进发晚餐 THB710;Waterford Service Apartment 30/1三晚马币1,173)

12月27日(Lopburi 太阳花海+Ayutthaya古城+NaNa Night Market;宿Waterford Service Apartment 30/1)





由于时间所限,再加上两老不太爱看破旧古城遗迹,所以我们只选择了一个古城,在里头好好的看。为了老树上的古老佛头像,我选择了Wat Mahathat。Ayutthaya古城区的收费非常便宜,一人THB五十,所以相对的保护工作仍有许多有待改进之处(我自从去了Prambanan和Borobudur,我对东南亚的世界文化遗产的保护工作有了不一样的期待。)

路边不起眼的boat noodle小档口
在古城绕了一圈,终于肚子饿。司机带我们到非常道地的Boat Noodle摊子吃下午茶(是的,早餐吃太饱,我们把午餐给删了)。Boat Noodle用的是一小碗的米粉,比马来西亚‘幼米粉’稍微粗一点点,也比我们的‘幼米粉’有弹性,口感很好。酱料又酸又辣,还有浓浓地香料味道。我们吃了猪肉及牛肉boat noodle,都很好吃。最令人难忘的是摆在桌上一包包的炸猪皮。香脆可口,和boat noodle搭配得很好呢!

吃完了boat noodle,司机坚持要带我们去买Roti Saimai。他带我们到他相熟的著名老字号,但生意太好早已售毕。于是我们随他到Ayutthaya的夜市尝试寻找熟悉的面孔(老字号的家庭成员),经过一番努力,我们终于找着。我实在欣赏他的坚持!

这roti saimai里头馅料有点儿像龙须糖,对我而言实在太甜,可是味道非常香郁。外皮有点儿像我们的薄饼皮,但稍微厚一点儿,且是咸的。味道综合起来倒不至于太甜,至少在我所勉强能接受的程度。对于嗜甜的人来说这是不错的零食。


(Asian Automobiles & Associate full day transportation from Bangkok to Lopburi and Ayutthaya THB5,500; boat noodle十三碗另加数不清多少包的炸猪皮THB420; Ayutthaya 如门票RHB300; Waterford to Nana Station THB132; Dinner at Nana Night Market THB650) 

12月28日(Grand Palace + Emerald Budha, Chao Praya River, Siam Paragon;宿Waterford Service Apartment 30/1
一早,我们步行到Thong Lor BTS站寻找地道美食作早餐,看见一家小店门口写着“World’s Top 5 Pat Thai”,也不待查证,就进去探个究竟。我们没法子沟通,就依着墙上菜单点了前四样。

有谁要由机会经过Thong Lor BTS Station,千万别错过这家Hoi-Tod Chaw-Lae Restaurant哦!他们的蚝煎(还有加海鲜的)外脆内软,用料新鲜。Pat Thai不太甜不油腻。推荐!这家小店外头还有一档卖烤肉串的也好吃得紧。反正在这附近寻找美食错不了的。

吃完早餐我们就往Grand Palace去。Chao Praya Express Boat是个不错的交通工具选择。凉风习习迎面吹来,两旁建筑物、观光点相当有看头,最重要是船上介绍员以半咸不淡的英语非常认真地给游客介绍两旁的景点与历史,我们有时候津津有味,有时候满头雾水,有趣得很。

到了Grand Palace的码头,我们得穿梭于小贩、食档、游客之间才终于走出了马路来到目的地。由于进皇宫衣着必须得体,背心、短裤短裙一律不准进入,所以一路上可以看见游客们都穿上临时在街边买的七彩长裤、长裙,也算是另一道风景。

Grand Palace仍是如我印象中般金光闪闪,妈妈拿着她的iPad拍照拍个不亦乐乎。


由于附近的著名小餐厅都满座,我们又热得快融化了所以谢绝街边小摊子,最终选择了Royal Navi Club Restaurant解决我们的午餐。除非你也和我们一样极度需要冷气,否则就不必光顾这家了。食物水准普通,但价钱挺贵的。

我们一家人都是hot stuff,完全无法忍受长时间在东南亚的街道上走,于是我们决定取消接下去的行程,直接到Siam Paragon吹冷气去。

(Toi-Tod Chaw-Lae Restaurant早餐 THB420;Grand Palace THB3,000; BTS from Thong Lor to Taksin station THB252;Boat two way THB440; BTS from Taksin to Siam Paragon THB204; BTS from Siam Paragon back to Waterford THB186)

12月29日(Chatuchak Weekend Market,  Terminal 21 Shopping Mall;宿The Continent Hotel Bangkok
由于我决定无论如何得住一晚五星级酒店,所以我们在做功课时非常认真地把曼谷的五星级酒店都研究了一番。最后基于行程、地点、价钱的考量,我们决定给这家新的小型boutique hotel一个机会,也因为如此,最后一天我们必须赶回酒店check out再把行李搬往The Continent Hotel Bangkok。原本我还担心这么麻烦是对此一举,最后证明这果然是个正确的决定。

一早我们就启程到Chatuchak weekend market。从BTS 最后一站Sapan Khwai Station走出来,在天桥上就可以看见路边长长的车龙,只要朝着人潮的方向走去,你必能到达。

我们在Chatuchak weekend market路边吃了早餐才开始我们的疯狂购物(其实是我妈和阿姨而已啦~)原本我只打算在这儿呆上两、三个小时,但妈妈和阿姨实在太喜欢这个地方了,我们最终决定兵分两路。我陪妈妈和阿姨继续shopping,薇和恩则带爸爸回Waterford check out,再乘的士把行李都带到The Continent Hotel,check in 后爸爸可以好好的休息。

由于我们订的是Sky room,免费服务相当多,当中我们最感兴趣的就是每天下午四点至六点在Axis and Spin的免费下午茶,红酒、鸡尾酒、啤酒、糕点‘任吃唔嬲’。

我们休息了一会儿就到Terminal 21吃午餐、走走看看。由于从The Continent Bangkok步行到Terminal 21只需5分钟,我们决定午餐后自由活动,并于四点钟回到酒店在Axis & Spin会合。

Terminal 21是曼谷较新的购物广场,购物广场的概念很特别,每一层以不同的城市作为主题,店铺普遍上年轻化,连厕所设计也趣味怏然,是个活力四射的购物广场。Terminal 21的food court以三藩市为主题,干净又光亮,食物便宜又好吃。对爱购物的人来说,基本上这是一个可以呆上一整天的地方。

(BTS from Waterford to Chatuchak THB252;午餐于Terminal 21 food court THB612;The Continent Bangkok Sky Room三间THB 11,997)


早餐后我们姐弟仨就游泳去。位于酒店顶楼的infinity pool感觉不错,我们游泳后慵懒地在泳池旁发呆,但我仍是无法忍受东南亚的毒辣太阳,不久后就回房间吹冷气去了。

游泳后大家争取时间到Terminal 21作最后冲刺,并于Terminal 21内口碑不错的Reflections吃午餐作为我们的曼谷之行的美丽句点。

(Reflections午餐 THB946;从酒店到机场的士一辆THB220)

Other itineraries:
2017 - Germany: Upper Middle Rhine Valley One Day Tour (Stay tune)

Poached Egg in Miso

The drought in Penang seems never ending. I have not had weekend afternoon tea in the garden for months. So when it started to rain, all my cells celebrate with joy.

I decided to continue my egg-mania for the rain celebration. I craved for something hot so I decided to go for poached egg in miso.

Contrary to the "almost-full-factorial-runs" in making onsen tamago in the office (with very limited cooking appliances available), I had my almost-perfect poached egg in the first run (after getting some tips from the internet, of course).

1. bring water to almost boiling.
2. crack an egg into a small bowl so that it is easier for you to carefully and slowly drop the egg into the water. (I have no confidence in the stillness of my hand in dropping the egg gracefully so I cheated. See the picture on the right)
3. turn off the heat and let the egg sit for 4 minutes.
4. take out the egg and it is ready to be served.

After I took out the egg, I boiled the water balance in the pot to cook my miso soup. Use some of the miso soup as the sauce for the poached egg. To add the flavor, I sprinkled some pepper and katsuobushi.

Perfect for a rainy Saturday evening!

Onsen Tamago DOE - SBR2

Continue with my yesterday Onsen Tamago DOE, today I bought another 10 eggs to office.
I have been thinking about the 'disadvantages' of using kettle in this experiment - the direct heat from the heating plate at the bottom of the kettle. Hence, today I tried to add in another factor -- container.

Purpose: To find the combination for "perfect" onsen tamagao using tools available in the office
Material & Apparatus: kettle, bowl, spoon, eggs, cold water, plastic container
Factors: amount of water, temperature, number of eggs in the water, container

Experiment 1
1. Fill the kettle with water and boil the water.
2. Place y eggs in the plastic container.
3. Once the water is boil, pour the boiled into the plastic container so that it is at least 2 cm over the eggs and close the cover.
4. As control, slowly and carefully place y eggs into the kettle of boiled water using spoon.
5. Wait for z1 minutes. Take the first egg out from the plastic container and place into the bowl filled with cold water.
6. After z2 minutes. Take the second egg out from the plastic container and place into a bowl of cold water.
7. Wait for z3 minutes. Take the eggs out from the hot water from the kettle and place into a bowl of cold water.
8. Peel and ready to serve.

y = 2
z1 = 12 minutes
z2 = 15 minutes
z3 = 8 minutes
1) the 1st egg in the plastic container - both white and yolk are runny
2) the 2nd egg in the plastic container - almost similar to half-boiled egg
e) the 2 eggs in the kettle could repeat yesterday's results.

Experiment 2
For Experiment 2, I decided to give up the plastic container and focus only on the kettle. To solve the problem of "direct heating" from the heating plate at the bottom of the kettle, instead of directly add the eggs into the boiled water, I waited for w minutes before putting in the eggs.
Also, I just noticed that my kettle actually with water level indicator that actually not so hard to estimate. Hence, I could make my x level of water clearer in this experiment.

1. Fill the kettle with x level of water
2. Boil the water
3. Wait for w minutes for the water temperature to drop.
4. Slowly and carefully place y eggs into the boiled water using spoon.
4. Wait for z1 minutes to take out the first egg and z2 minutes to take out the 2nd egg.
5. Place the eggs into a bowl of cold water after take out from the kettle.
6. Peel and ready to serve.

x = about 1.25l
w = 3 minutes
y = 2
z1 = 8 minutes
z2 = 10 minutes

z1 = 8 minutes
the first egg (z1 = 8 minutes) - white is soft and springy but a little bit runny. The yolk is with nice soft texture. Most probably just a few seconds over cook from my targeted outcome.

z2 = 10 minutes
the second egg (z2 = 0 minutes) - white is soft and springy but the yolk is cooked.


Experiment 3
For Experiment 3, I left only one egg so I decided to try with the maximum level of water. Besides, I got so frustrated with the process of peeling the eggs so I search the internet again and get this tip: make a small crack (without breaking the membrane) at the bottom of the egg before you cook the egg. This tip proven to help in the peeling process almost by 80%. 

1. Fill the kettle with x level of water
2. Boil the water
3. Wait for w minutes for the water temperature to drop.
4. Slowly and carefully place the egg into the boiled water using spoon.
4. Wait for z minutes to take out the egg.
5. Place the eggs into a bowl of cold water after take out from the kettle.
6. Peel and ready to serve.

x = about 1.7l
w = 4 minutes

z = 8.5 minutes

Results: I know I am getting nearer to my desired outcome! The yolk is closer to creamy runny.
I have confidence that I can get my perfect onsen tamago in the office next week by increasing the w and reducing the z.

Thursday, 13 March 2014

Onsen Tamago DOE - SBR1

Our Recent Egg-Mania
Yesterday, I suddenly craved for onsen tamago, while in the office!! I searched the internet for recipe, and I decided that it's something extremely simple that we can make in the office. So, I forced my lunch mates to go to restaurants near to "chai diam ma" so that I can get myself some eggs.

Though you can easily get the recipe from the internet, please bare in mind that the containers are different, and hence the heat transfer rate will be different. Besides, most of the recipe online said you have to control the temperature. There's no way I can control the water temperature in the office. Hence, to make the "perfect" onsen tamago, you need to do real Design of Experiement (DOE).

Here's my experiment log for Onsen Tamago DOE, Special Build Request #1:

Purpose: To find the combination for "perfect" onsen tamagao using tools available in the office
Material & Apparatus: kettle, bowl, spoon, eggs, cold water
Factors: amount of water, temperature, number of eggs in the water
1. Fill the kettle with x level of water (following the indicator shown on the kettle) 
2. Boil the water
3. Slowly and carefully place y eggs into the boiled water using spoon.
4. Wait for z minutes.
5. Take the eggs out from the hot water and place into the bowl filled with cold water.
6. Peel and ready to serve. (Anyone wish to share the secret to peel the onsen tamago nicely? This is my biggest headache at this moment)

Experiment 1
x = min level indicated on the kettle ( about 1.5 cm over the top of the eggs)
y = 4
z = 20 minutes
Results: the white is soft and springy but the yolk already too hard for my liking

Experiment 2
x = between min and medium level indicated on the kettle (about 1 inch over the top of the eggs)
y = 2
z = 12 minutes
Results: the white is soft and springy but the yolk still too hard for my liking

Experiment 3
x = between min and medium level indicated on the kettle (about 1 inch over the top of the eggs)
y = 2
z = 8 minutes
Results: runny white

Experiment 4
x = between min and medium level indicated on the kettle (about 1 inch over the top of the eggs)
y = 2
z = 10 minutes
Results: the white is soft and springy but the yolk is slightly cooked

I ran out of eggs after these 4 experiments. Tomorrow, I'm going to run SBR #2 by slightly modifying the method. Instead of directly add the eggs into the boiled water, I'm going to wait for w minutes before putting in the eggs. I need the water temperature to drop to certain level (not measurable) so that I can get runny yolk.

Wish us luck :)

Monday, 10 March 2014

How I Survive the Toilet-Bowl-Falling

I am a 5 years old iPhone 3GS. I know, I'm almost eternal for tech years standard. But I'm still functioning well, still shining like a newly bought, and most importantly, my owner loves me.

Last Sunday, we went for a casual window shopping at Seberang Jaya AEON City. Instead of putting me in her handbag like she always does, she placed me in her pocket. Waiting for some calls I guessed. We went to the washroom in the shopping mall, and she picked a squat toilet, and that's how the tragic begins.

When she's half squatting, I slowly slipped out from her pocket. I cried for help but she can't hear me. I tried to grab something but Steve Jobs had me designed in slick appearance so nothing managed to hold my smooth body. I dived like an Olympic champion and made a graceful entry into the toilet bowl. She must have heard the noise and start checking her handbag to see if anything dropped. It was seconds later she noticed it was me!

She quickly took me out from the toilet bowl, had me wrapped up in toilet paper while she still insisted to do her business. After that, she washed her hand, unwrapped me, wiped me with wet tissue, then tried hard to dry me.

I was hot, and dizzy, my camera lens was wet, and my screen no longer function properly. She tried to put me to power off mode but failed. So both of us went to Starbucks. She ordered her favorite drink, read her book while patiently trying to switch me off. I was hallucinating during that process. I made a few random calls, activated a few rounds of voice control, took some random picture etc before I finally shutdown.

She brought me home, took out the SIM card, and buried me in a full container of uncooked rice. I guessed she intended to put me into a zip-lock beg full with Silica Gel Packets. However, since zip-lock begs and Silica Gel Packets are not the common things that one stored at one's house for emergency, she used Lock & Lock instead.

It was a long 80 hours wait for me. (I heard the original plan was to incubate me for 72 hours, but I guessed she's not in any hurry). Will I dry totally? Can I still function properly? Is this the end for me??

Well, after the long wait, finally, she took me out from the container at the 80th hour, and placed the SIM card. My battery already flat so I must be charged first before she could check my functionality.

Once I have around 5% battery life, she tried to switch me on but can't connect to CELCOM. Both of us were worried. After few rounds of retry, finally she got her line. She then tried the wifi, functioning well too. She can even update her Facebook status. I guessed she was pretty happy that my 2 main functions are functioning well again.

The next day, she took a beautiful photo of her mum's garden and confirmed that my camera function well too!

So, here I am, survive the toilet-bowl-falling and live to tell you the tale.

What should you do if you dropped your iPhone in water? Here's the steps:
1) take it out from the water (of course :p)
2) dry it. As dry as you can.
3) power off your phone.
4) remove the SIM card
5) put it into an airtight container that is full with silica gel or uncooked rice (to absorb the moist in the phone) for more than 72 hours (some said they managed to do it with around 48 hours)