Watching The Big Bang Theory every now and then is definitely a guilty pleasure for me.
I am still trying very hard to make sure I continue to learn new things, to grow, to be, to live a balance life. However, sometimes, I need a break.
Blame this smile!
Recently, because I am slightly more free than usual, because TBBT Season 10 is coming up real soon, because I start to follow Jim Parsons and Mayim Bialik on Instagram, when I need a break, I watch The Big Bang Theory clips online.
I know. I'm hopeless sometimes. Blame Sheldon and the gang!! Mainly, blame Sheldon! Oh, and blame Jim Parsons blue eyes!!
Oh, and I definitely going to blame ShAmy, my favorite TV couple.
Amy and Sheldon relationship is not what normally people think relationships are supposed to be. Sheldon being Sheldon, taking those tiny steps, doing those small gesture, and truly believes he is in the best relationship ever. To me, that relationship is actually more intimate than anything else on TV to date.
我选择住在Sydney Central YHA。因为它地点非常方便,就在Central Station对面,又与Chinatown毗邻,夜里找吃比较少麻烦。
Sydney Hop On Hop Off Route
要在悉尼走马看花,最容易的就是买了Hop On Hop Off巴士票坐在‘开篷巴士’上,在悉尼所有重要景点中穿梭。
如果你是第一次到悉尼的话,我建议你早点儿醒,先乘Bondi & Bays Explorer到Bondi吃早餐,Hop On Hop Off回到Central Station后再乘Sydney Explorer到Sydney Fish Market吃午餐,然后到Royal Botanic Garden漫步、吃下午茶……一路走到Mrs. Macquarie's Chair,再沿着海堤一路走到Sydney Opera House,吃个晚餐,看蓝天白云转为夕阳西照……然后跳上最后一趟巴士回到住宿。
我们因为不想走得太吃力,选择睡到自然醒,近中午了才慢条斯理地跳上Hop On Hop Off巴士。老人与小孩游嘛,当然是越轻松越好。所以我们只选择性的在Bondi Beach, Sydney Fish Market和Sydney Opera House下车,名副其实的‘游车河’。
Bondi Beach
Sydney Fish Market
Sydney Opera House
KST Airport Shuttle从悉尼机场到Sydney Central YHA - 每人AUD17 (四岁以下小孩免费)
Hop-On Hop Off Bus - 六十五岁以上的AUD30, 我们每人AUD35
Taxi 从 YHA 到 Sydney 机场一辆AUD36.50
Sydney Central YHA 5-beds family room 两晚共AUD334