Monday 20 July 2015

Day Trip to Pinnacle

The normal route for Pinnacle Day Tour including Caversham Wildlife Park, The Lobster Shack, Nambung National Park and Lancelin. However, understanding our almost sloth-like travel style, I decided to schedule Caversham Wildlife Park on another day. So, our day trip looks like this instead: Hillarys Boat Harbour -->The Lobster Shack --> Nambung National Park --> Lancelin --> Perth

Since I decided to have lunch at The Lobster Shack, Cervantes, we needed a brief stop instead of driving straight to Cervantes. Hillarys Boat Harbour is a lovely choice. You can spend a whole day there, or you can simply just drop by and say hello to the deep blue Indian Ocean. We had fun exploring the neighborhood, and we love the sea breeze as a great start.

After Hillarys Boat Harbour, it was a long and slow drive (the speed limit was as low as 60km/hr sometimes) before hitting the highway. When I planned the Pinnacle trip, the fact that one has to travel north along the Indian Ocean Drive made me pretty excited. I was hoping for some excitement, at least half as mesmerizing as Pacific Coast Highway, or at least half as fun as the Great Ocean Road. Unfortunately, this stretch of Indian Ocean Drive (from Perth to Cervantes) is pretty boring. At least, you don't get to see Indian Ocean most of the time, until you are almost near Cervantes.

Some dreamy plants along the way

Glimpse of Indian Ocean when we almost reach Cervantes

We went straight to The Lobster Shack for lunch. I know this is touristy but where else to go for lunch near Nambung National Park? I'd rather impress my parents with lobsters :p
(Make sure you go early before the tour buses arrive. Normally Pinnacle tour include a few hours stop at Caversham Wildlife Park so plan your time properly. We were lucky that we reached just a few minutes before groups after groups of tourist come here for lobsters)

Very cute toilet door design

Their staffs are efficient

Satisfying lunch

After lunch, we immediately headed to Nambung National Park. It was a cloudy afternoon. I was quite disappointed because I dreamt of taking tons of photos here, with dramatic blue sky and desert.

Cloudy and moody

The road leading to no where?

The lone ranger

The "Golden Sand"

To our surprise, we were attacked by swarm of flies. We have heard of how scary it is during summer in Australia but I never expected to meet the swarm during May. It was so bad that my aunt and my parents refused to get out from the car at the end of the trip, and I have to basically wrap myself to minimize exposure of my skin (since bush flies love protein from our sweat, tears, saliva, mucus and blood). No wonder they are selling fly net hat everywhere.

To show you how scary are these flies, here's the photo of my dad walking in front of me:

See the flies on his back?

Anyway, the flies won't stop En and myself exploring. We love the fact that you can just drive into the desert and find spots without other tourist and have tons of fun.

The sky turned slightly blue (and with some help of photo editing) by the time we say goodbye

We ended our trip with sand surfing at Lancelin. We rented a surfing board at one of the convenient stall at the price of AUD10 for 2 hours (with AUD50 deposit), had some fun trying (while my aunt hid in the car due to the flies and my parents following us took some "pretend to surf" photos.

And this is how we ended our day trip to Pinnacle.

Read also: Greater Perth 6D6N Itinerary

Sunday 31 May 2015

妈妈不在家之食谱(二十二):deep fried baby corns


冰箱内剩一包我买的baby corns,看起来不太新鲜了,我想把它们给解决,但冰箱内也没有什么适合和它们配在一起炒的,我无计可施,决定试试看把它们给油炸。

我用一粒蛋,一点薯粉(平时不下厨,东西在哪儿都不知道,找不到面粉,薯粉照杀!),加点盐,加点水,混均匀。Baby corns沾上这混合物(哈哈,都不知道该叫什么),再沾一沾bread crumbs,下热锅炸至金黄,捞起把油沥了。


把酱汁淋在油炸baby corns上即可。

个人觉得那薯粉弄得皮儿口感奇怪,但其实原来炸baby corns这点子可行,下次买包装tempura料可以再试试。


Margaret River Region 3D2N

Margaret River Region 3D2N Itinerary:
Day 1: Perth - Mandurah - Lake Clifton - Bunbury - Busselton - Margaret River
Stay: Waterfall Cottages, Margaret River
Expenses: Lunch at The Equinox - AUD 138.00; Waterfall Cottages (Family Cottage) for 2 nights - AUD 550.00

Day 2: Margaret River - Voyager Estate - Cape Leeuwin Lighthouse - Boranup Rrive - Margaret River
Stay: Waterfall Cottages, Margaret River
Expenses: Estate Tour at Voyager Estate - AUD 175.00; Lunch at Voyager Estate - AUD 162.00; Cape Leeuwin Lighthouse (Adult: $8 per pax, Aged pensioner: $7.20 per pax); Dinner at Muster Bar and Grill - AUD 182.00

Day 3: Margaret River - Bettenays Nougat Company - Margaret River Cheese Factory - Margaret River Chocolate Factory - Rockingham - Perth
Expenses: tapas at Rustico - AUD 111.00; Fuel - AUD 96.30

Margaret River Region位于澳洲最西南一角,以葡萄酒与美食名闻天下,海边与科瑞森林(Karri Forest)是旅游重点。所以,在我们六天六夜Greater Perth自助游的行程安排中,我把三天两夜给了Margaret River Region。

我原本想像如Great Ocean Road一般,可以奔驰在海岸线,却原来只是偶尔与印度洋相遇。当然,这并不损我们的兴致。天气好得很,天空、河流、海洋全都蓝得像假的一样。

从Perth开往Margaret River,我们就好几次特意绕道到海边瞧瞧。其中,我觉得Mandurah是值得稍微停一停舒展筋骨的地方。


从Mandurah到Bunbury,我们选择走Old Coastal Road,为的就是可以到Lake Clifton看看thrombolites原生物。离开Mandurah,进入Yalgorup National Park后注意看"Lake Clifton Thrombolites"路牌,从Old Coastal Road转入,几分钟后就可以看见停车处。

从停车处沿着木板经道走约十分钟就可以到Lake Clifton湖畔。湖畔有好多thrombolites露出水面,外表看起来平平无奇,与石头无异,但其实是活化石,表层为微生物。湖畔凉风习习,偶尔有鸟儿掠过水面,静谧舒服。

看,谋杀了很多memory space哦!

我们离开Lake Clifton后就到Bunbury Farmers Market 走走。妈妈被五花八门的蔬果肉类熟食迷倒,我们在里头可逛了好久,free sample也吃了不少呢。嘻嘻!当然,妈妈哪能抵挡这些新鲜食材的魅力?我们一口气买了几餐的食材和饮料(牛奶、鲜果汁等)。反正大家在这儿逛得很尽兴。

午餐我们决定到Busselton Jetty旁的The Equinox解决。其实,在Tripadvisor上看上了几家餐厅,其中The Goose就位于沙滩旁,印度洋可以一览无遗,但听Choo说The Equinox食物不错,我也非常爱那棵fig tree老树,所以我们还是照我的原定计划。



The Equinox的食物非常大份,我们五人只要了一个seafood chowder、一个泰式鲜虾沙拉、一个和牛汉堡、和一碟肉类拼盘。这样子,竟然也吃了老半天,撑死了!所以吃了午餐我们决定就在附近散步散步。

Busselton Jetty为南半球最长的jetty,今年刚刚庆祝一百五十周年。游客可以乘小小游览火车到jetty尽头的Underwater Observatory看看海中生物。乐龄人士们对此提不起兴趣,我们也就作罢。


离开了Busselton,我们直奔位于Margaret River的Waterfall Cottage。必须在天黑之前抵达呀!

经过Margaret River小镇时,还未五点,但太阳已经快要下山。我们幸运,恰巧碰上夕阳西照秋叶的时分。




Family cottage by Waterfall Cottage


吃了早餐打算到Margaret River镇上走走,在cottage转角处又再碰见嬉戏的袋鼠们,当然要拍拍照片。

我在网上预订了Voyager Estate的Estate Tour,时间还早我们就到Margaret River镇上随意逛逛。爸爸爱上这个小镇,说是理想的退休地方。我倒觉得旅游无所谓,常住就稍微闷了一点。

时间一到,我们便到酒庄见识见识。Voyager Estate入口很堂皇,有一种进入大富之家的感觉,我们在停车场就已经开始拍照拍个不停,兴奋得很。

Estate Tour为时一小时半,Linda带我们看葡萄树、乘车游葡萄园、去看酒庄的蓄水池、去研究泥层对种葡萄的重要性、去参观地下藏酒出、从酒桶内取出葡萄酒品尝、参观装瓶的机器、再回到酒庄主建筑品白酒和红酒。我们对这地方太满意了,于是决定在这儿用午餐。

我们对于酒庄的Estate Tour、餐厅的食物、花园、服务态度等都非常满意,在那儿呆了接近四个小时。我个人认为如果你在Margaret River只有时间到一个酒庄,那就选Voyager Estate吧。

离开了酒庄,我们就直奔Cape Leeuwin灯塔,过了Augusta市镇,有一小段沿海公路直达灯塔。


大家在入口处付了入门费,拿了personal electronic audio guide system,便各自依据自己的步伐慢慢走、慢慢看、慢慢听。如果年轻力壮,可以考虑预订灯塔游,导游会给你细细讲解,并带你到灯塔顶端看看风景。





离开灯塔后在回程中我和恩可以绕道走Boranup Drive。我们是觉得很酷的,但是老人家们有点儿担心紧张。我看天色渐暗,GPS又没法子locate我们所在,怕车后仨受怕,倒是慌张了一阵子。车子一回到Cave Road就放心啦~

到Margaret River也只不过六点,却天色已暗,不想煮了,我们到Muster吃大餐去。

第三天早上,我们再次到Margaret River市镇走走,看一看人家的特色小店,然后一路尝着nougat, cheese和chocolate,一路往北。
Bettenay’s Nougat Company

半路,还是忍不住,再次到Bunbury Farmers' Market走走吃吃,最终以Rustico(Rockingham)超好吃的tapas作为Margaret River region旅途的终结。

请你也看:Greater Perth 6D6N Detail Itinerary

Other itineraries:
2017 - Germany: Upper Middle Rhine Valley One Day Tour (Stay tune)

Friday 29 May 2015





Thursday 28 May 2015




热锅加油,把蒜头爆香后放入珊瑚菇大火快炒。把炒好的蒜头和珊瑚菇放入沸水锅内。加入适量chicken stock和盐作调味,煮熟后打三粒蛋进锅内,稍微搅一搅把蛋黄弄散。把火熄了,把盖关上焖一焖。
