Tuesday 19 March 2013

My Route 66

Ever since I watched Cars, I somehow always think that Route 66 is the coolest road in USA :p

So, I took a photo with the Route 66 sign when I was in Disneyland's Car Land.

Then I have to take photo with the sigh of "Historic route 66" when we were actually drove on the mother road. First, with iPad.

Then I forced the little girl to help me to take another photo, this time with my DSLR.

So what did we do at Route 66 actually? We were driving from Grand Canyon to Las Vegas, and I insisted that I must drive on Route 66, even only for a small stretch. So we drove to Seligman, stopped at Snow Cap Drive-In to experience how it really feel like if Radiator Spring is for real.

Snow Cap Drive In

Surprisingly, I am not the only Pixar-toxicated-fan. There are really a lot of people (I guessed most probably influenced by Route 66 nostalgia) that purposely came here for a stop!

To order, you have to go into this door:

Basically a tunnel of stickers and photos and advertisements:

It's an unique experience so we actually enjoyed this:

You know what is even crazier than the tunnel? The counter!!! I really didn't know which sign to look at when it's our turn to order.

This cute little model of Snow Cap Drive-In was placed at the counter, together with other souvenirs. But this one is not on sale.

Our initial plan was to buy burgers and hotdogs. However, I think they are not used to handle a crowd of more than 5 so we were asked to wait for another 20 minutes. Though we were not really rushing, but first of all, I normally don't believe in the locals' concept of time when I were at some super slow pace small towns. Secondly, we do want to reach Hoover Dam as soon as possible. So, at the end, we got ourselves a nice cup of cherry sundae to enjoy at the backyard :)

Every tourists are busy taking photos here

Sherrif is waiting....

Do you see Doc Hudson?

Oh, and you gotta love the toilet! It is with air conditioned, and with an antique TV set too!

After the brief stop, we continued our journey to Hoover Dam then Las Vegas. It is until 3 days kater, that we met again with Route 66!

I actually ended my USA 15 days road trip by taking photo with "End of the Trail" of Route 66 at Santa Monica!

I love my Route 66!

Monday 18 March 2013

How I Got Shrunk

Another World Heritage added on my list :)
To blog about The Grand Canyon is definitely one of the hardest blog post I've ever wrote. First of all, I do not have enough vocabulary to describe this wonderful place. Secondly, selecting photos is super tough. None of my photos make justice to this place, but yet, there are so many things I wish to show and I just do not know how to choose.

After paying the entrance fee (USD25 per private car), we were officially in the national park. Our first stop was at the Desert View. We bought ourselves hotdogs and drinks and had our first picnic in the park at the watch tower. Well, the food may not be great, but with the view, that's probably one of the best hotdog I've ever had :)

Desert View Watch Tower

View from the Watch Tower

(Photographed by Ching Ching)
After the lunch / tea break, my photography session started. As you can imagine, I just can't stop taking photos after photos. First of all, of course, because the view is stunning. Secondly, all the photos I took look terrible on my LCD screen.

I started to regret that I didn't spend enough time learning / practicing my photography skill before I come. I've never took any photos with such huge contrast and I just couldn't handle this. Sigh......

Standing at the view point, looking at the endless and various landscape expanded in the horizon made us feel insignificant. We were shrunk. Both of us were so quiet when we were in the Grand Canyon National Park, most probably we couldn't find the vocabulary to express ourselves, even in Mandarin.

The weather was great when we arrived at the Grand Canyon. I love the cloudy sky that match so well with the canyon. When we drove along the scenic desert view drive, we stopped at every single canyon viewpoints. Though our original plan was to check in to the Maswik Lodge and have a quick shower before the sunset, we just couldn't make it. By the time we reached Mather Point, it was almost sunset so we decided to change our plan.

We enjoyed a wonderful, breath-taking sunset. Some Mighty Power were so kind to us that He decided to paint the sky with various vivid colours.

As if it was not impressive enough, He even sent a family of deers to awe us. It was so amazing to have the doe and her baby standing less than 5 feet away from us. We were trying very hard to take photos of them without the flash, but on the other hand were so worried that they got scared. After the doe and her baby crossed the car park, the handsome stag appeared. Apparently he was watching us in the dark, protecting his wife and kid I guess :)

After the sunset, we went to Maswik Lodge to check in, and had our dinner at the cafe before we went to our room (have to drive from Lobby to our room). There are good enough variety of food to choose from, and there's even a Pizza pub with wide screen TV for those sports fans to spend their night. When we finally reached our room, I have to say, it was a pleasant surprise. When I researched for accommodation inside the Grand Canyon National Park, the photos that I saw were quite hopeless. I was cursing that they charged so high for such basic, ugly and old accommodation (but yet, still the cheapest available during our stay). Apparently they should fire their marketing manager for never update their photos. The motel room comes with 2 very comfortable queen size beds, LCD TV, coffee maker, refrigerator, air conditioning, shower and bathtub. There were ample space for 4 actually so it's good for both of us to re-organize our getting-messy-and-messier-luggage.

The next morning, we woke up at 4am, and drove to Yavapai point for the sunrise. It was 4 degree C in the car and we were sure that it was colder at the point where we waited for the sunrise. There's only 2 of us and another couple sitting at the bench, waiting in the dark. It felt so peaceful and connected to the nature that it almost made me cry.

If you look harder, there's another group waiting for sunrise at the other end.

Grand Canyon at dawn

Finally the sun rise and suddenly tons of tourists rushed in from no where. Well, of course, if you learn how to ignore them, the sunrise moment is still breath taking.

I love how the sun beam slowly touched the canyon, inch by inch, turning the dark canyon into vivid red. The little girl said she prefer sunset than sunrise but I love both. The shades of colours during sunset and sunrise are totally different but equally awesome.

This is taken after the sunrise, when the canyon is all light up :)

We went back to our room to pack and had our breakfast. The check out time is 11am so we must get everything ready and onto our car before we start our next session. We were taking the free shuttle at Hermits Rest Route.

While walking from our room to the free shuttle station, we walked pass the railway. I still think it is a great idea to travel to Grand Canyon by train. The Grand Canyon Railway is the most traditional and historic mode of transport to Grand Canyon. Too bad we just couldn't squeeze this into our tight itinerary.

We walked a little bit on the trail of time before we hopped on a shuttle. It is fun to explore the National Park this way, where you ponder and understand the magnitude of geologic timeline.

While exploring, we also had a close encounter with a fatty cute squirrel that's eating apple with the best view in the world. I bet he doesn't know how lucky he is. :)

Exploring the national park with the free shuttle not only environmental friendly, but it's also very convenient. You can easily hop on and off at the designated points and take your own sweet time to explore, or even decide at which points onwards you wish to hike.

Unfortunately, we only planned for 2D1N in Grand Canyon (trust me, if possible, make it at least a 5D4N trip here. There are so many things to see and so many places to explore here!!), so we could only stopped at a few view points, then rushed back for check out.

The Mighty Sculptor - Colorado River

Sunday 17 March 2013



Sedona from afar


Driving towards Sedona

驾着车子在红石中穿梭,有种难以形容的兴奋在空中飘荡。我们基本上是每看见一个观景台就非驱车直入不可。我们的第一站就是Sedona Tourist Information Center。此地的旅游观光处做得很好,犹如小型博物馆,资料应有尽有,连每一天的 park rangers 的详细资料也一一列出。

Panoramic View from Sedona Tourist Information Center

到了Sedona市中心,简直就是个红石围绕的小镇。小妹妹因为受人所托,见到GAP专卖店非进不可,我则撇下她在小镇内绕了一圈。蓝天下红土坎上的黄色野花正在撒野,subtractive primary colours 营造出单纯的、自然的、强烈的视觉上的刺激与满足。在这一刻,我后悔了。早知如此,与其在凤凰城无聊了一晚,我们应该一鼓作气驾多两个小时的车程到这美丽的地方住上一晚。



Driving towards Flagstaff (photographed by Ching Ching)




小峡谷也是由Colorado River雕塑而成, 在荒凉大地上画出了深层的3D画作。我们拍了几张到此一游的照片,又再匆匆上路。


Friday 15 March 2013

So Proud of Myself

This morning, when I'm busy working, I received a pleasant surprise. An email from TripAdvisor, titled "Congratulations, you are among the top 1% most-read reviewers on TripAdvisor!"

I was so excited, I can't imagine I'm the top 1%! Must have contributed a lot to the world tourism. Ha ha!

I print-screen this email and share the news with Ah Wei, some friends and colleagues. Some asked "So what price do you get? Free trips? Discounted tickets?"

Well, nothing monetary. It's the sense of satisfaction and sense of contribution that count!

I always dream of having my own business in tourism industry. Before I could actually start contributing in this industry, at least I have putting in quite some effort in giving opinions that help other travellers :)