Thursday 7 March 2013

Mayim Bialik

I am not sure if you do notice, I have just recently added another link at "吃饱没事做?阿盈向你推荐" - Mayim Bialik's blog.

As I told you earlier, recently I've been addicted to The Big Bang Theory. So I started to watch video clips on Youtube and googled about The Big Bang Theory, then Sheldon Cooper, then Jim Parsons, and then almost everything about The Big Bang Theory. And this is how I came across The Official Mayim Bialik's Blog.

When Amy Farrah Fowler first appeared in the final episode of season 3, I actually love the idea of having a female version of Sheldon Cooper, they seems like a perfect match! And I did somehow find this face familiar.

However, in Season 4, I do not like the way this character developed. Amy is quite annoying sometimes,  being too harsh and trying too hard  (and I was happy that Sheldon described her as his friend who is a girl but not not his girlfriend.) I think at this point, the writers were trying very hard to find the balance between making her a female-version of Sheldon Cooper and at the same time likeable. After all, making an easily unlikeable character a likeable one is actually Jim Parson's thing.

It is in mid of Season 5 that the writers finally found the rhythm. The chemistry between Jim Parsons and Mayim Bialik makes Shamy moments subtly sweet and enjoyable. Like Sheldon, my feelings for her has been increased too. :)

So I googled her, and I finally know why I felt that she looks familiar. She was Blossom Russo! (Well, I never watched that TV series in the 90s, but back then, they were not much shows on the TV and we basically know almost every shows aired. Blossom was quite popular back then), and she was in Beaches too.

It was when I watched one of the interviews on Youtube that I found out that she was actually accepted by Harvard and Yale (but she chose to attend UCLA to be close to her parents!) She earned Bachelor's Degree in Neuroscience, Hebrew and Jewish studies, and she completed her PhD in Neuroscience!!She is Dr. Mayim Bialik!! So, this is how I started to read her blogs.

I enjoy reading her blog posts. I respect her devotion to religious, I respect her passion in science and education, I respect her being a vegan, and I respect her practice in attachment parenting. Putting her political opinion aside, I think she is sophisticated and inspiring. Besides, her blogs sometimes including behind the scenes of The Big Bang Theory too! So here I am, recommending her blog to you :)

Latest update as of July 2016, Mayim has a new fantastic site: Grok Nation

Tuesday 5 March 2013




可怕的是小人, 几千年来小人在阴暗处享受着损人不利己的活动,即使是疯子如Joker,也总有所图,可是小人图个什么呢?小人不怕麻烦、办事效率高,他们善于领会及运用别人的隐忧和私欲,把大事搞砸,可他们图个什么呢?我们想极也没有答案。

借余秋雨说的:“他们反复向别人解释,自己是天底 下受损实最大的人,自己是弱者,弱得不能再弱了,似乎生就是被别人欺侮的料。”。偏偏他们又善于用谣言制造气氛,借他人之手起哄是他们的天赋。我们除了无可奈何,除了手足无措,除了防不胜防,我们千百年来就这样受着……







这可是我第一次吃鸳鸯laksa哦,想不到asam laksa加siam laksa(lemak)这么美味!


p.s. 这个故事教训我们,别没事儿在FB上胡言乱语讨食物,那是会给别人家带来很多麻烦的!真是超级不好意思!

Monday 4 March 2013

I am Not a Slave

I noticed that more and more people started to notice that it is hard to find me through mobile phone during non-working hours. Well, I think if I don't explain myself, more and more people will start to think that I am super sombong liao. Haha! This makes this blog post very important to me, though I am so tempted to go to bed now :)

I think it is about time that I make this declaration: I am not a slave to technology! I always suspected that one day when the A.I. rise to power, I will be the few that get terminated since I always have 十冤九仇with computers.

Please understand that I am not obsessed about technology. I don't think my brian has developed to be able to constantly engaged in 24 hours connection. I don't feel the necessity to have my mobile phone with me for 24 hours. (This is also one of the reasons I do not have a data plan even though it is supposed to be employee benefits). The mobile phone is called a mobile phone for a reason: we only need it when we are mobile :p

When I go to meeting, I don't always bring my phone along because I know I am not going to pick up anyway (courtesy in meetings), unless I am waiting for some urgent calls. I'll have it with me if I'm mobile - walking from one plant to another.

When I'm driving, unless I'm with headsets, else I will not pick it up unless I know there's some urgent calls coming in.

When I'm at home (especially weekends), most probably my mobile phone will be in the dark corner of my backpack that I bring to work, or it will sit quietly at the side table in my bedroom. If I were downstair chit-chatting with my parents or reading news paper or munching tibbits, I will not hear my phone rings and I will not look at it at all until the next morning when it wakes me up (oh, and my phone doesn't have to do this on weekends since I am the follower of 睡到自然醒.

When I'm exercising, I assure you my mobile phone got no chance to follow me. Physical strength is my weakest link :) It is already hard for me to balance, to jump, to run, to shake, to stretch. I assure you that distraction from a phone call is the last thing that I allow to jeopardize my determination in shaping a healthier me.

When I'm in the toilet, don't even expect me to pick up the phone! I am either very focus in doing the business, or too embarrased to talk to you with the uniquely-toilet aurally-pleasing-acoustic.

When I'm in the cinema. Lagi no hope! I deserve 100% cinema experience, and I am not risking myself to be the public enemy #1.

So, if you ever called / texed / Viber / Whatsapp but couldn't get me, don't worry. Most probably I still haven't notice the missed calls or sms or whatsoever. I will, just not yet.

Like what Yoda said, patience you must have.

Pilgrim of an Olympic Fan

Like what I said a year back, I am a huge fan of Olympic games. I love the wonderful opportunity to look at the physical and cultural aspects of our world. I love the true meaning of to train, to commit to an activity, and healthy sense of competition. I love the diversity of our world.

In year 2011, I had the "Pilgrim" at Barcelona, where my all time favorite Summer Olympic being hosted.

In year 2012, I finally have a brief visit at the place where it begins.....

The Games of the XXIII Olympia stays forever special in my heart. It was year 1984. I was 8 years old. I knew nothing about Olympics but I decided to wake up very early to watch the opening ceremony together with my uncle, just for fun. And I was hooked to Olympics ever since. Maybe because we can remember better when we were young, or maybe because this is such an unique experience for me, I have vivid memory of the jetpack, of the pianos and choir, and of how the "Olympic Fanfare and Theme" was played (it is until I when I wrote a blog about John Williams that I noticed this was composed by him. No wonder I love this piece so much :p)

So, before I departed LA for San Diego, I purposedly drove all the way (when I said purposedly, I meant it! LA's traffic is horrible and I didn't mind the countless traffic lights along S. Western Ave just to get to this place!) to the LA Memorial Coliseum.The weather was great and I love the fact that the coliseum stands out in the pictures with my favorite California blue sky as background.

Sunday 3 March 2013

Behind The Scene

It is hard not to plan at least a hint of Hollywood in your itinerary when you visit Los Angeles.

Hence, even I'm not a big fan of theme parks, I can't help but allocating one full day of my precious West Coast moment to "Universal Studios". We went there early, when the park just open. Walking from the car park to the theme park through CityWalk is a pleasant experience. We did have great time doing window shopping and per-decide which shops to go after we are done with the theme park.

Before we visited the park, we imagined there will be long queue everywhere and hence we have planned our strategy very well. We have only 3 must-do in the theme park: Transformers: The Ride-3D, Studio Tour, and WaterWorld

We heard the Transformers ride in Singapore is super hot so we decided to run all the way to lower lot once we get into the park, focus on Transformers ride, and tackle the rest one by one.

To our surprise, there's no queue at all. We didn't even have to wait in the line. We walked in to the building and got on the first car we saw, and we had the ride! Well, it was actually an awesome ride. It is amazing how real the 3D technology can become. I salute to all those have contributed their effort in making this so enjoyable!

Even I am not a fan of Transformers, still, how can I not take photos of Optimus Prime? :)

Now we learn that Universal Studio is not half as crowded as Disneyland, we were so relax!! We changed our plan and decided to take a few more rides at the lower lot before we go for studio tour.

Well, in this case, I MUST go to Jurassic Park! Watching Jurassic Park in the cinema 20 years ago (yes! it was almost 20 years ago!!) is one of those memories that stay vividly in my brain. I remembered my uncle and all the cousins went to cinema in Sunshine Square for this show. It was mind-blowing then with all the computer-generated imagery. I remembered how we screamed and laughed, and I remembered how scared we were during the build-up to the appearance of the T-Rex, with the water vibrating in the glass on the car's dashboard. Oh, and that is the first time I learned the word Velociraptor, and I love the idea of having smart-ass creature as vallain in box-office movies :)

During the beginning of the ride, it is quite relaxing and I can still manage to take some nice photos of smiling dinosaur with my handphone. However, the tension built up, and I have to hold the seat so tight and shouting non-stop during the treacherous drop at the end. We ended up all wet! But loving it!

The little girl then insisted to take the mummy ride. I think it was quite boring based on my previous experience. So, while she went for the ride, I took some time to visit the NBC Universal Experience. I really think there are rooms for improvement for this little museum. The props and costumes are very limited, and I think the visitors can hardly feel connected / excited at all.

Embarrassingly, I was more excited with the stand up cutouts of the Apollo 13 crew than visiting the NBC Universal Experience.

Oh, and how can I not trying to hi-5 with Iron Man?

My favorite experience of the park is of course the Studio Tour. Though this is my second visit, I still enjoy go behind the scene, exploring Hollywood's most famous backlot of movie studio, I still love how everyone shouts when The Jaws appear, I still cannot believe how a small Spanish town can have a flash flood in minutes, and I am still very excited to see THE DeLorean from Back to the Future! This time, the Studio Tour experience is even cooler with the King-Kong 360 3D. Peter Jackson made this so believable that my heart actually pounded everytime the T-Rex came near us.
Entrance to the coolest ride - King Kong 360 3D
Another pleasant surprise is The WaterWorld. Even when I was the fan of Kevin Costner, I never love the movie. But the stunts and actions that they planned in this show is great and fun! The fact that an actual small aeroplane flew in is fascinating :)
Concluded the visit

Due to there were basically very few visitors on the day we visited Universal Studio, we actually finished all the rides and shows that we wanted-to and those we never-planned-to, much earlier than we expected. We then spent our time shopping for souvenirs at the CityWalk and the little girl had her first ever Taco Bell as dinner.

As if we didn't have enough dose of Hollywood, we continued our journey at Hollywood Walk of Fame and The Grauman's Chinese Theater, a must-do for tourist around the world. I was not thrilled since there were no actual stars at sight, but I still love taking photos with the Star Wars folks :)

Sunday 24 February 2013


我近年来很少看电视了,我不懂得处理自己对可悲世界的复杂情绪。中国的节目我更是敬而远之,那种煽情,总是轻易令我手足无措。今天不小心陪爸妈看了「感动中国」,在一旁假假玩着Bejewled Blitz,一旁眼泪鼻涕却在黑暗中流个不停。泱泱大国对表扬孝、善、爱显得刻意,却必需。在这人性贪婪自私迷失方向的道德衰败的世界,美好的人性应该被表扬。总会有一些真善美被唤醒,总有人的信念被巩固。

Wednesday 20 February 2013




Tuesday 12 February 2013

Sunday 3 February 2013

Rock Scissors Paper Lizards Spock

I seriously think we should upgrade from Rock Scissors Paper to a more civilized method when come to deciding who to do the chores or who to decide what shows to watch for CNY countdown:

Get it? No? Sheldon says it's very simple:
Scissors cuts paper, paper covers rock, rock crushes Lizard, Lizard poisons Spock, Spock smashes scissors, scissors decapitates Lizard, Lizard eats paper, paper disproves Spock, Spock vaporizes rock, and as it always has, rock crushes scissors.