我们在Cuba Street吃了一顿让我们难忘的午餐后,原想乘cable car上Wellington Botanical Garden,可是Waze把我们‘带到荷兰’去,只见购物区不见cable car station,于是我们决定直接驾车上山。山上泊车位有限,而且很陡,想来cable car还是最佳选择。公园很干净美观,偶尔有一两棵转黄的树提醒我们这是秋天。秋天的四五点,天已经快暗下来了,而且渐渐转冷,公园里除了我们没什么人踪,于是我们草草饶了一圈就到YHA报到去了。
宿舍附近都是酒吧、餐厅,热闹得很。宿舍后面有家人气很旺的Monsoon Poon,一伙人听我说是亚洲fusion,开开心心浩浩荡荡走去吃晚餐。原以为都是‘骗红毛’的玩意儿,没想到真的好吃,难怪高朋满座。吃了晚餐再到宿舍对面的New World 打个转,难得不必在六点过后就回房间,大家很满意呢。
LOTR迷小贴士:Mount Victoria上有一片森林是Hobbiton Woods拍摄地点。兴致高昂的可以驾车到Hutt River 看River Anduin;或到Harcourt Park看Gardens of Isengard;再远一点到Kaitoke Regional Park 就有Rivendell了。Wellington还有个Weta Workshop,但时间有限,我甚至不敢把这排在行程里。
我用Google Maps的Lord of the Rings Filming Location Map找到了Mount Victoria上的Hobbiton Trail。(为了到Mount Victoria,我特地穿了我的LOTR/Calvin and Hobbes Mash-up T Shirt,本来是为了自爽,后来才发现还真有个“Hobbiton Trail”,当然要拍照留念一下。)然后,一行人就开始自导自演自乐了一轮。
Out of sudden, accidentally, I spent a weekend finished watching the Season 8 of The Big Bang Theory and I'm hooked all over again.
I must say, I love how Sheldon transformed. The writers made it so subtle that now we look back, Sheldon's character grow episode by episode, season by season since the introduction of Amy in the end of Season 3. Though I did not like how the way Amy's character developed in Season 4, the writers finally found the rhythm in Season 5, and since then, Sheldon's dynamic with Amy was adorable in a fascinating way. I love how Jim Parsons and Mayim Bialik make these characters grow slowly, steadily and wonderfully.
So much so I want to write about how I feel about their romantic relationship (I do notice what happened in Season 9, where they finally 'joining the club of all of humanity'), or to talk about how well the writers planned for Sheldon's self-discovery and continue developing his social and interpersonal skills, I missed the neurotic guy in the earlier seasons (this is a sitcom anyway). He is stubborn, irritating and annoying (And yet, Jim Parsons successfully turned him into one of the most adorable characters in the fictional world), and he steals the show every time!
When they first started the show, they give us a fantastic character whose passion for science was the core of this existence. The writers worked very hard to put every possible imaginable nerdy awkward moment into Sheldon's character, and they always give him the best lines. Jim Parsons always speak it rhythmically and I missed that! I missed how Sheldon speaks as if he is singing passionately.
Here are some of the rhythmical lines that I love (limited to clips that I managed to find on Youtube):
1. Guess What Just Happened
- This is not only my favorite rhythmical lines, but also one of those scenes that defines Sheldon. His out of the world, childlike imagination makes him so adorable that no matter how much you were irritated by him, moments like this always make sure he immediately has surplus in the emotional bank account.
2. The Drake Equation
- Even during the days when we had to memorize a lot of formulas, we never able to say this the way Jim Parsons says it! As if he is reciting a poem.
3. Sheldon's Spot
- This is one of the famous quotes from The Big Bang Theory. Even Penny had a chance to say these lines a few seasons later. Still, Jim says it the best.
4. Sheldon Star Wars Fascination
- Sounds like a poem to a Star Wars fan :)
5. The Tall Man From Cornwall
- After all, this is a children's book adaptation
由于我们一行有老有少,行李扛上拖下必定麻烦,所以我们才选择了Apex Car Rental。在纽西兰租车,并不是所有租车公司允许你驾租借的车子乘渡轮过另一个岛,所以租车时特别要注意。(另外,取车时必须取船票,否则恐怕会有麻烦。以我为列,在Queenstown取车时Apex的工作人员没有print船票给我,在check in时确实是花了些许时间。我运气好,负责check in的工作人员不介意到system检查资料再另外给我打印船票,否则就麻烦了)。
一早我们就驾车到Inter Islander Vehicle Check in (注意哦,汽车上渡轮和行人上都轮的入口是不同地方的,别去错地方了),大家车子排长龙让工作人员做检查,我就到一旁喝杯Havana Coffee慢慢享受好时光。车辆检查完毕,大家慢慢地把车子驾上渡轮。车子停放好后,报告员开始请大家离开停车处。大家井然有序地走到船舱去。