Thursday 5 December 2013

Day 5 - Relatively Easy

Day 5 consist of 100 high kicks and 75 Russian twists. Though the names sound intimadating, to my surprise, these are relatively easy.
High kicks are good warming up exercise. Though not as challenging, but you will start to feel your whole body getting warm after around 20 of these. I think I'll use these for my warm up in the future.
Russian twist is more challenging. To me, the balancing act of "sitting-on-the-ground-with-your-knees-bent-and-your-heels-about-two-feet-from-your-bum-and-lean-back-without-rounding-your-spine" is harder than the twist itself. So I actually took some time to practise the balancing act first before I start the twisting with dumbbells. Though not as challenging, I still have to do these 75 in 20-20-15-15 four sessions.
Overall, because of relatively easier, I did enjoy my session today :)

Day 4 - Start to Fall in Love with This

Ok, maybe not REALLY fall in love, but at least I enjoyed today session.
Day 4 is 200 crunches (ouch!) and 100 skaters. Crunches are killing me as usual, but skaters are fun! You can just imagine yourself as a Winter Olympic speed skating athlete, trying your best pursuing the gold medal. It's so cool that I didn't even notice that I have done much more than the Challenge required.
Even during my usual dumbbell session, I unintentionally ended up doing the skaters with dumbbells.  I guess after this 30 Days Beach Body Challenge, I'm going to put skaters into my daily routine :)

Tuesday 3 December 2013

Day 3 - Don't Ever Over Estimate Your Capability

OK, so staying in my bed for the visualization may not be a good idea. I accidentally fell asleep when I was half way to the future. When I gained my consciousness again, it was already 6:20am!! (I better change my "Get Grateful and Visualize" session from lying comfortably on the bed, to a sitting position on the floor.) I have to skip the normal stretching exercise. Instead, I immediately started the burpees after warm up.

I watched the burpees video last night, and I thought it must be more fun to do it a bit faster, maybe do it with some upbeat music. So today, I started at a very fast pace. It's fun at the very beginning, but I almost had heart attack at my #15th burpee. Apparently I have over estimated my physical capability.

So instead of continue and finish the 50 burpees, I rested in a lying position, and continued with kickdowns instead. My stomach muscles were already in pain due to the first 2 days crunches, planks and bicycles, so it was actually quite hard to complete the 50 kickdowns in a row too.

So this was how I completed my Day 3: 15 burpees --> 20 kickdowns --> 15 burpees --> 15 kickdowns --> 10 burpees --> 15 kickdowns --> 10 burpees

Monday 2 December 2013

Day 2 - Hour of Power

I felt that something was missing from my Day 1 of 30 Days Beach Body Challenge. So, last night I searched my feelings, and 'ting', a light bulb!
It was the first CD of "Get the Edge" program that fired up my desire to change. Naturally, I missed the "Hour of Power" so I made some modification to my routine.

I woke up at 5:50am this morning. Still lying on my bed, I started the 1:4:2 breathing exercise (inhale for 1 count, hold for 4 counts, exhale for 2 counts), while I visualize about everything that I'm grateful for. I visualize everything I want in my life as if I had already achieved.  (I always love this part!)

After the breathing and visualization exercise, I started my stretching exercise on my bench. 15 minutes on each leg.
I normally don't time myself so I get Chinese Traditional Music 流水and平沙落雁 (these 2 pieces add up to around 15 minutes) as my stretching music so that I know when to switch side. Besides, these pieces are calm and peaceful, good for meditation while stretching.

After stretching and warm up, I finally came to the actual "30 Day Beach Body Challenge". Day 2 is 100 bicycles and two 30s planks.

To make sure it's not too boring, I break the planks into 2 different sessions. I started the workout with 30s plank (much easier than yesterday) and followed by the bicycle then 30s plank again.

The bicycles part was easy, but the bicycles crunch part was killing me. So instead of doing 100 bicycle crunches, I did 20 bicycles, 20 bicycle crunches and alternate doing this for 140 times.

After the Day 2 of "30 Day Beach Body Challenge", I had some fun with dumbbell session, dancing to the Faye Wong's 浮躁 before I went to shower and off to work.

Sunday 1 December 2013

Day 1 - Accidental Healthy Start (relatively)

I woke up at 6:30am as I promised. (trust me, this is super hard for me, almost never happened on Sundays!) Instead of start my day with warm ups and stretching on my bench, I headed to toilet for "colon cleansing". I guess I had too much oily food the day before, and the 大肠经 really working effectively during this hour.
7am, I started my stretching routine for 30 minutes. Then, I start to follow the 30 Day Beach Body Challenge. The first 60s plank was easy. The 50 crunches were not terribly hard too. It was the second 60s plank that killed me. I couldn't hold. Arms muscles not strong enough, stomach muscles not strong enough, even my back pain! To ensure I won't give up easily, also base on the advice online, I broke this 60s plank into two 30s sessions with a brief 30s rest in between, and I finally made it.
To end my early Sunday workout session, I had some simple dumbbell dance to 蓝莲花(no joke!)
After the workout, I'm super hungry. Mum still sleeping so I ended up with relatively healthy breakfast (山药薏米芡实莲子drink, Jacob's Hi Cal biscuit with tuna, some guavas and a cup of coffee), not what I intended to but there's all I can find with no cooking involve :)

Saturday 30 November 2013

Challenge Accepted!

I used to wake up at 5am every morning to workout before I go to office. That felt like centuries ago......
I know I am not as healthy as I wish to be, and I have been wanted to restart this habit, but I have been procrastinating. (When it comes to procrastinating, I'm a PRO.)

Somehow, TODAY, out of sudden, I decided that I want my old self back! I searched the web for some fitness programs. Instead of "get fit in x weeks" programs, I have decided to challenge the "30 Day Beach Body Challenge". I just want to tone the muscle so there are no diet plans involve here.

To make sure that I keep this promise to myself, and to prove that I can achieve anything if I wish to, I decide that I MUST announce my plan here. I'll monitor my progress and this blog is my journal. I'll start to workout again, start from 1st Dec 2013.

Tomorrow, I'll wake up at 6:45am for my usual stretching, and I'll continue with 60 second planks, 50 crunches, and 60 second planks again.

Sunday 24 November 2013

A Little Bit of Curiosity Never Killed Me

I'm currently reading "In the Plex", and I couldn't help but amazed by Google.

(Well, I am always a fan. It's not a secret. I always love to tell the younger generations how painful it was to search for information online during the "pre-Google-era". The "physically finding information in library" way of research is almost unspeakable.)

When I read about the stories behind AdSense, I decided to add an AdSense to my blog too. Not for making money, since I never plan to draw any audience to this half-diary, but more for better understanding. I'm not those genius geeks so I don't really plan to understand the algorithm behind. However, I'd love to test it out, to randomly check what are the advertisements showed. I haven't really completed the appropriate setting so Google crawler now unable to access my page to determine its contest and display relevant ads. I shall monitor for at least a month before I allow the crawler to access. 

So excited to see the results :)

Thursday 24 October 2013




我俩在公寓内呆了不久就开始觉得对不起自己,小妹妹坚持得买手信,又嚷着到了KK不买海产有些说不过去,于是我顺她意,就真的带她到Handicraft Market物色珍珠项链去了。

铺名:Sana Kraft
那位和蔼可亲忠厚老实的售货员:Aishah (019-8804676)
老板:Noriman binri Sirad (019-8520821)
Cawangan Pusat Kraftangan Sinsuran
Jalan Tum Stephen
88000 Kota Kinabalu
Ocean Seafood
Lot 9, Block F, Segama Complex,
88000 Kota Kinabalu
Tel: 088257824

到了机场,才发觉原来不需要千里迢迢去寻找。Departure hall也有一家海产店,虽然选择较少,但方便得多了,价钱也和外头不相上下。反正亚航业只允许handcarry海产,即买即带就是了。


Monday 14 October 2013

Work Happily

I've said this a million times, and I still want to repeat this: I'm a Disney baby. I grew up believing you can just whistle while you work; you can get all the animals sing along "we can do it, we can do it"; you can think of the happiest things and it's the same as having wings......

"In every job that must be done there is an element of fun" is what my pseudo-nanny, Mary Poppins taught me.

So, in my work area, I focus in cultivate a team that laugh in the face of challenges and difficulties. We do great in physiology. Sometimes, just like the rest, we do feel down, but we always try hard to uplift each others' spirit. We passionately discuss about works, about life, about dreams and about everything else.

So if you choose to stress yourselves at work, if you envious of our happiness, I am sorry for you. If my happiness affect your moral and make you depressed, I am sorry for you. I am sorry that you can't understand how this team works. I am sorry that we have different perspective of "professionalism".

All of us spend more than 1/3 of our daily life at work. Please learn to be happy. Please learn to enjoy. Please learn to find all the fun elements at work. Even if you are not depressed but only emotionless, that is still sad.

I am sorry. I just can't go to the dark side......

Thursday 19 September 2013


九月一日(Gaya Street; Tunku Abdul Rahman Marine Park; Waterfront; 宿Marina Vacation Condo @ Marina Court Resort Condominium

这一天,我们一早就起床到Gaya Street Sunday Market逛。或许是我太久没有逛街市,我总觉得这儿挺好、特别的,五花八门、琳琅满目。而且那些小狗呀,鱼儿呀,特别可爱。不过,由于我们并没有什么特别想买的,也就走马看花地绕了一圈,然后往Jesselton Point Ferry Terminal走去,和不愿早醒的另一群汇合。一路上,我们尝试靠海岸走,发觉KK虽然是首都城市,但海水基本上还非常干净,在码头往下看仍然可以看见海底和小鱼,KK居民真叫人羡慕。

我们在Jesselton Point五号柜台要了往Sapi Island和Manukan Island的两岛配套,每人二十五元,外加RM7.50的税收,以及RM3的入门票,我个人觉得非常便宜。从KK往这些海岛只不过二十分钟左右的船程,方便而简易,再加上这儿椰风树影水清沙幼,真的值得一游。


Gaya Street牌坊


我们在朋友大力推荐下,在Gaya Street的怡丰咖啡店喝了非常香浓的双层拉茶,是非常好喝香滑,但是要RM2.50一杯哦!我们又观察到这家咖啡店的客人多点“辣沙”(咖喱面),我才想起做功课时曾经看过这家店以辣沙闻名,于是又点了一碗尝尝。咖喱是挺香的,不过这样的咖喱面并不合我口味。这么一碗要马币五元!亚庇食物真正贵!

日落完毕,我们经过一番周折才来到著名的大茄来吃晚餐。原来虽然说是在Star City,但毕竟隐蔽,是得绕到建筑物后头才看得到这家店面。我们十六人两桌共点了下图这一些食物。每桌食物包括招牌豆腐、两道青菜、甘香螃蟹1kg、咸蛋螃蟹1kg、七星斑800g、东风螺1kg以及生蚝(每只马币七元)。

(Tunku Abdul Rahman Marine Park入门费每人共RM35.50,浮潜用具一套RM10;Sapi Island上的快熟面午餐一碗RM3;Waterfront饮料一杯RM6;大茄来海鲜晚餐RM509)

